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更新时间:2023-05-26 浏览次数:50 类型:期中考试
五、单项选择。(20 分)
  • 31. 阅读下面的对话,掌握大意,然后从各题的三个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳的一项。

    Nancy: Look—Mum. There are many big birds in the sky.

    Mum: They're wild1. They are changing homes.

    Nancy: Why do they change homes?

    Mum: 2winter is coming. They cannot find food in the3in winter. So they have to fly south.

    Nancy: Will they come back?

    Mum: Yes. In spring, it is4in the north. They will fly back.

    Nancy: Wow! They move around so much. They have busy5.

    A . goose B . geese C . ducks
    A . So B . And C . Because
    A . east B . north C . south
    A . warm B . hot C . cold
    A . life    B: lives B . live
  • 32. 阅读理解,判断句子正误。

    It's Friday today. The students are talking about their plans for the weekend. Peter is going to see his grandparents in the countryside. He is going to pick peaches, too. Jill is going to read books in the library. She loves reading. Judy is going to the beach with her family. Swimming is her brother's favourite sport. Candy is going to stay at home. She doesn't feel well. So she wants to have a rest at home. She will listen to music and watch TV.

    1. (1) Peter is going to pick peaches.
    2. (2) Judy is going to read books in the library.
    3. (3) Judy is going to the beach with her friends.
    4. (4) Swimming is Judy's brother's favourite sport.
    5. (5) Candy will stay at home because she doesn't feel well.
八、写一写。(10 分)
  • 33. 请参考提示的问题写一写二十年后的你。

    In twenty years, what will you do? What will you be like? Where will you live?...

    In twenty years, I will be (a/an)____________ . I will be____________ . I will have____________ . I won't____________ . I will live____________ .____________

