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更新时间:2023-04-16 浏览次数:71 类型:月考试卷
四、听录音,分别用A. B. C. D. E给下列句子排序。(10分)
  • 17. 听录音,分别用A. B. C. D. E给下列句子排序。


    Wow, it's so big! How many students are there in your class?

    Welcome to our school. This is my classroom.

    Do you have a library?

    Yes, we do. It's on the second floor. This way, please.

  • 18. 听录音,在相应的栏中打"√"。



    Teachers' office

    Computer room

    Art room

    1. Chen Jie


    2. Miss White


    3. Mike


    4. John


    5. Amy

  • 19. 听录音,选词填空,补全句子。

    art  music  library  garden  first

    1. (1) It's on the floor.
    2. (2) Go to the . Water the flowers.
    3. (3) Do you have a room?
    4. (4) The is next to the teachers' office.
    5. (5) Is this the room?
  • 20. 判断下列划线部分读音是否相同。
    1. (1) water    dinner    river
    2. (2) fine    six    big
    3. (3) not    note    nose
    4. (4) cute    cut    but
    5. (5) get    bed    we
  • 31. 为下列句子选择合适的答语。

    A. Let's go to the canteen (餐厅).

    B. Yes, it's next to the library.

    C. Thank you.

    D. Twenty.

    E. No, it isn't.

    1. (1) —Is this a teacher's desk?

    2. (2) —I am hungry.

    3. (3) —Do you have a music room?

    4. (4) —Your school is cool.

    5. (5) —How many students are there in your class?

  • 32. 看图,选择相应的单词补全句子。

    farmer  classroom  art  room  football  on  music  room

    1. (1) Welcome to our.

    2. (2) My uncle is a.

    3. (3) —Where are my glasses?

      —They arethe fridge.

    4. (4) —Where is the?

      —It's on the second floor.

    5. (5) Go to the playground. Play.

  • 38. 阅读小能手,选择正确的答案。

    Welcome to our school. It is very big. There are 20 classrooms in the school. Look, Welcome to our school. It is very big. There are 20 classrooms in the school. Look, this is a big playground. We have a gym, a canteen(餐厅) and a TV room. They are on the first floor. On the second floor, we have a library, a computer room, an art room and a music room. My classroom is on the second floor, too. There are many storybooks and picture books in the library. We read books in it. The music room is big and clean. We can sing and dance in it. I like it.

    1. (1) There are ________ classrooms in my school.
      A . ten B . twenty C . thirty
    2. (2) The playground is ________.
      A . small B . big C . clean
    3. (3) The TV room is on the ________ floor.
      A . first B . second C . third
    4. (4) The classroom is on the ________ floor.
      A . first B . second C . third
    5. (5) I like the ________.
      A . canteen B . playground C . music room

