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更新时间:2023-04-16 浏览次数:92 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 仿照范例将词语与相应的事物或人物建立联系。每个词语只能选用一次。

    A. presents      B. reptile     C. American    D. the British Museum    E. writer    F. cold blood

    G. the UK      H. December 25th     I. no legs    J. city    K. festival    L. blind and deaf

    例. (A)(H)(K)

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
  • 2. 选择最佳词语将短文补充完整。有一个多余选项。

    A. special B. loves C. scientist D. turtle E. writing F. kind G. computer

    Emma is a She studies plants and animals of the sea.

    Emma wears a special suit for swimming. She has a camera, too.

    Emma takes some photos of a sea . She wants to see what food it eats.

    Emma goes back to her office. She uses her to see all the photos.

    Emma her job. She is a book about the plants and animals of the sea.

  • 3. 选择最佳句子将对话补充完整。每段对话各有一个多余选项。

    A. Where is Guilin?

    B. What is it famous for?

    C. When did you go there?

    D. Where are you from?

    Peter: Hi, Lin Yi.

    Lin Yi: I am from Guilin.


    Lin Yi: It's in the south of China. It's a beautiful city.


    Lin Yi: It's famous for Li River and Elephant Trunk Hill.

  • 4. 选择最佳句子将对话补充完整。每段对话各有一个多余选项。

    A. You too!

    B. I love the Spring Festival.

    C. I'm going to learn to cook.

    D. Because my parents are always tired after work.

    Amy: What are you going to do this winter vacation?


    Amy: Why?

    Max: I want to help them with some chores.

    Amy: You are so helpful. Have a nice vacation.


  • 5. 阅读绘本,按要求完成任务。

    What is worry?

    Worry is a feeling. When you feel worried, you may think that something bad is going to happen. You may feel sick and have a stomachache.


    Why do I feel worried?

    There are many things that can make you feel worried. For example, you may be worried before going to a new school or taking part in a competition. When your grandparents are very ill, you may be worried.


    If you are worried about something, you can tell someone who cares about you. They will help you. You can also do something fun to get better.


    How can I help when someone feels worried?

    When someone feels worried, you can do these to help.

    ●Ask why they are worried.

    ●Listen to them carefully.

    ●Tell them that you will help them, if you can.

    ●Ask other people for help.


    Is it OK to feel worried?

    Everyone feels worried sometimes. That's OK. But worrying too much can make you miss out on fun things. Itis good to know what to do when you feel worried.


    1. (1) Choose the best picture for Page 1.
      A . B . C .
    2. (2) On Page 2, how many things does the writer show that can make people worried?
      A . One. B . Three. C . Five.
    3. (3) Match the subtitle (小标题) to Page 3.
      A . How often do I feel worried? B . Who makes me feel worried? C . what can I do if I feel worried?
    4. (4) According to (根据) the advice on Page 4, number the pictures.

    5. (5) Guess the meaning of miss out on Page 5.
      A . 想念 B . 享受 C . 错过
    6. (6) Why did the writer write this book?
      A . To help us know well about worry. B . To tell us how to be a good listener. C . To show us that worry is a bad feeling.
  • 6. 你的加拿大笔友Ted下学期要来你们学校上学了,他有些担心和焦虑。请你用英语写一封信,给他一些安慰或建议。

    请在答题纸上直接作答。信的开头和结尾已给出, 请至少再写5句话。

    Dear Ted,

    I know you are worried about coming to a new school.


    Welcome to my school.

    Best wishes!



