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更新时间:2023-03-23 浏览次数:79 类型:期末考试
  • 17. 选出下列每组单词中与其他两项不同类的一项。
    1. (1)
      A . sad B . tired C . eat
    2. (2)
      A . bus B . sixty C . nineteen
    3. (3)
      A . river B . shoe C . mountain
    4. (4)
      A . told B . number C . bought
    5. (5)
      A . clever B . useful C . crayon
  • 28. 从下面方框中选出与图片相对应的句子。

    A. Lingling's shoes are really clean.

    B. Daming took a photo of the Great Wall.

    C. I did morning exercises with my sister Sarah.

    D. I went swimming in the sea yesterday.

    E. Sam bought some bananas at the supermarket.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 29. 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。

    A. What did you do there?

    B. Who did you go there with?

    C. Where did you go on holiday?

    D. Did you climb Mount Hua?

    E. How did you get there?


    B: I went to Shaanxi.

    A: Really?

    B: I went there with my parents.


    B: We got there by train.


    B: We visited the museums and ate delicious food.


    B: Yes. Of course.

  • 30. 从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案。

    Mr and Mrs White come from the UK. They are in Beijing, China now. They have two children, Jim and Kate. Mrs White works in our school. Jim and Kate study in the school, but they are in different grades. Jim is in Grade Six, and Kate is in Grade One. Jim and I are in the same class. We are in Class Three. Jim and Kate go to school with me every day. They are my good friends. They like China very much. They feel happy in China.

    1. (1) Where are Mr White and his family now?
      A . In Shanghai. B . In Nanjing. C . In Beijing.
    2. (2) Mr and Mrs White have ____ children.
      A . one B . two C . three
    3. (3) Mrs White works in ________.
      A . a school B . a museum C . a supermarket
    4. (4) Kate is in ________.
      A . Grade One B . Grade Three C . Grade Six
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE?(下列哪一项是正确的? )
      A . Jim and I are in different classes. B . Kate and Jim feel bored in China. C . I go to school with Jim and Kate every day.

