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更新时间:2023-03-16 浏览次数:43 类型:开学考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Here are some of the best places to visit in Europe.

    Ephesus, Türkiye

    The ancient city Ephesus, located near Selcuk in modern-day Türkiye, is the most complete classical city in Europe. The 2nd-century Library of Celsus is the most famous of the ancient metropolis' sights, closely followed by the main thoroughfare of the Curetes Street and the vast Great Theater.

    Plovdiv, Bulgaria

    Bulgaria's second largest city, Plovdiv shared European Capital of Culture duties with Matera in Italy in 2019. The city is one of the oldest settlements in Europe. The well-preserved 2nd-century Roman theater is one of the finest archaeological sites in eastern Europe. There's also a rich archaeological museum.

    Pompeii, Italy

    Typically pulling in more than 2.5 million visitors a year, there's rarely a quiet time to visit Pompeii. But that doesn't mean it's not worth making as much time for it as possible when in southern Italy. The perfectly preserved ancient city, buried under ash when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, is unlike anything else in Europe.

    Salzburg, Austria

    With the Alps looming over the 11th-century Hohensalzburg Fortress and series of beautiful palaces and churches. Salzburg is arguably the most picturesque city in central Europe. Protected by UNESCO, the modern world feels pleasing elsewhere. The city's most famous son, Mozart, draws tourists' attention with The Sound of Music which was filmed and set here.

    1. (1) What do Ephesus and Plovdiv have in common?
      A . Their old libraries are well-preserved. B . Their ancient theatres are still being run. C . They both have a 2nd-century building. D . They share Capital of Culture duties together.
    2. (2) What happened in Pompeii in AD 79?
      A . A volcano broke out. B . Mount Vesuvius was protected. C . It was buried due to an earthquake. D . 2.5 million visitors arrived there.
    3. (3) Which of the following is Mozart's birthplace?
      A . Ephesus. B . Plovdiv. C . Pompeii. D . Salzburg.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Shawn Triplett, who now works as a volunteer at a local elementary school, was recently helping out at a shelter when he witnessed a damaging interaction between a mom and her young child after they had been displaced by the tornadoes.

    "I saw a child crying in his mother's arms. She was crying too, but you could tell she was doing her best to look strong, " he recalls. "The boy told his mom, ‘I've lost my Christmas.' It was at that moment that I broke down and had to walk outside."

    After taking a night to think about how he could best help, Triplett decided to ask friends and family to donate money so he could buy toys for the children who were impacted.

    "I was going to give them back their Christmas, " he explained. "There was so much support in the community for water, generators and food, but nobody was thinking about the kids. At least, not in the way it should be, so close to Christmas."

    Triplett ended up launching a GoFundMe page to help purchase holiday gifts for the children, which quickly spread on social media. Since launching the page three days ago, he had raised over $44, 000. He also partnered with the local supermarket, which provided a 25% discount on all purchases for him.

    While the toys were fully covered by the donors, Triplett said he had been footing the bill for wrapping paper. He planned to deliver the gifts in person in a Santa costume closer to Christmas. "We chose to wrap them so that the kids get the full experience of what Christmas should be, " he said. "We're doing everything we can to normalize a traumatic (创伤的) experience for them, even if just for a few hours."

    1. (1) What inspired Triplett to make an effort to help children?
      A . A mother's demand. B . A volunteer's appeal. C . A young boy's words. D . His childhood experiences.
    2. (2) How would Triplett help the children?
      A . By purchasing school supplies. B . By giving them a normal festival. C . By launching more GoFundMe pages. D . By sending them necessities of living.
    3. (3) What did the local supermarket do for Triplett?
      A . It did the delivery work for him. B . It provided all the supplies. C . It offered free wrapping paper. D . It took some money off his cost.
    4. (4) What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
      A . Triplett made full use of the money he got. B . Triplett ensured the gifts to be more valuable. C . Triplett tried to make kids have a normal Christmas. D . Triplett had normalized the traumatic experience for kids.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Horseback riding might not seem like a typical New York City activity, but one program has several horse farms throughout the city's busy districts. GallopNYC provides lessons to veterans(老兵) and people with disabilities — horseback riding is their therapy(疗法).

    Olivia Diver visits the GallopNYC location in the Howard Beach neighborhood in Queens. Diver has only been riding horses for a few months, but says she's already felt the benefits. "It helped me come out of my comfort zone and be less shy and less in my shell, " she said. Trying something new shows her she can accomplish other things as well.

    James Wilson, executive director at GallopNYC, says there are many ways horses can be therapeutic. "The horse sees the world in the way somebody with post-traumatic stress disor-der (PTSD) might see the world, in a really guarded, sort of anxious way, " he explained. "So, somebody with PTSD and a horse can sort of partner together and see the world in the same way and kind of take care of each other." Horses can also help with physical disabilities. After two years of therapeutic riding, a teenager, who had so little core strength that his mother had to be in the bathtub with him, had enough core strength that he could be in the shower by himself. Wilson said, "The movement of the horse will loosen up muscles that might be really tight. And the movement helps stimulate other body parts and other muscles that you might not use. "

    "CallopNYC has about 1, 000 people on is waitlist for lessons, but prioritizes people with disabilities and veterans. We believe that everybody benefits from the time on a horse, so if you want to ride a horse, come on, let's go, " Wilson said. Lessons are $55, but the non-profit fundraises to help cover or lower the cost for customers who may need support.

    1. (1) Why does GallopNYC offer the lessons?
      A . To make horse riding typical in NYC. B . To provide part-time jobs for veterans. C . To promote disabled people's incomes. D . To offer a cure to special groups.
    2. (2) What can we infer about Olivia Diver?
      A . She has learned new life skills. B . She has found her comfort zone. C . She has gained much confidence. D . She has changed her attitude to horses.
    3. (3) What does paragraph 3 intend to show?
      A . GallopNYC's leader. B . The effect of the therapy. C . Profit James Wilson has got. D . Ways of guarding people's anxiety.
    4. (4) What does Wilson think of the program according to the last paragraph?
      A . It is well received. B . It is highly profitable. C . It needs to be more creative. D . It takes ages to see the results.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Science reporting on climate change does lead Americans to adopt more accurate beliefs and support government action on the issue, but these gains are fragile, a new study suggests. Researchers found that these accurate beliefs fade quickly when people are exposed to coverage skeptical of climate change.

    "It is not the case that the American public does not respond to scientifically informed reporting when they are exposed to it, " said Thomas Wood, associate professor of political science at the Ohio State University. "But even truly accurate science reporting recedes from people's frame of reference very quickly."

    Results showed that accurate science reporting didn't persuade only politicians and people who initially rejected human-caused climate change also had their opinions shifted by reading accurate articles. The study involved 2, 898 online participants who participated in four waves of the experiment during the fall of 2020.

    In the first wave, they all read authentic articles in the popular media that provided information reflecting the seientifie views on climate change. In the second and third waves, they read either another scientific article, an opinion article that was skeptical of climate science, or an article on an unrelated subjeet. In the fourth wave, the participants simply were asked their beliefs about the science of climate change and their policy attitudes.

    To rate participants' scientific understanding. the researchers asked after each wave if they believed that climate change is happening and has a human cause. To measure their attitudes, researchers asked participants if they favored government action on climate change and if they favored renewable energy.

    "What we found suggests that people need to hear the same accurate messages about climate change again and again. If they only hear it once, it recedes very quickly, " Wood said. It was significant that accurate reporting had positive effects on all groups, including those who originally rejected climate change. But it was even more encouraging that it affected attitudes.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "recedes" in paragraph 2 mean?
      A . Increases. B . Graduates. C . Disappears. D . Strikes.
    2. (2) What does paragraph 4 mainly tell us?
      A . The research object. B . The research result. C . The research purpose. D . The research procedure.
    3. (3) Why did researchers ask participants the second question?
      A . To survey the government's satisfaction rate. B . To make an assessment on their attitudes. C . To teach them scientific understanding. D . To measure action on climate change.
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the text?
      A . Science Report Of Climate Change Can Affect Minds B . Online Participants Joined In A Four-Wave Experiment C . Accurate Science Reporting Don't Persuade Only Politicians D . People Should Hear Accurate Messages About Climate Change
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Do you harbour hidden creativity? You may have an inner Vincent Willem van Gogh. . As we age, it's easy to lose our childlike wonder with the world, but by functioning our creative muscles, we can tap back into the feeling.

    Although arts and crafts are normally considered children's activities, they're actually age-independent and provide an important outlet for adults to release their creative expression. Indeed, such pursuits are arguably even more important in later life, helping to relieve stress and anxiety. .

    They're fun! More than anything, arts and crafts are enjoyable activities. . Often they try a simple project at home. Before they know it, they are searching the Internet for ideas and joining social clubs to share their ideas.

    They can improve creativity! . Give a child pens and paper and our natural drive to create is clear. Although the urge may diminish(减弱), especially as we invest in careers and families, adults are no different. Indeced, research shows that creativity and expression are vital marks of emotional well-being.

    . Practising this hobby allows us to create unique and inspiring presents for our loved ones. Whether you produce artistic or practical pieces, it's never been easier to create gifts for friends and family members. This degree of investment and personalisation in a bespoke present simply can't be bought.

    A. They're social activities

    B. They are great presents

    C. Humans are naturally artistic

    D. Arts and crafts provide a lot of benefits

    E. If so. arts and crafts may be just the ticket

    F. Many people quickly become addicted to them after their first try

    G. Arts and crafts are an umbrella term covering a width of creative pursuits

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    There is a Christmas tradition where children sit on Santa's lap and tell him their wish lists. However, for Misty Wolf, her son Matthew might not get to have that  1.

    Matthew was born blind. He never had an 2 what Santa looked like, so he never got 3whenever they encountered one at the mall.

    4, when Misty started reading to Matthew 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, he became interested in the man in the 5 suit. So, when they went to a big mall, Misty had a 6 to let Matthew "see" Santa.

    It was a 7 time, like usual. Kids were lining up and excitedly 8 for their turn to tell Santa their wishes and also took a 9 with Santa. But just before all that 10 Misty walked up to Santa and  11 to him about her son's condition. Before Misty finished her words, Santa 12 and said he knew what to do.

    Santa 13 in front of Matthew and held his hand. He told Matthew to 14 his coat and hat. Matthew said that he also 15 to feel Santa's "eyes that twinkle". Santa agreed. He let Matthew's fingers 16 his eyes to see how they twinkled like those in the stories.

    "It was such a moving 17 that I was moved to tears. You know, Santa is the magic of Christmas," Misty said. She posted the 18 on the Internet. It has been 19 over 106, 000 times. People 20 Santa for giving joy to all the children and knowing what Christmas was all about.

    A . adventure B . moment C . style D . subject
    A . occasion B . inspiration C . idea D . origin
    A . excited B . shocked C . intelligent D . disappointed
    A . Moreover B . Regretfully C . Similarly D . However
    A . red B . normal C . familiar D . worn
    A . lecture B . performance C . struggle D . wish
    A . tiring B . busy C . boring D . extreme
    A . waiting B . asking C . speaking D . looking
    A . note B . taxi C . photo D . book
    A . contacted B . took C . followed D . happened
    A . applied B . admitted C . whispered D . saw
    A . agreed B . suffered C . rejected D . addicted
    A . came around B . set out C . made up D . bent down
    A . observe B . instruct C . feel D . volunteer
    A . pretended B . promised C . refused D . wanted
    A . connect B . touch C . injure D . master
    A . play B . campaign C . minute D . summary
    A . crash B . video C . programme D . clue
    A . shared B . ended C . served D . rewarded
    A . suspected B . praised C . blamed D . appealed
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    China has been pushing space exploration boundaries on its own over the past three decades. It embarked on (开始)a "three-step" strategy (boost) its human space program in 1992 when (construct) a manned orbiting laboratory was still a flight of fancy for the Chinese people.

    The first step was to send astronauts into space ensure their safe return. The second step was to develop advanced space flight techniques and technologies, included extravehicular(舱外的) activity and orbital docking(轨道对接).The (three) step was to assemble and operate a permanent manned space station.

    In April 2021 the country (official) kicked off the in-orbit construction of its space station by launching the core module Tianhe. "In the past 30 years, many technical difficulties (overcome), such as the technologies of shuttling space and Earth, extravehicular activity, rendezvous, and docking, " said Yang Liwei, the country's first taikonaut in orbit since he (enter) space with Shenzhou-5 in October 2003.

    So far, a total of 12 (astronaut) on four missions. Shenzhou-12, Shenzhou-13, Shenzhou-14, and Shenzhou-15, have participated in the in-orbit construction of the space station.

  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    If you happen to be a heavy sleeper, that always wakes up about 20 minutes late for lectures, a special app calling Sleep If U Can is for you. Sleep If U Can is alarm app for students. When the alarm rings, some small task should be completed to turn the alarm on. For example, you needed to take a photo of some specifically things or shake the phone a number of times. In addition to, Sleep If U Can will also give yourself the latest weather condition. You can decide whether to take an umbrella with you before left home.

  • 9. 假定你是李华,你市将于下周举办民俗文化节。你的外国好友Jack非常喜欢中国文化,你想邀请他和你一起参加。请你给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:







