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更新时间:2023-03-22 浏览次数:166 类型:期末考试
  • 30. 听朗读,把短文中所缺的单词补充完整。

    My brother has many habits. He up early in the morning and never to bed late. He keeps his room and tidy. He also our parents and puts his things in order. He finishes his homework before dinner.

  • 31. 根据情景提示,选择合适的句子代号补全对话。

    A. No, he doesn't.

    B. How are we going there?

    C. What are you going to do?

    D. I'm cooking dinner with my dad.

    E. What are you doing now?

    Ben: Hello, John.

    John: I'm reading books. What about you?


    John: Does your father like cooking dinner?


    John: It's Saturday tomorrow.

    Ben: I'm going to play football. Let's play together.

    John: Good idea.

    Ben: Let's go by bike.

  • 43. 根据短文选择正确答案。

    Passage A

    Dear Nancy,

    Today is Wednesday I am so excited. It's "No Homework Day" in my school. On this day, we don't have any homework because of (因为)the Double Reduction (双减). I can finish my homework before 7: 00 p. m. on other(其余的)days. That's really good. After dinner, I usually do some sports. Sometimes I go for a walk with my family. And I go to bed early every day. Sleeping enough makes me healthy and happy.

    On the weekend, I have more time to do my favorite things. I like painting and playing basketball. On Saturdays, I often draw pictures in the park. On Sundays, I usually go to the gym and play basketball. It will (将要)be sunny this Sunday. I am going to have a picnic with my friends. It will be fun!

    Do you have "No Homework Day" at school in the USA? What about your weekend? Please tell me.

    Wang Wei

    1. (1) Wang Wei usually _________ after dinner.
      A . sleeps enough B . draws some pictures C . does some sports
    2. (2) Does Wang Wei go to bed early?
      A . Yes, she does. B . No, she doesn't. C . Sometimes.
    3. (3) What are Wang Wei's hobbies?
      A . Painting and sleeping. B . Painting and playing basketball. C . Going for a walk and going hiking.
    4. (4) What is Wang Wei going to do this weekend?
      A . Draw pictures. B . Play basketball. C . Have a picnic.
    5. (5) Where does Nancy live now?
      A . In China. B . In the UK. C . In the US.
  • 44. 根据以上短文内容判断下列句子正误。

    Passage B

    Welcome to the zoo, boys and girls! I am Linda. I am a student. Today I am a volunteer (志愿者)in the zoo. Now I want to tell you what you can do and what you can't do.

    ① Don't feed (喂)the animals.

    ② Don't walk on the grass.

    ③ Don't climb the tree.

    ④You can take photos in the zoo.

    We will (将要)visit the Monkey Park. There are lots of clever and cute (聪明可爱的)monkeys. Next we will take a bus to the Lion Park. Then we will walk to the Bird World. You can see many kinds (种类)of birds there. After that, we will go to a famous (著名的)place, the Panda Park. I hope you will have a nice day.

    1. (1) Linda is a worker in the zoo.
    2. (2) The students can give food to the animals.
    3. (3) The students can take photos in the zoo.
    4. (4) The students will see lots of clever and cute monkeys.
    5. (5) They will see many bears.
  • 45. 根据短文内容,填写合适的单词把句子补充完整。

    Passage C

    We can Do More

    What can we do for creating the national civilized city (创建全国文明城市)?

    We must obey (遵守)the traffic rules. Slow down (减速)and stop at the yellow light. Stop and wait at the red light. Go at the green light. We mustn't play when we cross the road. We mustn't touch the door when we take the bus or subway. We must keep to the right (右边)when we are walking on the road.

    We should be polite (有礼貌的). We should talk quietly (安静地)when we are in the library.

    We must wear a helmet (头盔)when we drive the electric bicycle (电动自仃车) or motorbike (摩托车).

    We shouldn't spit (随地扔垃圾, 随地吐痰). We must keep our classroom, our school, our city and other places clean.

    We can do more for our city!

    1. (1) We must slow down and at the yellow light.
    2. (2) We must stop and at the red light.
    3. (3) We should quietly when we are in the library.
    4. (4) We must keep our city, our classroom, our school and other place .
    5. (5) 回答问题。

      What can you do for our city?(用一句话回答)

  • 46. 文明伴我行!请为下列图片找出合适的句子。

    A. Be polite(有礼貌的)!

    B. Don't play when cross(通过)the road.

    C. Don't touch the door.

    D. Keep to the right.

    E. Talk quietly(安静地)!

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 60. 根据上下文情境,选出相应的内容,使句意通顺合理。

    A. take out the trash

    B. wait in line

    C. get a haircut

    D. give your seat

    E. have a picnic

    1. (1) They aren't going on a trip for the long holiday. They are going to .
    2. (2) The boy's hair is long. He is going to .
    3. (3) We should keep (保持)the house clean every day. Let's .
    4. (4) Kids, please  to those elderly people or young children on the bus.
    5. (5) Don't push to the front of the line. Please .
  • 61. 根据方框中所给的信息,仿照范文写一段话。必须涵盖方框中所给的信息,并且要注意书写工整,正确使用大小写形式和标点符号。

    Name: Amy

    Sometimes: on foot (步行)

    Usually: by bus

    Tomorrow: go to the park by bike

    example (范文):

    Hi! My name is Amy. My school is near my house. I sometimes go to school on foot. But usually I go by bus. I am going to the park by bike tomorrow.

    Name: Peter

    Sometimes: by bike

    Usually: on foot

    Tomorrow: go sightseeing by train

    Hi! My name is ▲▲▲▲

