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更新时间:2023-03-23 浏览次数:30 类型:期末考试
  • 6. 选择合适的单词,用其正确形式填空。

    mother  play  China  they  be

    1. (1) May I on the computer, mum?
    2. (2) Tom and I going to Beijing.
    3. (3) Danny and Jenny can speak .
    4. (4) I want to invite to go for a walk.
    5. (5) My dress is very nice.
  • 7. 选择合适的句子补全对话。

    A. We can go there by bus.

    B. May I speak to Jack?

    C. At 8: 40 in the morning.

    D. Would you like to go with me?

    E. See you.

    Mary: Hello! This is Mary.

    Jack: This is Jack.

    Mary: I want to go to the library this Saturday.

    Jack: Sure. What time will we go there?


    Jack: How can we go there?


    Jack: OK. Let's meet at the bus stop at 8:30.

    Mary: Great! See you later.


  • 8. 读表格内容,根据要求完成下面各题。

    Bob's Travel Plan

    July 15

    go to Qingdao

    July 16

    go to the Science Museum

    July 17

    go to the park

    July 18

    go to the beach

    July 19

    go home

    1. (1) How will Bob go to Qingdao?
      A . By train. B . By bus. C . By plane.
    2. (2) Where will Bob go on July 16?
      A . To the Science Museum. B . To the park. C . To the beach.
    3. (3) When will Bob go to the park?
      A . On July 16. B . On July 17. C . On July 18.
    4. (4) Will Bob go home by train?
    5. (5) How many days will Bob have for his trip?

