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更新时间:2023-03-16 浏览次数:31 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 选出每组单词中不同类的一项
    1. (1)
      A . seven B . third C . three
    2. (2)
      A . June B . October C . Tuesday
    3. (3)
      A . twenty B . fourth C . first
    4. (4)
      A . which B . where C . holiday
    5. (5)
      A . get up B . few C . go home
  • 12. 补全对话

    A. I'll make a cake for him.

    B. When is your birthday?

    C. How are you?

    D. That's my father's birthday, too.

    E. We can have a birthday party for both of you.

    Amy: Hello, Jack.

    Jack: I'm fine. Thank you. And you?

    Amy: I'm fine, too.

    Jack: My birthday is on September 1st.


    Jack: Cool! What will you do for your father?


    Jack: That's great!

    Amy: Please come then.

    Jack: OK! Thank you very much.

  • 13. 阅读短文,判读正误。

    There are some holidays in each season in China. In spring, there is the Spring Festival in January or February, children can get the lucky money in this festival. Then Tree Planting Day comes after Women's Day. When summer comes, there is a Dragon Boat Festival in June, people often row boats in the river. Children like June best, because Children's Day is in June. August 1st is Army Day, and Mid-Autumn Day comes. At the end of the last day of a year, we celebrate the first day of a new year. That is the New Year's Day!

    1. (1) Children can get the lucky money in January or February.
    2. (2) Women's Day comes before Tree Planting Day.
    3. (3) People often row boats in the river in May.
    4. (4) Mid-Autumn Day is on August 1st.
    5. (5) The New Year's Day is at the end of the last day of a year.
  • 14. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

    Hello, my name is Li Ming. I am making a birthday chart for my family. My birthday is in June. My mother's birthday is in June. My grandpa's birthday is in June. My grandpa is in America. He lives with Uncle Bill and Aunt Mary. So I usually send him an e-card on his birthday. There are two birthdays in November, my father's and Cousin Alice's. Alice likes dolls, so I often send her some beautiful dolls. My grandma's birthday is in April. It is very warm and nice in April. When her birthday comes, we often go hiking. This is my chart, I love my family.

    1. (1) Does Li Ming's grandpa live with Li Ming?
      A . No, he doesn't. B . Yes, he does. C . We don't know.
    2. (2) How many birthdays are there in June?
      A . 2. B . 4. C . 3.
    3. (3) How many birthdays are there in April?
      A . 1. B . 2. C . 3.
    4. (4) What will Li Ming do for his grandpa's birthday?
      A . Send an e-mail. B . Send an e-card. C . Send a birthday cake.
    5. (5) When is Grandma's birthday?
      A . It's in April. B . It's in July. C . It's in January.
  • 20. 你的生日是什么时候呢?你期待有一个聚会吗?在聚会中你会做些什么?假设你是Oliver,请以"My birthday party"为题,根据提示词(短语)用一般将来时分享一下你的生日聚会吧。要求:语句通顺,内容完整,书写正确,不少于5句话。

    提示词(短语):December 7th, buy a birthday cake, friends, say"Happy birthday!", eat fruit, play games, play the pipa, sing the birthday song.

