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更新时间:2023-03-23 浏览次数:37 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 选出划线部分读音不同的单词。
    1. (1)
      A . face B . dad C . make
    2. (2)
      A . pig B . nine C . kite
    3. (3)
      A . he B . red C . me
    4. (4)
      A . not B . note C . dog
    5. (5)
      A . use B . but C . duck
  • 2. 从方框中选出与所给单词同类的一项。

    A. aunt B. rice C. fork D. driver E. table

    1. (1) sofa   phone   bed
    2. (2) sister   brother   uncle
    3. (3) bread   cake   noodles
    4. (4) nurse   cook   farmer
    5. (5) bowl   knife   chopsticks
  • 23. 从方框内选出恰当的选项补全对话(有一项为多余选项)

    Amy 的好朋友走丢了,这个好期友是谁?长什么样子?我们一起来读读 Army. 和警察的对话吧!

    A. What's her name?

    B. She has short black hair.

    C. Thank you very much.

    D. His hair is short.

    E. A boy or girl?

    F. Let's go home.

    Amy: Exeuse me. I lost my friend.


    Amy: A girl.


    Amy: Her name is Feifei.

    Policeman; Can you tell me more(更多的) about her?

    Amy: Sure. She is very beautiful She has a small nose and a small mouth.

    Policeman: OK. I will help you find her.

    Amy: Ah! There she is! Look! she's in that tree.

    Policeman: what? Is that your friend? She's a cat.

    Amy: Yes. Feifei is a cat. She is my best friend. Thank you, sir. Come on, Feifei

  • 24. 根据短文信息,在表格内相应的栏位打√。

    Today is Chen. Jie's birthday,Xiao Hui, Mike and John come- to her home. They are very happy. They are hungry now. Chen Jie's mother is going to get a ready for dinner.

    Mother: What would you like for dinner, children?

    Chen Jie: I'd like some fish, and soup.

    Xiao Hui: I like chicken. Can I have some chicken and soup?

    Mother: Yes, Of course(当然). What about you, Mike and John?

    Mike: Some beef, noodles and vegetables, please

    John: Me too.

    Mother: Dinner's ready.

    Children: Thank you!








    Chen Jie


    Xiao Hui





  • 25. 阅读短文,判断句子正误。

    Hello, I'm Sarah! I am a pupil. Look at these two pictures. This is a picture of my classroom. My classroom is very big. It's clean and nice. It has a blackboard, two yellow doors, four white windows, many desks and chairs. Where is the computer? It's on the teacher's desk. What about the other picture? Look at that girl. She is my friend. Her name, is Lily. She is friendly. She has long hair and big eyes. She wears(戴) black glasses.

    1. (1) Sarah's classroom is nice and big.
    2. (2) There are two white doors in the classroom.
    3. (3) The computer is in the teacher's desk.
    4. (4) Lily is Sarah's friend.
    5. (5) Saran's glasses are black.

