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更新时间:2023-03-06 浏览次数:39 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 选出每组单词中不同类的一项
    1. (1)
      A . magazine B . dictionary C . camp
    2. (2)
      A . was B . do C . were
    3. (3)
      A . bought B . visit C . drank
    4. (4)
      A . smaller B . older C . thin
    5. (5)
      A . hurt B . read C . gift
四、选择正确的选项, 补全对话。
  • 17. 选择正确的选项,补全对话。

    Bill: Hi, Amy. Come and look at my photos.


    Bill: They're my brother and me.


    Bill: Yes, he is also stronger than me.

    Amy: Really?

    Bill: Yes, he didn't like sports then. I did exercise every week.

    Amy: How about now?

    Bill: And he is getting taller and stronger.

    A. Now he often goes swimming and plays basketball after school.
    B. Who are they?
    C. But I liked sports very much at that time.
    D. Your brother looks taller than you.
    E. But two years ago, he was shorter and thinner than me.
  • 18. 选择所给单词的适当形式,完成短文。

    In the Tang dynasty, people (could) use the Internet. There were no (post office). People didn't (go) by bus. They (ride) horses or (walk) to other places.

六、阅读短文, 选择正确的答案。
  • 19. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

    People eat different things in different places. In South(南方) China,  People eat rice almost every day. Sometimes they eat it three times a day for breakfast, lunch and supper. Japanese(日本人) eat lots of fish . They live near the sea. So it is easy for them to get fish . While in the west (西方), such as in the UK and in the USA, the most important(重要的) food is potatoes. People there can cook potatoes in many different ways.

    Some people do not eat meat. For example (比如), some people do not eat pork(猪肉). Some other people only eat fruit and vegetables. They do not eat meat or fish or anything else from animals. They eat food only from plants. These people are called vegetarians(素食者).

    In fact, no matter(不管) what we eat every day, we should eat healthily.

    1. (1) People in South China eat ________ every day
      A . fish B . vegetables C . fruit D . rice
    2. (2) The word"supper" can be replaced(替换)by "_____".
      A . food B . dinner C . apple D . drinks
    3. (3) Why do Japanese eat lots of fish?
      A . Because fish is yummy. B . Because it is easy for them to get fish. C . Because they can cook fish in many different ways. D . Because fish is healthier than fruit.
    4. (4) In the West, the most important food is ________.
      A . fish B . potatoes C . pork D . meat
    5. (5) Vegetarians eat ________.
      A . food only from plants B . pork C . meat D . only eat rice
  • 20. 阅读理解

    My name's Guoguo. I'm a student from Class 2 Grade 6. June 14, 2022 was our last Children's Day. We brought some food and drinks to our classroom, then we decorated(装饰)it. After that, we had a party there. Fangfang and Tingting sang an English song for us. It was about our school life. It was so nice, and we could not stop our tears(眼泪). Xiaoxue's hobby is doing kung fu, and she can dance well. What did she do then?She showed us a kung fu dance. That was so cool. Dingding and Shanshan can play music. They played the pipa and the erhu together. It was Chinese music. That was just like a music concert(音乐会). Amazing!

    Our teacher Miss Zhang came to the party, too. She brought us a great gift. What was that?An e-album(电子相册). We saw many photos of us. Look, Xuanxuan was shy and lovely before, and he liked pink…

    1. (1) What was Fangfang and Tingting's song about?
      A . school life B . animals C . park D . concert
    2. (2) When was the party?
      A . It was on June first. B . It was on June second. C . It was on June third. D . It was on June fourth.
    3. (3) What did Xiaoxue do at the party?
      A . She played music. B . She danced. C . She sang a song. D . She played the pipa.
    4. (4) Who brought an e-album to the party?
      A . Dingding. B . Shanshan. C . Xuanxuan. D . Miss Zhang.
    5. (5) Which can be the best title(标题)for this passage?
      A . Our birthday party B . Our music concert  C . Our last Children's Day D . Our teacher

