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更新时间:2023-02-22 浏览次数:91 类型:竞赛测试
  • 9. She was startled to see her father in the kitchen because she felt as if he had just left for Shanghai.
    A . tired B . surprised C . scared D . happy E . None of the above
  • 10. Angela was still confused, so Paul explained to her how the machine worked.
    A . angry B . joyful C . puzzled D . impatient E . None of the above
  • 11. It's important for us to know what food is healthy and what food is unhealthy because everything we eat has an impact, or influence on our health.
    A . an effect B . a demand C . force D . interest E . None of the above
  • 12. Billy would be proud to tell you that he was the original creator of the game and all the others were just copies.
    A . same B . first C . last D . different E . None of the above
  • 13. Although he has earned a lot of money through business, he led a dog's life when he was a child.
    A . had a happy life B . had a hard life C . lived with his dog D . lived alone E . None of the above
  • 14. People all know this restaurant and it is renowned for its wonderful service.
    A . reported B . served C . repeated D . charged E . None of the above
  • 15. The new teacher was very angry because his advice fell on deaf ears and the students kept talking loudly.
    A . was accepted B . was taken into consideration C . was paid no attention to D . fell over E . None of the above
  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    How much do you know about English? It is an official language of more than 501and 250 to 300 million people speak it as a2 language. Some say that half of the world might be speaking it32050.

    English is not the easiest4to learn — most of its common verbs are irregular(不规则的) and it has a 5vocabulary — at least 200. 0006are in common use. It's pronunciation(发音)and written form are also very7.

    8some things make it easy — nouns don't have gender(性) and verbs are less complicated (复杂的) than those of other languages. There is only one form to speak to someone9  — "you". Adjectives don't agree with nouns, and10nouns are also verbs.

    English is always11. Around 25, 000 new words and expressions12the English language every year. Do you know13a "helicopter parent" is? It is a mother or a father who is too involved(参与的)in the life of their14. And what about a "boomerang child"" It is an adult who returns to15their parents for financial (经济的) reasons.

    A . towns B . cities C . schools D . countries E . None of the above
    A . first B . second C . third D . fourth E . None of the above
    A . in B . since C . after D . for E . None of the above
    A . language B . way C . job D . skill E . None of the above
    A . small B . common C . large D . usual E . None of the above
    A . sentences B . words C . verbs D . nouns E . None of the above
    A . common B . easy C . different D . difficult E . None of the above
    A . And B . As a result C . As usual D . But E . None of the above
    A . directly B . easily C . usually D . busily E . None of the above
    A . no B . many C . any D . all E . None of the above
    A . remaining B . changing C . repeating D . using E . None of the above
    A . come into B . disappear from C . destroyed D . keep away from E . None of the above
    A . how B . which C . who D . what E . None of the above
    A . parents B . father C . mother D . child E . None of the above
    A . live with B . study with C . work with D . play with E . None of the above
  • 17. 阅读理解

    After the Lantern Festival, the following joyous celebration in China's traditional festival calendar is the Huazhao Festival, a traditional flower festival.

    With a history of over 2, 000 years, the Huazhao Festival is held in celebration of the flower goddess' birthday. According to ancient beliefs,the flower goddess controlled the reproduction of mankind. Since the climate varies in different parts of China, people hold celebrations on the second, 12th, or 15th day of February in the Chinese lunar calendar. Here is a list of customs for you to spend the Huazhao Festival.

    Having a spring outing

    Spring outings during the Huazhao Festival were popular in ancient China. Since the festival is in early spring, it is exactly the time to have an outing to enjoy springtime's beautiful scenery.

    Planting flowers and


    At the Huazhao Festival, people in different places in China planted flowers and vegetables. It was believed that flowers and vegetables planted on that day would survive easily.

    Picking wild vegetables

    Around the festival, wild vegetables like shepherd's purse(荠菜) are not only fresh but also healthy. Wild vegetables in early spring were believed to be good for keeping healthy and help to stay away from illness.

    Going to fairs

    At the Huazhao Festival, crowded fairs were often seen everywhere because people went out on that day. The flower fair was the most popular. Apart from making deals on goods, there were a series of activities for people to have fun, such as dancing, playing music, and playing games.

    1. (1) What cannot people do to celebrate the Huazhao Festival?
      A . Have an outing. B . Plant wild vegetables. C . Plant flowers. D . Go to fairs for fun. E . None of the above.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word varies mean in paragraph 2?
      A . Starts. B . Prefers. C . Changes. D . Disappears. E . None of the above.
    3. (3) Which of the following activities can you see in fairs?

      ①Buying and selling


      ③ Playing music

      ④Playing games

      ⑤Finding good jobs

      A . ①②③④. B . ②③④⑤ C . ①③④⑤. D . ①②④⑤. E . None of the above.
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . The Huazhao Festival has a history of nearly 2, 000 years. B . People often have a spring outing to enjoy delicious food. C . It's easier to live for vegetables planted at the Huazhao Festival. D . Few people go the fairs because flowers are everywhere in spring. E . None of the above.
    5. (5) In which part of a magazine can you most probably find the passage?
      A . Sports & Stars. B . Health & Medicine. C . Travel & Fashion. D . Tradition & Custom. E . None of the above.
  • 18. 阅读理解

    Fishing in Snow

    by Xu Yuanchong.

    From hill (山)to hill no bird in flight ;

    From path(路径) to path no man in sight.

    A lonely fisherman afloat is fishing snow in a lonely boat.


    In 1921, Xu Yuanchong was born in Jiangxi Province of China. In 2014, the 93-year-old gentleman won the top prize in the international translation field(翻译界)—'Northern Lights Award for outstanding literary translation" because of his great achievements. He was the first Asian winner.

    On June 17, 2021, Mr. Xu Yuanchong passed

    away(去世) peacefully at 7:40 a. m. in his sleep. He still worked hard at home until 5 a. m. that day. He has published(出版) more than 120 works in Chinese, English and French, and almost half of them are ancient Chinese poems. He said, "I just want to transform the beauty of China into beauty of the world". In fact, he has really built a bridge between Chinese, English and French cultures.

    On Children's Day, June 1, Mr. Xu Yuanchong brought the "June 1 blessing (祝福)"to children across the country on CCTV news: "Good, better, best, never let it rest, till good is better, and better best" to encourage children to work hard and make progress. He even acted in a documentary(纪录片)called "The 90s. "along with the other 15 national treasures, including physicist Chen Ning Yang. In the movie, they told the story about how a group of university students read and served the country.

    1. (1) How old was Mr. Xu Yuanchong when he passed away?
      A . 96 years old. B . 97 years old. C . 98 years old. D . 99 years old. E . None of the above.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "works" probably mean?
      A . 作品. B . 作业. C . 工作. D . 艺术品 E . None of the above.
    3. (3) According to the text, which is the purpose of Mr. Xu working so hard on ancient Chinese poems translation?
      A . To tell the story about how a group of university students served the country. B . To encourage children to work hard like him and try to make great progress. C . To help transform the beauty of China into the beauty of the world. D . To tell the rest of world he is good at translating Chinese, English and French. E . None of the above.
    4. (4) Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
      A . In 2014, Xu Yuanchong won the top prize in the international translation field. B . Xu Yuanchong has really built a bridge between China, England and France. C . Xu Yuanchong even acted in a documentary called "The 90s. "along with others. D . Xu Yuanchong hopes children can work hard and make progress to serve the country. E . None of the above.
    5. (5) What can be the best title of the text?
      A . Xu Yuanchong, a great translator. B . Fishing in Snow. C . The 90s. D . June 1 blessing from Xu Yuanchong. E . None of the above.
  • 19. 阅读理解

    One thing that could help us to recover(恢复) from tiredness is sleep. And sleeping is the favorite hobby of most people today. Studies show that the way people sleep at night decides the type of personality they have. Robert Phipps, a body language expert, has named four sleeping positions that influence personality.

    Phipps found that worriers, those who stress the most, are likely to sleep in the fetal position. He found that this is the most common bedtime position, with nearly 58 percent of people sleeping on their side with knees up and head down. The more we curl up, the more comfort we are seeking.

    The second most common position is the log. People sleep with a straight body, with arms at each side. Nearly 28 percent of people sleep this way and they often feel harder to move their body when they wake up. "The longer you sleep like this, the more rigid your thinking is and you are unwilling to change, which means you make things harder for yourself, " according to Phipps.

    Yearner sleepers are next on the list. About 25 percent of people sleep in this style - on their side with arms stretched out in front, looking as if they are chasing their dreams or perhaps being chased themselves, "Yearners are always expecting the best results." explained Phipps. "These people often wake up refreshed(精力充沛的) and they are willing to face the challenges of the day ahead. "

    Perhaps the strangest sleeping style is the free faller position. This sleeping position makes up 17percent of the population. They sleep face down on the stomach. "These people," according to Phipps, "feel like they have little control over their life. "Not only is this the strangest sleeping style, but also the least comfortable, and people may wake up feeling tired and have no energy.

    In conclusion, Phipps has only one more thing to add, "A good sleep sets us up for the following day and our sleeping positions can decide how we feel when we wake up."

    1. (1) According to the text, which picture is the fetal position?
      A . B . C . D . E . None of the above.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "rigid" mean?
      A . Changeable. B . New. C . Smart D . Comfortable. E . None of the above.
    3. (3) What is suggested in the text?
      A . The fetal sleepers are willing to comfort other people. B . It's easy for the free faller sleepers to control their life. C . Yearner sleepers prefer to do the best in life and work. D . The log sleepers sleep as if they are chasing something. E . None of the above.
    4. (4) Which of the following shows the structure of the text? (P1 means Paragraph1.)
      A . B . C . D . E . None of the above.
    5. (5) What may people's sleeping positions tell us?
      A . Daily activities. B . Future dreams. C . Different personalities. D . Health problems. E . None of the above.
  • 20. 阅读理解

    Facial recognition technology(人脸识别技术) is widely used today. For example, police use it to search for bad people. It's also used to unlock phones or doors. Now, a similar technology, known as facial detection (探测), is entering a new field: the business of advertising.

    Such systems are going through tests in a small number of stores. One facial detection system can tell a person's "happiness" or "fear" level. That helps businesses see how people feel as they look at products or advertisements in the store. Another system can detect whether someone is wearing eyeglasses. If so, stores can send advertisements for new glasses to him.

    Facial detection technology is also placed inside some large advertising boards. Cameras in those boards can detect information like people's ages and five levels of feelings – from "very happy" to "very unhappy".

    Supporters of the technology say it could improve buyers' experience by showing products they might like or by offering them products at lower prices.

    Some are against the idea of using such systems. Pam Dixon, the head of a privacy(隐私) group, is one of them. She thinks the strange actions may cause something unfair. For example, a business could raise the price of a product according to a person's age and feelings.

    However, one store testing the technology explained they wouldn't store people's information like names or ages. And the advertising board system maker said it didn't keep any personal information or record any videos.

    1. (1) According to the passage, what can facial detection technology tell?
      A . People's weight. B . People's feelings. C . People's height. D . People's jobs. E . None of the above.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "they" in paragraph 3 refer to?
      A . Businesses. B . Systems. C . Customers. D . Advertisements. E . None of the above.
    3. (3) What can we infer from the text?
      A . Facial detection technology can detect buyers' names and record them. B . Facial detection technology can't store personal information. C . Facial detection technology may be used to sell cheaper goods in all stores. D . Facial detection technology may need some time before being widely used. E . None of the above.
    4. (4) Which of the following shows the structure of the text?(1 means Paragraph 1... )
      A . B . C . D . E . None of the above.
    5. (5) What does the text mainly talk about?
      A . Facial recognition technology entering a new field. B . Facial recognition technology looking for bad guys. C . Facial detection technology going into advertising field. D . Facial detection technology improving buyers' experience. E . None of the above.
  • 21. 请阅读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。

    A. Basic Rules to follow

    B. Luckily we met some more experienced walkers.

    C. It is important to wear warm, waterproof clothes with you.

    D. The Best Way to Enjoy Britain's Countryside

    E. Don't drop litter.

    F. The longest is the Southwest Coast path (1014km).

    A friend and I once got lost on the top of Glyder Fawr, a mountain in North Wales. It was snowing and we couldn't see more than two meters in front of us. We followed them down through the cloud to the valley and got to safety. Meeting other walkers on a freezing January day wasn't really that surprising, because walking is the UK's most popular sport.

    The Beginning of the National Parks

    Many people believe that the popularity of walking led to the beginning of National Parks in England and Wales in 1949. The most challenging, because of the mountainous region it passes through, is the West Highland Way in Scotland. It ends at the bottom of Ben Nevis,Britain's highest mountain.

    There are countless shorter paths and you don't have to walk the whole way if you are on one of the long-distance paths. There are, however, a few basic rules you should follow. Close gates after you. Stay on the path.

    Things you need

    Remember that British weather can change very quickly, especially in the hilly north and west of the country. You would need to carry plenty of food and water as well. Remember to carry a map and compass. Our National Parks and footpaths are the best way to enjoy Britain's beautiful countryside.

  • 22. 下面的材料A~F分别介绍了六部2021年的电影或电视剧。请根据五位同学的需求,帮助他们选出合适的电影,并将其标号填入题前括号内。


    "White Snake 2: The Tribulation of Green Snake" was released on July 23. It tells the story inspired by China's folk legend of the White Snake, but this time, it focuses on the close mate: the green snake spirit which is more straight forward and talks more about perseverance(毅力) and independence.


    Historical epic "The Battle at Lake Changjin" topped the Chinese mainland box office in October. Set in the War to Resist U. S. Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-1953), the film tells the story of the Chinese People's Volunteers soldiers fighting bravely under freezing temperatures in a key campaign at Lake Changjin.


    A hero's journey, "Dune" tells the story of Paul Atreides, a brilliant and gifted young man born into a great destiny beyond his understanding, who must travel to the most dangerous planet in the universe to ensure the future of his family and his people.


    A drama series named "Medal of the Republic" tells heart-warming stories about the first group of eight recipients(获得者) of the Medal of the Republic, the country's highest honor for those who have made great contributions to the development of the People's Republic of China.


    Free Guy is a 2021 American science fiction action comedy film. It stars Ryan Reyonds as a bank teller,who discovers that he is actually anon-player character in an open-world video game called Free City. He then becomes the hero of the story and tries to save his friends from deletion by the game's creator.


    The American academy of film festival in 2009, the Japanese movie "departures" won the award for best foreign language film, as the Japanese film won an Oscar for the first time in the history of the cinema.

    1. (1) Lily is a fan of history. She is especially crazy about wars happened in Asia because she thinks it is valuable for her study recently.
    2. (2) Susan plans to go aboard for further study in an Asian country as an exchange student. She hopes to learn about some culture by English movies.
    3. (3) Jane, a talented painter, is fond of folks these days. She wants to find inspiration from movies.
    4. (4) For Paul, science fiction is his favorite. He is also willing to take risks in reality and enjoys his time in laughter.
    5. (5) John is making a report about progress made in science and other fields in China. He hopes to learn more details about them.
  • 23. Christmas is widely celebrated in Western countries. Which of the following do Australians most probably do during the Christmas holidays?
    A . Make snowmen. B . Have a big Christmas dinner. C . Give each other gifts D . Go swimming in the sea. E . None of the above.
  • 24. William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright who is considered one of the greatest writers. Which of the following play is written by him?
    A . A Midsummer Night's Dream B . The Merchant of Venice C . Hamlet D . Macbeth. E . None of the above.
  • 25. Commonwealth of nations is an organization of the United Kingdom and most of the countries that used to be part of the British Empire. Which of the following is not in the Commonwealth now?
    A . Japan B . India C . New Zealand D . America E . None of the above.
  • 26. Which of the following English words come from Chinese?
    A . Mahjong B . Ciao C . Dim sum D . Ballet E . None of the above.
  • 27. Which of the following have the same meaning of "Hello?
    A . Feliz Navidad. B . C . Bonjour. D . Ciao! E . None of the above.

