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更新时间:2023-01-29 浏览次数:58 类型:期中考试
  • 26. 阅读理解

    Mark Twain(马克·吐温)was a great American writer. One day he went to a city by rain. Mark Twain was very busy, so he forgot(忘记)many important(重要的)things.

    When he was on the train, the conductor(列车长)asked him for his ticket(票). But he couldn't find(找到)it. The conductor knew(认识)Mark Twain. So she said, "Show me your ticket on your way back. And if you can't find it, it doesn't matter(没关系). "

    "Oh, no, "said Mark Twain. "I must find the ticket. Now I don't know where I am going?"

    1. (1) Mark Twain was from_________.
      A . England B . America C . China
    2. (2) Mark Twain went to a city_________.
      A . by plane B . by subway C . by train
    3. (3) —Did the conductor ask Mark Twain for the ticket?


      A . Yes, she did. B . No, she did. C . I don't know
    4. (4) —Mark Twain forgot many important things. Why?

      —Because _________.

      A . he didn't have the things B . he was very busy C . I don't know
    5. (5) —Why must Mark Twain find his ticket?

      —Because _________.

      A . he didn't remember(记得)where he was going B . he wanted to show it to the conductor C . he liked the ticket very much
九、阅读短文, 完成下面的活动。(14分)
  • 42. 阅读理解

    I have two good friends, Mary and Jane. Mary is shorter than me. I am thinner and shorter than Jane. How old are they? Mary and me are all 15 years old. Mary is younger than Jane. We study at Heyun School. We usually come to school by car. We often read books and play games together, but yesterday we didn't.

    1. (1) Jane is the tallest.
    2. (2) Mary is thirteen years old.
    3. (3) Jane is older than me.
    4. (4) Mary usually comes to school by car.
    5. (5) We read books and played games together yesterday.
    6. (6) Who is heavier than me?
    7. (7) How old is Mary?
  • 43. 周末时光是我们大家期盼的,周末生活是丰富多彩的,在完成作业之余,我们和家人一起看电视、电影,去图书馆看书,去公园玩耍厖同学们,让我们以Last weekend为题目,介绍一下我们的周末吧!请至少写出五句话,看谁写的语句通顺,书写规范整洁,同学们快来试试吧!

    提示词:sunny, busy, went to the cinema, went shopping, watched TV, by bike. . . . .

    Last weekend

