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更新时间:2023-01-09 浏览次数:31 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. (2022高三上·葫芦岛月考) 阅读理解

    Guildford School of Acing (GSA) is a successful center for musical training. Our philosophy is based on your growth as an individual and your development as an artist within a highly disciplined whole.

    About what you should do

    We want you to view yourself as a potential artist who can compete and succeed in all aspects musical performance. To accomplish this, you will need to develop your professional awareness through a strict process of training.

    About the content of the courses

    We will guide you towards the development of a clear set of individual technical skills, with practical classes in group and individual singing, ballet, jazz and other forms of dance. Your skills are further developed through many exercises, scene work and project rehearsal (排练). Classes in dancing and singing are highly ranked alongside acting classes and projects, which enable you to become multi-skilled. Professional development classes by the guests selected from the contemporary musical industry ensure currency within your chosen field and enable you to maximize all employment opportunities.

    About the test

    A final show presentation in the West End Theatre helps you complete your change from a musical student to a professional performer. The result is your development into a highly disciplined individual and all-round performer who has both artistic skills and the ability to work in cooperation with others.

    1. (1) Who is GSA intended for?
      A . Literature students. B . Sports students. C . Psychology students. D . Musical students.
    2. (2) Who may teach professional development classes to the students?
      A . High school teachers. B . University teachers. C . Professional musical performers. D . Professional composers.
    3. (3) What should the students do in order to graduate?
      A . Write an essay. B . Put on a show. C . Design a course. D . Meet a performer.
  • 2. (2022高三上·葫芦岛月考) 阅读理解

    Douglas Smith, n gardener from Hertfordshire. the U.K., recently set a new Guinness World Record for the most tomatoes grown on a single stem (茎), 1,269.

    Up until last summer, the record for the most tomatoes grown on a single stem had stood unchallenged for over a decade. Then English farmer Douglas Smith set his sight on breaking it, thinking that he could grow more than 488 fruits on s single stem. He proved that last year, when he managed to break the old record by growing 839 tomatoes on a greenhouse -grown plant. It was quite an achievement, but he was only getting started, as only a few weeks later Douglas Smith broke his own record by growing no less than 1,269 tomatoes on a single stem.

    Is Douglas Smith a gardening addict? He spends up to four hours a day in his back garden tending his plants, and has been working hard on becoming the best possible gardener the world has ever seen. To maximize his chances of setting a new world record. he read various scientific papers and even took soil samples to be tested in a laboratory. And in the end, they all paid off.

    "I am over the moon," Douglas said. "This year was only meant to be an experimental year to see which varieties would produce the most fruits and we had to fight with early blight (疫病), which put paid to a number of other tomato plants. I'm amazed by how many tomatoes were on the plant in the end."

    Growing 1,269 tomatoes on a single stem is only Douglas Smith's latest achievement. In 2020, he grew a 20-foot-tall sunflower, and also set a new national record for the heaviest tomato, with a 3.106 kg tomato. He likes to run little experiments on other vegetables and crops, and he is currently experimenting on peas, aubergines and potatoes.

    1. (1) What can we know about Douglas Smith from paragraph 2?
      A . He broke the old record twice B . He had planted the best tomatoes. C . He thought breaking the record was easy. D . He had worked to break the record for a decade.
    2. (2) Which of the following can describe Douglas Smith best?
      A . Strict and tolerant. B . Attractive and brave C . Patient and hard-working. D . Friendly and humorous.
    3. (3) What may be a challenge for Douglas Smith to break the old record?
      A . A lack of money. B . Skill shortages. C . Building a laboratory. D . Dealing with the blight.
    4. (4) What is the last paragraph mainly about?
      A . The record's significance. B . Douglas Smith's next plan. C . The details about the heaviest tomato. D . More information about Douglas Smith's planting.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    These days, there's a green version of just about everything. There are cars that run on electricity and alternative fuels, houses that are powered by solar energy and wind farms seemingly popping up on every open space from California to coastal Japan. Even drones (无人机) ate getting in on the action. The unmanned air vehicles are also being put to environmental uses around the globe.

    The eye in the sky that they provide helps researchers better understand what's going on with the natural world in which we live. For environmentalists and earth scientists, the flying machines can be sent way up in the air to record sweeping footage of a large area to track the impact of things like climate change, migration and the acts of cutting down and burning forest trees, which can be done without having to buy a helicopter, rent a plane or tape a video camera to a bird.

    Sure, there's plenty of satellite footage already out there, but drones let researchers accurately position the data set that they want to get a quicker, closer look at the area that they're looking to monitor. In 2013, for example, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sent a drone into the Turrialba Volcano in Costa Rica to gather data about its emissions. The temperature, ash height and gas concentration information collected during the mission helped earth scientists determine which way the volcanic and potentially poisonous gas erupting from the volcano was moving and take steps to limit its environmental impact.

    Similarly, Arctic researchers are using drones to help study temperature change and the melting of glaciers. They use drones equipped with infrared (红外线的) cameras to sweep into places that they may otherwise not be able to reach to monitor and collect data on the melting ice. The same flying machines may also eventually be used to transport other data collection tools into the wild.

    1. (1) How does the author lead in the topic of the text?
      A . By giving examples. B . By listing data. C . By drawing a distinction. D . By making assumptions.
    2. (2) What mainly makes drones used to better watch nature?
      A . The high safety. B . The huge space. C . The recovery capability after damage. D . The ability to collect data at a high altitude.
    3. (3) What do the last two paragraphs mainly tell us about drones?
      A . Their production steps. B . Their practical functions. C . Their potential impacts on the atmosphere. D . Their data set for motoring the environment.
    4. (4) Which is a suitable title for the text?
      A . Drones: Poisonous B . Drones: Eco-friendly C . Drones: Limited D . Drones: Adaptable
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Jewel White, a 15-year-old student, gathers her books and signs herself out of a routine morning math class. She is not leaving school for the day, but is off to try some more challenging equations. This practice is not uncommon at Westmount Secondary School in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, where an unconventional learning approach is prevailing.

    Westmount is one of the eight regular schools in the country where students work at their own pace and set their own direction, spending as much or as little time as they need on subjects. Teachers act as advisers. With the classroom teachers' permission, students can sign out of a class to work on other materials or walk into another class to catch up on another subject. And every two weeks they make plans for their own learning time, with support from their adviser.

    At a time when a shrinking student population is causing boards to close schools. Westmount sits at 30 percent overcapacity with 1,500 students. Its bursting number led education officials to consider expanding the program to other locations.

    "If students are interested, we are going to do our best to provide that sort of programming," said Todd White, chair of the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board.

    When students like Jewel are not in a classroom, they can usually be found in the school's learning commons, a study area for all students. There are teachers available to help, but generally students are working on their own assignments or projects.

    Jewel said Westmount's self-paced style caught her attention when she was looking at high schools. Westmount is not the school close to her home. She said at elementary school she would often cause trouble in class because she would complete her work early and not have much else to do. "I find this kind of academic environment in Westmount is a lot better for me," she said. "I like the thought of being able to work faster or slower if needed."

    1. (1) What does the word "prevailing" underlined in paragraph I mean?
      A . Catching on. B . Giving way. C . Slowing down. D . Causing trouble.
    2. (2) Which of the following words can best describe the school's learning approach?
      A . Complex but familiar. B . Flexible and efficient. C . Traditional and common. D . Difficult but interesting.
    3. (3) What is Todd White's attitude to Westmount's style of learning?
      A . Tolerant. B . Doubtful. C . Positive. D . Unconcerned.
    4. (4) What did Jewel think of her elementary school?
      A . It was a school closest to her home. B . It provided too much homework for students. C . Its learning atmosphere was not very satisfying. D . Its students did not work as fast as Westmount.
  • 5. 阅读下面短文从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Wherever you live, you always look forward to a comfortable home. However, people don't often turn it into what they want because they worry about the costs. Actually, this is a common misconception(错误认识)—you don't need to spend a lot of money in order to make your home comfortable..


    The first thing you need to do before buying or rearranging anything is clearing rooms.. There is no way to turn a cluttered(杂乱的) space into an attractive one without organizing it. So, the first thing you do is clearing rooms. You don't have to throw out everything. Though clearing rooms can be an ongoing process that takes time, it's worth it.

    Add Green Plants

    . Besides the eye- pleasing effect that plants and flowers have, they also remove toxins(毒素) from the air, making your environment healthier. If that isn't enough for you, they tend to help calm people down.

    Try Darker Colors

    Another thing you can do to make a room look warmer is use some darker shades in the decoration. Lighter colors are great for making a room feel bigger, but darker colors create a comfortable and attractive environment..

    Adjust the Lighting

    The last thing is lighting. The lighting in a room can make or break it.. Think of using the fireplace if you have one, lighting some candles and hanging up some string lights. Even a lamp can make all the difference to the environment of a room.

    A. Warm lighting can make a room pleasant and sweet

    B. Disorder is the exact opposite of warm and attractive

    C. You shouldn't keep plants and flowers in your bedroom

    D. Throwing in some darker colors will make the room look perfect

    E. Besides making it keep warm, blankets add more color to a room

    F. Here are some inexpensive ways to make your home comfortable

    G. One way to make a room attractive is to add plants and fresh flowers

  • 6. (2022高三上·葫芦岛月考) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    A few years ago, I was at a restaurant with my project team, eating a Christmas dinner. My view of the other diners was via a 1 in from of me from where I was sitting. It was a Wednesday night about 3 weeks before Christmas so there were only about 6 other tables 2.

    About 10 minutes before we left, I happened to look in the mirror, seeing two girls come in. They sat near me. They started to 3 the menu and I could hear what they said. They 4. "It's so expensive!"

    I usually 5 the table that's eating their dinners so I can get their check from the restaurant. As we left, I told the manager I wanted to 6 the two girls. He figured that the high 7 was $100 including taxes, so I gave him $140 and told him to give the waiter whatever was left as a Christmas 8 . Touched by my act, the manager said he would 9 anything over $100 and give the waiter $40. We agreed that he would tell the two girls after we 10 that someone had paid for their meal. I wanted them to 11 whatever they wanted without considering the cost.

    The next day I went to the restaurant again to eat dinner with my friends, the manager 12 me. He walked to me. From him, I knew 13 about the thing after we left. The two girls felt 14 and were moved to tears. They appreciated the kindness and said they would pass the kindness on to others in need.

    I do this several times a year but I 15 like the two girls' reaction, which makes think it valuable to do such things!

    A . waiter B . material C . table D . mirror
    A . occupied B . improved C . created D . carried
    A . read B . find C . type D . collect
    A . guessed B . whispered C . apologized D . explained
    A . embrace B . purchase C . pick D . give
    A . break up B . live up to C . brush aside D . pay for
    A . reward B . expense C . fine D . salary
    A . result B . recreation C . chance D . tip
    A . express B . cover C . inform D . wish
    A . pursued B . imitated C . left D . slipped
    A . order B . deserve C . own D . reserve
    A . recognized B . encouraged C . depressed D . abandoned
    A . arguments B . interpretations C . criticisms D . details
    A . upset B . concerned C . surprised D . interested
    A . casually B . really C . slightly D . anxiously
  • 7. 阅读下而短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    A talented dog was captured (拍摄) on camera stopping a young boy from potentially drowning, and then saved the boy a (two) time by impressively fishing a lost toy with a net.

    This is the adorable moment a smart dog saved the boy twice, after it stopped a little boy from falling into a pond and (fish) out his lost toy with a net. The clever dog sensed danger and took full control of the moment, (force) the child backwards. Then the dog showed off its surprising talent fishing.

    At the beginning of the video, the dog is sitting (peaceful) in the garden, watching two young children throw a ball to each other. The older girl accidentally launches the ball too far. It lands in the fish pond, and floats on the water. While she runs off to ask her mother for help, the boy rushes over to the pond and attempts to fish the ball out (he). Noticing that the boy is about to fall into the pond, the dog is quick (react). It grabs the bottom of the boy's trousers with its (tooth) and pulls him back to safety. The dog picks up the family's fishing net, is on the side of the pond, using its mouth to direct the net underneath the ball. After just a few seconds, the dog successfully gets the ball out of the water puts it onto the floor.

  • 8. (2022高三上·葫芦岛月考) 假定你是李华,你校下周六有一个关于"认识火灾,学会逃生"的讲座,请给你的外国朋友Jo写一封邮件,邀请她一同前往,内容包括:







    Dear Jo,



    Li Hua

  • 9. (2022高三上·葫芦岛月考) 阅读下面材料,根据具体内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    It was my birthday that day, and my grandfather gave me a gift—a piggy bank. It had an opening through which one could put money in, but the opening was not big enough to reach in and get the money out. The only way to get the money was to break the piggy hank open. My grandfather explained that was the whole idea. And he added. "The piggy bank would help save your money so that, at the end of the year, you might have enough for that bike you dreamed about." He asked if I would put some of the money he gave me into the piggy bank. I agreed immediately and promised sincerely, "I wouldn't break it open until I could afford my dream bike."

    Whenever my grandfather gave me some pocket money, he would say, "This is for spending. But you can save some and put it in the piggy bank if you want to save it up." When he gave me larger amounts, it was clear for me to save the extra money in the piggy bank. For some time, this worked fine. I loved shaking the piggy hank and hearing the sound of the coins. As it became heavier, I grew more excited, dreaming about buying my new bike, and all the adventures I could have on it.

    Whenever I wanted to take some money from the piggy bank to buy delicious ice-creams or beautiful presents. I would imagine riding my bike on the street, and thinking of that, my thoughts about buying those things went away. So for almost three years. I had only put money into the piggy hank without taking any out. I thought I wouldn't break my piggy hank for anything. Bat one day something unexpected happened. I saw a piece of news on the television that a serious earthquake had happened in a nearby province. As many houses were destroyed, a lot of children became homeless. Seeing their shabby clothes and crying faces. I was sleepless that night. Staring at my piggy bank. I was thinking about what I could do with it.




    The next morning. I took out my piggy bank and shook it.


    Hearing the noise. my grandfather came over.

