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更新时间:2023-01-12 浏览次数:28 类型:期末考试
  • 2. 归类。

    banana  eleven  juice  zebra  eraser  schoolbag  orange  tea  horse  three

    1. (1) pencil:
    2. (2) apple:
    3. (3) milk:
    4. (4) rabbit:
    5. (5) eight:
  • 8. 选择合适的一项补全句子。

    A. have B. present C. lovely D. wizard E. tomorrow

    1. (1) What a cap!
    2. (2) May I a pink cake?
    3. (3) Pit is a .
    4. (4) See you .
    5. (5) Your birthday is in the box.
  • 9. 图文匹配。

    A. I have a skipping rope. B. Open your book. C. Take out a book.

    D. Run and jump! E. Today is my birthday.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 10. 读短文,判断对错。

    I'm Linda. This is my schoolbag. It's red. Open it. Look! My pencil case is in it. It's yellow and green. I like yellow best. Open my pencil case! Look! My ruler is in it. It's purple. My pencil is in it too. It's black. Today is my birthday. Look! This is my present. It's a pen. It's yellow. I like the pen.

    1. (1) Linda's schoolbag is red.
    2. (2) Linda's pencil case is on Linda's schoolbag.
    3. (3) Linda's pencil case is green.
    4. (4) Linda likes yellow.
    5. (5) Linda's birthday present is a yellow pen.

