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更新时间:2022-12-29 浏览次数:86 类型:期末考试
一、Read and choose. 读一读,选择最佳答案。
二、Read and write. 看图根据所给字母写词完成句子,每空一词。
三、Read and write. 连词成句,用正确规范的形式写出下列句子。
四、Read and judge。读一读,根据对话内容判断。在健康生活习惯相关的图片下面的括号内画“√”,不健康生活习惯图片下的括号内画“×”。
  • 14. 读一读,根据对话内容判断。在健康生活习惯相关的图片下面的括号内画“√”,不健康生活习惯图片下的括号内画“×”。

    Ms Smart: Do you want to be healthy?

    Children: Yes!

    Ms Smart: What should(应该) we do to be healthy?

    Amy: Do exercise every day. We can run, swim or play ball games.

    Tom: Drink lots of water or juice.

    Sam: Don't play the computer games too late.

    Lingling: Wash your hands after you go to the toilet.

    Daming: Eat fruit and vegetables every day. Don't eat too much ice cream and fast food.

    Ms Smart: You are all good children.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
    6. (6)
    7. (7)
    8. (8)
五、Read and choose. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。
  • 15.  阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

    Long, long ago, there was a man. He had got lots of hats. It was hot. He sat(sit的过去式)down under a big tree and slept(sleep的过去式). There were some monkeys in the tree. They took the hats. The man was very angry. He shook(shake 的过去式)his fist(拳头). The monkeys shook their fists. The man stamped (stamp 的过去式) his foot. The monkeys stamped their feet. The man threw (throw 的过去式)his hat on the ground. The monkeys threw their hats on the ground. The man had got his hats back. He was happy.

    1. (1) The man had got lots of__________.
      A . caps B . gloves C . hats
    2. (2) There were some _________ in the tree.
      A . birds B . monkeys C . cats
    3. (3) At first the man was________.
      A . hot B . angry C . happy
    4. (4) The monkeys were________.
      A . thirsty B . clever C . naughty
    5. (5) What's the title (题目)of the story?
      A . Hats and Monkeys B . The Farmer and the Monkey
六、Read and write.
  • 16. 仿照范例,看图写话。


    talk on the phone

    fly a kite

    clean the room

    cook noodles

    He went to school.

    He didn't go to the park.

    1. (1)

    2. (2)

