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更新时间:2022-12-23 浏览次数:69 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 选出单词中不同类的一项
    1. (1)
      A . him B . her C . they D . me
    2. (2)
      A . work B . study C . type D . pilot
    3. (3)
      A . basketball B . sports C . football D . ping—pong
    4. (4)
      A . making B . chasing C . amazing D . writing
    5. (5)
      A . Australia B . Chinese C . America D . Canada
  • 2. 按要求写单词。
    1. (1) postman(复数形式)
    2. (2) mouse(复数形式)
    3. (3) right(同音词)
    4. (4) where(同音词)
    5. (5) will not(缩写形式)
  • 3. 按要求写单词。
    1. (1) let's(完全形式)
    2. (2) swim(现在分词)
    3. (3) study(现在分词)
    4. (4) drive(职业名)
    5. (5) worry(形容词)
  • 19. 从方框里选出对应的答句。
    (1)How does Oliver feel now?                          
    (2) What will they do?                                     
    (3)  Does your sister like drawing cartoons?   
    (4)How does your father go to work?    
    (5)What should I do?
    A. You should do more exercise.

    B. They will eat more fruit and have a good rest.
    C. He often goes by car.

    D. Yes, she does.

    E. He's very sad.
  • 30. 完形填空。

    Hello! I'm Amy. I'm1the USA. My father is a teacher. He2English. Every day he3to work by car. He4 5. He is a writer, too. My mother likes doing6. She is a coach. She goes to7on foot. I like using computers, but I8want to be a secretary. I'm going to9a pilot,10I like working on a plane.

    A . on B . from C . in
    A . teacher B . teaching C . teaches
    A . walks B . goes C . go
    A . likes B . like C . to like
    A . writing B . write C . writes
    A . sport B . sports C . basketball
    A . working B . works C . work
    A . don't B . doesn't C . do
    A . am B . be C . is
    A . because B . why C . when
  • 31. 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子正误。

    Look, she's my best friend Alice. What does she do?Of course, she is a student. Her mother is an actress, her father is an actor. They go to work by bus every day. Her brother Jeff is a police officer, he goes to work by bike. Her sister Ann is a salesperson, she goes to work by bike. too. What is Alice going to do this afternoon? Oh, she is going to buy an English book with me. Oh, she's coming.

    1. (1) There are four people in Alice's family.
    2. (2) Ann is an actress.
    3. (3) Alice's mother goes to work by bus.
    4. (4) Alice's father is an actor.
    5. (5) Alice is going to buy a book this morning.

