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更新时间:2022-12-16 浏览次数:28 类型:开学考试
  • 23. (2019高二上·武威竞赛) 补全对话

    —Hello, Xiao Li, come in.


    —I'm just writing a letter to Wang Ling in London.


    —I haven't seen you for a long time.

    —No, I've been very busy because I'm doing a course in Business English. I had my first exam yesterday.

    —I think I've done all right. Listen, I've got some good news.

    —My company has just told me that they're sending me to England for a year.

    And Wang Ling will be able to show you around London.

    A. Oh, what's that?

    B. How are you?

    C. Give him my best wishes.

    D. Who told you?

    E. Are you busy?

    F. How did it go?

    G. That's wonderful.

  • 24. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中的两项为多余选项。

    Four Steps to Begin Your Path to GreatnessFeeling stuck is quite common. Many times, we have thoughts and dreams of what we want in life.Our thinking pattern holds us back from going forward. The good news is, at any moment in time, we have the ability to start taking action toward creating the life we want. Here are four steps to get started:1. Celebrate Your Success.Write down all the successes you've already achieved and all the awesomeness that you are today.And once you're in that positive routine with your thoughts, it will lead you to make better choices and take better actions toward your greatness.2. Create Your True Vision.Many times we live based on others' expectations or we stay stuck in a particular place because it's our safety zone. Own your path. It can be hard to do, but allow yourself to get out of your head(or stop listening to what others want for you) and focus on your heart and what it's telling you.3.If you want to start going to the gym, going 5 days a week right away is extreme, and setting yourself up by biting more than you can chew typically doesn't result in success, but failure. Instead, start slow and go once or twice a week. After you do that for a while and get into a nice routine, up it to more days. Over time, you will build toward your goal by taking realistic, smaller steps to get there.4.Have the Right Support.Find the right support to cheer you on in the process. It could be a friend, a family member, or significant other who you trust. Whoever it may be, having someone on your journey will be just what you need to keep you on track and celebrate with you as you work toward the life you dream of.

    A. Don't do it alone.

    B. Be realistic about your goals.

    C. Be kind to yourself and accept the moment.

    D. Your failure can lead you to another success.

    E. This practice will direct your thinking to a positive place.

    F. Sadly, they only stay as thoughts and dreams inside of us.

    G. Look within yourself deeply and decide what you want and what's true for you.

  • 25. 根据课文大意,完成短文,每空一词。

        Working at the station, I had whales killed many times with my own eyes. On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I wasout my accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. Running down to the shore in time, we saw an animal. “It is called Old Tom, the killer.” George said as he ran ahead me.

        the distance we could see that something was happening. As we near, I could see a whale by a of about six sharks. Being badly wounded, the whale soon died. Very soon, its body was dragged by the sharks down into the of the sea.

  • 28. 阅读理解

    Rescue officials in Poland are working quickly to clear one of the country's highways. The roadway is covered with a sticky brown material. It is blocking cars from both directions.

    What is causing the mess? Milk chocolate. The problems began early Wednesday, after a huge truck carrying many tons of liquid chocolate overturned. Chocolate spilled out. It spread across six driveways of Poland's A2 highway.

    The liquid chocolate solidified(凝固)as it cooled, causing even more difficulties. The accident happened near the western Polish town of Slupca. Bogdan Kowalski is with the fire fighters of Slupca. He told the Associated Press that “the cooling chocolate is worse than snow”.

    Videos published on social media showed rescuers and cleaners were trying to move the sticky brown mess with a bulldozer(推土机).

    The private Polish broadcaster TVN24 reported that the driver of the truck was taken to a hospital with a broken arm. The accident happened in the morning when there was little traffic. Nobody else was harmed.

    The sticky situation became a hot topic on social media. Some people offered to help the clean—up workers by eating the chocolate themselves.

    Marlene Kukawa is a media officer for Slupea police. She told the New York Times that rescue workers needed to remove the truck from the highway first. “The cleanup”, she said at the time, “will take a few hours or more.” She added that accidents are rare in this part of the A2 highway. And, she told the New York Times, she is sure the area has never experienced something quite like a huge chocolate spill.

    1. (1) What caused the traffic trouble?
      A . A broken—down car. B . Cars stuck on the highway. C . Serious traffic accidents. D . The liquid chocolate.
    2. (2) What made the situation even worse?
      A . The difficulty to get rid of the chocolate. B . Fear caused by videos on social media. C . The chocolate becoming hard. D . Snow falling on the highway.
    3. (3) Why did some people offer to eat the chocolate?
      A . To avoid wasting the chocolate. B . To reduce loss for the driver. C . To play a joke. D . To solve the problem.
    4. (4) What did Marlene Kukawa think of the incident?
      A . It happened very rarely. B . It was the most serious accident. C . It was unexpected by other drivers. D . It was lucky that no one was killed.
  • 29. (2021高二下·安徽开学考) 假设你是晨光中学的李华,为配合学校的“社交媒体脱瘾”活动,你校英语社团的微信公众号开展 了以“Social Media Detox(脱瘾)”为题的征文活动。现请你投稿,文章内容应包括:







    Social Media Detox

    January 22, 2021

    By Li Hua

    With the development of science and technology, there appear an increasing number of social media apps.

  • 30. 选词填空

    catch on; on purpose;provided that;be aware of;differ from;consist of

    get ahead ;congratulate…on;focus on;sign up; in the absence of; hold the key to

    1. (1) I don't to what he is saying.
    2. (2) She broke the dish just to show her anger.
    3. (3) I don't mind Mary coming with us she pays her own meals.
    4. (4) Most smokers perfectly the dangers of smoking.
    5. (5) Humans other mammals in their ability to speak.
    6. (6) Class 13 4 lovely girls and 55 hard—working boys.
    7. (7) She soon found that it wasn't easy to in the movie business.
    8. (8) any evidence, the police had him go.
    9. (9) The weather our success or failure.
    10. (10) We our team coming first in the competition.

