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更新时间:2022-12-15 浏览次数:34 类型:期中考试
一、阅读理解(共 17 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 34 分)
  • 1. 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D)中, 选出最佳选项。

    Basic Study Manual   Hardcover: $ 37. 50

    Future success depends on the ability to learn. Here are the answers to the questions most often asked by parents, teachers, business trainers and by students themselves. Read this book and learn:

    ◎ What the three barriers to study are — and what to do about them

    ◎ What to do if you get tired of a subject you are studying

    ◎ Twenty-six simple drills to help you learn how to study easily, rapidly and with full understanding

    ◎ Buy and read the Basic Study Manual and use it to dramatically improve your ability to study.

    Study Skills for Life   Hardcover: $31. 99

    L. Ron Hubbard's study technology for teenagers opens the door to their future success by giving them the ability to study and learn. Fully illustrated(配插图的) for easy comprehension.

    Learning How to Learn  Hardcover: $24. 99

    The basics of effective study for 8-to  12-year olds, fully illustrated. Children who read and apply the materials in this book regain their liking for study and their ability to apply this knowledge in life. Get this book for a child you want to see win at his studies!

    How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children        Hardcover: $34. 90

    In spite of billions of dollars spent on "educational research, " children are not taught the most basic skills of learning, even the most basic of these: how to use a dictionary. In fact, a search of educational books for children found not one that told them how to use a dictionary  -or that one should. Written for children 8 to 12-year old, this fully illustrated book will teach your child:

    ◎ How to find words in a dictionary

    ◎ The different ways that words are used

    ◎ What the different marks and symbols that are used in a dictionary mean

    ◎ How to use a dictionary to correctly pronounce words

    Includes a section for parents and teachers showing you how to use this book with children. Buy this book and give it to your Children to unlock their education.

    What's more, you'll just pay 50% for it before May 1, 2008.

    1. (1) According to the advertisements, the four books are all intended for ________.
      A . teachers B . adults C . children D . women
    2. (2) Some of the four books were illustrated in order to ________.
      A . help readers understand the book B . persuade readers to buy them C . reduce the cost of the books D . make the books suitable to different readers
    3. (3) If you buy the four books on April 1, 2008, you will have to pay _______ for the four books.
      A . $129. 38 B . $111. 93 C . $64. 69 D . $34. 90
    4. (4) The purpose of the passage meant to ________.
      A . introduce the four books to teachers B . help children to learn English C . enrich students knowledge about nature D . sell the four books to readers
  • 2. 阅读理解

    On Saturday nights, A. J. Coston doesn't get a lot of sleep. Usually three or four times a night, a loud bell rings, a red light goes off, and he has to jump out of his bed. That's because he's a weekend volunteer firefighter (消防员) with Loudoun County Fire and Rescue Station 13 in Northern Virginia. During the week, he lives at home with his mom, dad and sister and does his main job which is to go to high school.

    "I have always wanted to get into firefighting since I was a little kid watching fire trucks go by, " he says. "One day on the Internet I noticed that Loudoun County offered a junior firefighter program. " He was only 16, but he got it.

    Fighting fires is dangerous work. Firefighters never stop practicing the skills because they need to stay safe. Once Coston learned those skills, he was allowed to work inside burning buildings.

    "Teamwork is most important, " he says. "It's the whole team that puts the fire out. "

    Firefighters feel great about helping people. "My most unbelievable call was probably the time four kids were struck by lightning, " says Coston. He will be off to college next fall, building on his dream job. "I'll get my degree in emergency (紧急情况) medical care, and then work in a fire and rescue company for a while. I want to be a flight doctor on a helicopter in the end, but I will never forget the days as a firefighter. These are my unforgettable experiences, " he says.

    1. (1) Coston can't sleep well on Saturday nights because ________.
      A . he has to work part-time at weekends B . he has some sleeping problems C . he has to do his job as a volunteer firefighter D . he always worries that a fire may break out
    2. (2) What do we learn about Coston from the passage?
      A . He doesn't like studying at school. B . He will go to college next year. C . He dreams to be a great hero one day. D . He is only sixteen years old.
    3. (3) In Coston's opinion, what is the key thing in putting out a fire?
      A . Skills. B . Teamwork. C . Courage. D . Equipment.
    4. (4) All of the following are true EXCEPT that ________.
      A . Coston wanted to be a firefighter when he was a kid B . Coston tried several times before he became a volunteer firefighter C . firefighters feel proud that they can help people D . firefighters have to practice skills all the time to stay safe
  • 3. 阅读理解

    There is an English saying, "Laughter is the best medicine. " Until recently, few people took     the saying seriously. Now however, doctors have begun to look into laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found that laughter really can improve people's health.

    Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films while doctors checked their heart, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, makes the heart beat quicker and makes people breathe deeper; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial.

    Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be able to reduce the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group that tolerated (忍耐) the pain for the longest time was the group which listened to a funny program. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce a kind of chemical in the brain which diminishes both stress and pain.

    As a result of these discoveries, some doctors in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they help to improve their patients' condition by encouraging them to laugh. They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.

    1. (1) The underlined word "diminishes" in the third paragraph means "________".
      A . delays B . prevents C . increases D . reduces
    2. (2) Why do doctors hold laughter clinics?
      A . Because they want to earn more money. B . Because they think they will help the patients recover from illnesses. C . Because they want to improve their patients' condition. D . Because they want their patients to laugh more.
    3. (3) According to the author, we should ________ in our life.
      A . laugh as much as possible B . watch more funny films C . smile all the time D . spend time in the laughter clinics
    4. (4) What would be the best title for this passage?
      A . Both laughter and physical exercise are good for health. B . Laughter clinics can help patients improve their condition. C . Laughter can reduce the effect ofpain. D . Laughter is the best medicine.
  • 4. 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项多余选项。

    The key to losing weight is to understand what really motivates you. Have you ever been excited about losing a few pounds? And to help you keep your weight under control, you need some strategies.

    Ask questions. When you're researching different dieting products and plans or even talking to a doctor about diets, ask as many questions as you can. Ask questions like: Do I have to purchase special meals or supplements? Does the program include a part to help me maintain my weight loss?

    Get real. Don't burden yourself with unrealistic expectations. Remember, large amounts of weight loss are not realistic and are most likely not safe or healthy. Talk with your health care professional to determine a healthy weight goal.

    To maintain your weight, you must balance your intake of calories with the energy you burn. Just 30 minutes of fast walking in most days can take about 10 pounds off your weight each year.

    Weigh yourself weekly. It's important to track your weight on any diet or weight loss plan, but don't get on the scale every day. Weighing daily won't show you the big picture.

    A. Stay balanced.

    B. Once a week is fine.

    C Stick with your healthy eating plan.

    D. Losing one to two pounds a week is a realistic goal.

    E. Being well informed will help you choose the best diet for you.

    F. Regular weight check-ins will show you your progress over time.

    G. If so, you must find a way to turn that excitement into determination.

二、完形填空(共 20 小题; 每小题 1. 5 分, 满分 30 分)
  • 5. 阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中, 选出最佳选项。

    Sudha Chandran, a dancer from India, had to have her right leg cut off after a car accident. It also1her career path. 2she didn't give up. In the painful months that3, she met a doctor who had developed an artificial(人造的)leg4rubber. After she had been fitted with an artificial leg, so5was her desire that she decided to go back to6.

    Sudha7herself and knew she could make her 8come true, so she began her 9 back to the world of dancing—10to balance, bend, walk, turn, twist and twirl again.

    11every public recital(公演), she would ask her dad about her performance. "You still have a long way to go " was the12she used to get. In January 1984, Sudha made a historic comeback by giving a public recital in Bombay. She performed in such a13manner that her performance moved everyone to tears. That evening, when she asked her dad the 14question, he didn't say anything. He just touched her artificial leg as a 15of praising her.

    Sudha's comeback was so heart-warming that a film producer 16to make a film about it.

    When someone asked Sudha 17she had succeeded in dancing again, she said quite 18, "You don't need feet to dance. "19is impossible in this world. If you have the will to 20, you can succeed in doing anything.

    A . brought back B . cut off C . set off D . set free
    A . As B . But C . So D . Since
    A . changed B . replaced C . followed D . appeared
    A . separated from B . made from C . changed into D . taken from
    A . strong B . wonderful C . wide D . little
    A . running B . acting C . dancing D . singing
    A . believed in B . thought highly of C . made fun of D . looked after
    A . chance B . hobby C . dream D . promise
    A . job B . activity C . decision D . journey
    A . expecting B . failing C . moving D . learning
    A . During B . After C . Before D . With
    A . problem B . praise C . encouragement D . answer
    A . happy B . high C . great D . poor
    A . same B . sad C . surprising D . pleasant
    A . way B . choice C . tool D . skill
    A . chose B . decided C . begged D . refused
    A . when B . if C . how D . why
    A . sincerely B . honestly C . stupidly D . simply
    A . Nothing B . Anything C . Something D . Everything
    A . learn B . grow C . perform D . win
三、单项填空(共 10 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分)
四、单词拼写 (共 10 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分)
五、语法填空(共 10 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分)
  • 26. 语法填空

    Once there lived a rich man wanted to do something for the people of his town. first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help.

    In the center of the main road into the town, he placed very large stone. Then he (hide) behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow.

    "Who put this stone in the center of the road?" said the old man, but he did not try to remove the stone. Instead, with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way.

    man came along and did the same thing; then another came, and another. All of them complained about the stone but not tried to remove . Late in the afternoon a young man came along. He saw the stone, (say) to himself:  "The night (be) very dark. Some neighbors will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone. "

    Then he began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his (strong) to move it. How great was his surprise at last! the stone, he found a bag of money.

六、短文改错 (共 10 小题, 满分 10 分)
  • 27. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同旧式写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处 语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

    增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。

    删除: 把多余的词作斜线(\)划掉。

    修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


    2.只允许修改 10 处, 多者(从第 11 处起) 不计分。

    While traveled to Paris on a bus, I became very sick. A well-dressing man on the bus helped me greatly. He took me off the bus, found out where the doctor's office and took me there himself. The next day, he came to visit me. I didn't speak French well, so I can't talk with him very much. However, even if we couldn't talk, but we could communicate. I communicated myself thanks to his great kindness, and he communicated his concern for my healthy. Through this experience I have learned what communication can take place without much actually language at all.

七、书面表达(满分 16 分)
  • 28. 假定你是枫叶国际学校的学生李华,你校新成立了体育俱乐部,请你给俱乐部负责人 Mr Taylor 写一封邮件,申请加入该俱乐部,内容包括:




    注意:1)词数 100 左右;

    2)可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;

    3)开头和结尾已为你写好, 不计入总词数。

    Dear Mr. Taylor,

    I'm delighted to know

    Thank you!


    Li Hua

