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更新时间:2022-12-07 浏览次数:46 类型:期中考试
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) How much will the woman probably pay for a dictionary?
      A . $30. B . $20. C . $24.
    2. (2) How can the woman become a member?
      A . By ordering some dictionaries. B . By filling in an application form. C . By calling the store owner later.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why did the man go to San Francisco?
      A . To buy a sweater. B . To visit his sister. C . To go on a business trip.
    2. (2) What do we know about the woman?
      A . She went nowhere on her vacation. B . She didn't enjoy her vacation. C . She went to her friend's college.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What did Paul eat at the new restaurant last night?
      A . Salad. B . Fish. C . Burger.
    2. (2) What did Pete think of the steak?
      A . It was really oily. B . It was too salty. C . It was very tasty.
    3. (3) Who was not satisfied with the salad?
      A . Ellie. B . Jenny. C . Tim. 
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?
      A . Classmates. B . Strangers. C . Colleagues.
    2. (2) How does the woman exercise?
      A . By dancing. B . By running. C . By bicycling.        
    3. (3) Why does the man want to be good at soccer this year?
      A . To win a soccer match.           B . To join the soccer team.       C . To develop his patience.
    4. (4) What will the speakers do next?
      A . Get down to studying. B . Go to the gym. C . Teach each other moves.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What do the traditional Chinese art forms try to show?
      A . The important things in life. B . The valuable lessons about life. C . Some interesting history stories.
    2. (2) What were sky lanterns used for in ancient times?
      A . Lighting in the dark night. B . Seeking help when in trouble. C . Increasing the festival atmosphere.
    3. (3) Why do people put on paper cutting during the Spring Festival?
      A . To honor their ancestors. B . To express good wishes. C . To show their art talent.
    4. (4) Why is Chinese clay (黏土) art famous?
      A . Because it has a very long history. B . Because its characters are lovely. C . Because clay works look very real.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    Now add in countless opportunities for fun, and it's easy to see why visiting Walt Disney World is the perfect family holiday.

    Expedition Everest

    Wander into a Tibetan village at the base of Mount Everest and board a train to the "top of the world". When your train picks up speed and races into the darkness, without warning, a broken track appears in front of you. Inside the cave, the mythical tale comes true as you see the shadow of a huge, roaring monster! Race to escape before the monster catches you.

    Located in Animal Kingdom Theme Park

    Disney and Pixar Short Film Festival

    With a pair of 3D glasses, settle in for the 18-minute festival, featuring three short films. Before entering the main theater, be sure to take a look at the exhibits showing the creative process behind these beloved stories and characters.

    Located in Disney's Future World Park

    Peter Pan's Journey

    Follow Peter Pan and some children on a gentle ship journey over London, where Big Ben and Tower Bridge light up the night sky. As you go into Pirate's Bay, there's danger ahead! Can Peter Pan defeat Captain Hook and return his young companions safely to London?

    Located in Fantasyland at Magic Kingdom Park

    1. (1) What would you experience in Animal Kingdom Theme Park?
      A . A series of exciting adventures. B . Beautiful scenery of Mount Everest. C . A very comfortable train trip. D . Traditional culture of a Tibetan village.
    2. (2) What is the exhibition in Disney and Pixar Short Film Festival about?
      A . The description of the future. B . The history of Disney World.   C . The creation of the films. D . The activities to be held.
    3. (3) What happens to Peter Pan and his companions in Pirate's Bay?
      A . Their ship breaks down halfway. B . They get lost and can't return. C . They fight against Captain Hook. D . Some of them fall into the river.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    China has seen significant achievements in improving the environment and green development over the past 70 years, especially in fighting against desertification (沙漠化).

    Desertification was a serious problem in the 1990s. It caused deadly sandstorms, which arrived like big black walls reaching up into the sky. As President Xi Jinping has said, clear waters and lush (繁茂的) mountains are invaluable assets (资产). Efforts to create "green" areas have played a crucial role in the country's fight against desertification. 

    A series of campaigns have been conducted by the central government to improve the environment. For example, in 1998, China launched the Natural Forest Protection Program. Thanks to the program, forest coverage in China increased greatly from 12 percent in the 1980s to nearly 23 percent last year.

    Another example of the campaign is the Elion Resources Group, which has been recognized by the UN for the development of a desert eco-industry that has slowed desertification.

    In Kubuqi, a desert in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Elion has greened 600,000 hectares of land and helped lift more than 102,000 people out of poverty through the development of solar energy and tourism, as well as planting herbs for traditional Chinese medicine.

    In addition, the group's techniques have also been used in many important ecological programs, including Yangtze River Ecological Park and Qilian Mountain National Park.

    "We will develop new ways to improve our ability to control the sand with the help of modern technologies, such as drones (无人机), AI, big data and the internet of things," said Ao Baoping, chief executive officer of Elion Green Land Technology.

    1. (1) What is the key measure to fight against desertification?
      A . Building walls to block sands. B . Increasing green plants. C . Turning to the UN for help. D . Keeping mountains natural.
    2. (2) What is the effect of the Natural Forest Protection Program?
      A . The environment in China has become satisfactory. B . Similar new campaigns will be carried out by China. C . No more trees need to be planted in our country. D . More areas in China are covered with forest.
    3. (3) What do we know about Elion Resources Group according to the passage?
      A . Its main aim was to lift local people out of poverty. B . It made Kubuqi become a center for planting herbs. C . It got inspiration from many ecological programs. D . It will apply modern technologies to fight desertification.
    4. (4) What is a suitable title for the passage?
      A . Desert Clothed With Green Through China's Efforts B . Environmental Problems Solved by Planting More Trees C . Great Contributions Made by Elion to The Environment D . Advanced Science And Technology Applied in China
  • 13. 阅读理解

    How would human beings react if we found out we're not alone in the universe? What if we knew an alien civilization was to invade(入侵)Earth? What would we do?

    These are the questions asked in The Three-Body Problem. When a secret military project sends signals into space to get in touch with aliens, an alien civilization in face of destruction receives the signals and plans to invade Earth. Meanwhile, on Earth, people begin to separate into different groups: those who welcome aliens and those who want to fight against them.

    The novel was written by Chinese author Liu Cixin and published in 2008. Translated into English in 2014 and almost 20 languages since, it was called an absolute "must-read in any language" by Booklist magazine. Liu has won several awards for it and in 2015, he became the first Asian to win the Hugo Award for Best Novel, the highest award in science fiction.

    Just from the title, one could imagine that the text might be heavy with physics terms (术语). But as US writer Jason Heller said: "Indeed, this science fiction is full of lengthy passages explaining technical terms. But Liu Cixin supports all of that burning-brain theory with empathetic (感同身受的) characters and thrilling story plots."

    At the very heart of science fiction — and what makes it truly appealing to readers — is the concept of an uncertain future. This allows the author to push the boundaries of readers' imaginations. Liu fully uses this approach to keep readers anxiously turning the page. While reading, they ask themselves, "What would I do?"

    In an interview with The New York Times, Liu said, "China is on the path of rapid modernization and progress, kind of like the US during the golden age of science fiction in the 1930s to the 1960s. The future in the people's eyes is full of attractions and hope, but also threats and challenges. That makes for very fertile soil."

    1. (1) Why does the author ask the 3 questions in Paragraph 1?
      A . To warn us of the crisis Earth is faced with.       B . To introduce the novel The Three-Body Problem. C . To show the author's worries about Earth.  D . To remind us to watch out for alien civilizations.
    2. (2) What can we know about the novel according to the passage?
      A . It is about a fight between aliens and an army on Earth. B . It was translated into many languages once published. C . It has gained worldwide recognition and great success. D . It targets the readers with a good knowledge of physics.
    3. (3) What does the underlined part in Paragraph 5 refer to?
      A . Explaining very difficult physics terms.         B . Exploring the boundaries of readers' imaginations. C . Applying the concept of an uncertain future.       D . Encouraging readers to ask themselves questions.
    4. (4) What does Liu mean in the last paragraph?
      A . China is now in the golden age of science fiction. B . The USA authors can't create science fiction now. C . Now Chinese people are confused about the future. D . China's progress mainly depends on fertile soil.
  • 14. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    We all know that most communication is nonverbal, but did you know that the same body language can mean something totally different based on culture? .

    Eye contact

    Long eye contact is a sign of confidence and attentiveness (用心) in most Western countries. However, in many African, Asian and Latin American countries, unbroken eye contact can be seen as aggressive. In the Middle East, eye contact is only between people of the same sex. .  


    "Rules" on physical contact are very complex and usually differ. But in general, people from high contact cultures such as Southern Europe tend to stand close when speaking. . Those from medium contact cultures stand quite close when speaking and will occasionally make physical touch, while those from low contact cultures stand farther apart and generally avoid physical touch.

    Hand gestures

    . Using the "OK" sign is not OK in Brazil, Greece, Spain or Turkey. And if you want to tell someone they did a good job in Greece or the Middle East, do not use the thumbs-up sign. And in most of Asia, curling (弯曲) your index finger to signal someone over is fine for dogs, but not for people — especially in the Philippines, where you could be punished under the law.

    A. They also tend to touch often

    B. Physical contact and distance

    C. Complex and different cultures

    D. Let's take a look at some examples

    E. Otherwise, it's completely inappropriate

    F. Hand gestures are necessary in communication

    G. A usual hand gesture in one country could be inappropriate in another

  • 15. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

    When we're young, we don't always know what interests us. We often learn skills or  1 hobbies to please our parents. As an adult, I wanted to develop one I 2, so I went to trade school.

    I entered a cabinetmaking (家具制造) 3. I didn't think I would be good at building furniture. I had great teachers, but making furniture is 4. There are so many steps and something can go wrong at each one. I was not even a(n) 5 person. My toolbox always looked like a hurricane had gone through it.

    I didn't fully know what I was 6 to at the beginning, but I kept going to class. Doing 7 work and giving it 100 percent of my effort had huge benefits for my mental health. I 8 my fear of embarrassment and asked for help at every opportunity.

    I spent that year truly learning. True learning is a humbling (使人谦逊的) experience. I could understand exactly what was wrong with the 9 I made, but I couldn't 10 my mistakes. And yet, I kept trying. And failing. And 11 again. Until I learned to fail better.

    I finished the program — with honors, no less! My 12 were helped by my good wooden work. I also learned how to use tools. Having to 13 push beyond my comfort zone has made me a more 14 person. Maybe most importantly, trade school gave me a more realistic idea of my 15 and limitations. I'm stronger than I thought!

    A . set out B . take up C . break down D . lead to
    A . operated B . applied C . enjoyed D . resisted
    A . program B . activity C . club D . trial
    A . boring B . incredible C . serious D . hard
    A . talented B . determined C . adorable D . organized
    A . used B . committed C . related D . addicted
    A . secure B . physical C . spiritual D . abstract
    A . added B . respected C . overcame D . clarified
    A . plan B . homework C . furniture D . tool
    A . ignore B . realize C . assess D . fix
    A . excusing B . failing C . pretending D . judging
    A . classmates B . approaches C . grades D . challenges
    A . constantly B . ultimately C . curiously D . obviously
    A . well-rounded B . kind-hearted C . absent-minded D . cold-blooded
    A . functions B . surroundings C . dreams D . strengths
  • 26. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 

    Farming started early in many places around the world.

    The ancient farmers of Sumer in the Middle East used oxen (牛) for ploughing and had special methods to water their fields. These farming methods made it possible for  country to have large armies in  (defend) of it, which helped spread their culture.

    Culture in Egypt developed for similar reasons. The Egyptians developed an

     (amaze) system of watering fields from the Nile. The ability  (feed) many people from very little land around the Nile helped Egypt build a large and strong country. The Egyptians' water systems were copied and developed by farmers around the world.

    Crops like  (tomato), beans and several other plants were developed in the West. The native people in North America used a farming method  (call) "the three sisters". These three vegetables — beans, corn and squash(瓜)— are grown together,

     helps the soil stay healthy. The method is still  (wide) used today.

    In Central America, the farmers of the Aztec culture cut large steps into the sides of their hills to get more farmland. Aztecs were most famous, however,  creating "floating gardens". Wet areas around lakes couldn't  (use) for farming, so Aztec farmers created islands on the edges of the lakes to grow crops on.

  • 27. 在你读了关于"共和国勋章"获得者袁隆平的事迹后,想在班级的英语角写一篇短文向同学们介绍这位"杂交水稻之父",内容包括:





    参考词汇:共和国勋章奖:the Medal of the Republic

    Known as "Father of hybrid rice",

  • 28. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Lily loved school. However, there was one class Lily worried about more than any other — art. She didn't know why she just wasn't good at drawing or painting.

    Ms. Clay, the art teacher, stood in the front of the room. "Boys and girls, an art competition will be held in our school," she announced. Ms. Clay was a great teacher, and Lily liked her a lot. But this announcement made Lily nervous. "Every one of the 210 students in the school is required to create a piece of artwork. Any type of artwork is welcomed. Next Friday you will have to hand in your artworks." Ms. Clay was quite excited when she spoke while Lily found herself sinking lower in her chair.

    Lily had the whole weekend to work on her artwork, but she could not think of anything to do. On Monday, Lily felt discouraged, so after school Lily went to Ms. Clay and asked if there was any possibility that she wouldn't enter the competition.

    "I understand it may worry and upset you, Lily," Ms. Clay said. "But just remember: art isn't always painting or drawing. It can be something else. I am sure you can think of something very creative, and I can't wait to see it."

    When Lily arrived home, she sat at the table and was lost in thought. She thought of Ms. Clay's words. "Art isn't always painting or drawing. It can be something else." Staring at her table, suddenly she was attracted to a pair of scissors (剪刀) and some paper.



    At that moment, a good idea struck her.


    On Friday, Lily went to school early with her artwork.

