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更新时间:2022-12-07 浏览次数:46 类型:期中考试
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why was the woman unwilling to wake the man up so early?
      A . He didn't sleep well last night. B . He has been exhausted recently. C . He can go to work late today.
    2. (2) What will the man probably do first?
      A . Have breakfast. B . Go back to sleep. C . Share his dream.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the woman say about the man's suit?
      A . It's out of fashion. B . It's too bright. C . It fits him well.
    2. (2) What color shirt will the man wear?
      A . Navy blue. B . White. C . Yellow.
    3. (3) How does the man feel in the end?
      A . Grateful. B . Unconfident. C . Embarrassed.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where are probably the speakers?
      A . In the library. B . In the bookstore. C . At the man's house.
    2. (2) What kind of book does the woman want?
      A . An advanced grammar book. B . An elementary grammar book. C . A book about spoken English.
    3. (3) What does the man suggest the woman do?
      A . Try to learn English online. B . Study English with his son. C . Take part in an English club.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What was the most popular sport at Angelia's school in London?
      A . Football. B . Basketball. C . Table tennis.
    2. (2) What is Henry's nationality?
      A . Chinese. B . American. C . British.
    3. (3) How many people might there be on Henry's team?
      A . Two. B . Three. C . Five.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is Shahzad Qureshi's main purpose of planting urban trees?
      A . To provide a habitat for animals. B . To create a shady spot for people. C . To cool the air.
    2. (2) What did Shahzad Qureshi do in 2017?
      A . He helped plant an urban forest in a school. B . He set up a grammar school. C . He planted 14 urban forests in Pakistan.
    3. (3) Who is Muneeza Shaikhli?
      A . An environmentalist. B . A student. C . A headmaster.
    4. (4) What can students do in the forest at Karachi Grammar School?
      A . Do science experiments. B . Observe the insects. C . Play with birds.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    Online courses offer people abundant opportunities to learn. Try some of the Harvard online courses about humanities.

    The Path to Happiness

    From Confucianism to Daoism, the philosophies developed over two thousand years ago are among the most powerful in human history. This course brings voices from the past into modern contexts to explore the path to a good life today.

    Duration: June 16, 2021--February 1, 2022

    Fees: Free of charge

    Pace: Self-paced

    Difficulty: Introductory

    Introduction to the Ancient Greek World

    This course is about ancient Greece with its unique places, ways of life and historical changes. We survey the most important social institutions and cultural traditions. We also study everyday features such as food and dress.

    Duration: June, 21-November 9, 2021

    Fees: $3400+

    Pace: Instructor-led

    Difficulty: Introductory

    Biotechnology and the Human Good

    Biotechnology offers exciting and promising prospects for healing the sick and relieving the suffering. In this course we consider possible functions beyond medical treatments like making people look younger, perform better and become perfect.

    Duration: June 21-August 6, 2021.

    Fees: $ 3400+

    Pace: Instructor-led

    Difficulty: Intermediate

    Superheroes and Power

    What makes superheroes popular? How can they help us think about super powers? In this course, we explore those questions in Marvel and DC favorites(especially the X-Men)as well as independent comics novels.

    Duration: June 22-August 6, 2021

    Fees: $ 3400+

    Pace: Instructor-led

    Difficulty: Intermediate

    1. (1) Which course can you take if you are free in December, 2021?
      A . The Path to Happiness. B . Introduction to the Ancient Greek World. C . Biotechnology and the Human Good. D . Superheroes and Power.
    2. (2) What does Biotechnology and the Human Good deal with?
      A . Powers of superheroes. B . Ways to increase happiness. C . More uses of biotech. D . Clinical practices of biotech.
    3. (3) What do the four courses have in common?
      A . They are of the same level. B . They are free of charge. C . They are instructor-led. D . They belong to the same subject.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    A letter written to a 12-year-old girl in Lithuania was delivered in December, almost 51 years after it was sent by a pen pal in Poland. "I thought that someone was pranking me," said Genovefa Klonovska after being handed the letter, which included a handmade colored rose and two paper dolls.

    The letter, together with 17 others, fell out of a ventilation hole(通风口) this summer, dirty and wrinkled, as a wall was taken down in a former post office on the suburb of Vilnius. Jurgis Vilutis, owner of the building immediately called the post office. "I'm so happy they got interested," said he.

    Street names and their numbering have changed in Vilnius, and post office workers spent months looking for the right houses and talking to current renters and neighbors, tracking down where the recipients moved to. Only five were found. In several cases children of late recipients were handed a lost letter.

    "We felt a moral duty to do this," said Deimante Zebrauskaite, head of the customer experience department at Lithuania Post.

    One lady compared the experience to receiving a message from a bottle thrown into sea. People were emotional. "Some felt they saw a part of daily life of their deceased parents," Zebrauskaite said.

    In the letter to Klonovska, sent from Koczary in Poland and stamped in 1970, a girl named Ewa complains buses no longer reach her village, so she has to walk in minus 23 degree Celsius cold, and asks for pictures of actors.

    Now in her 60s, Klonovska has no memory of Ewa. She probably wrote Ewa after finding her address advertising for pen pals in a newspaper, and the relationship ceased after the letter got undelivered.

    "So good that the letter didn't matter much. The loss was not life-changing," said Klonovska. "What if they delivered a lost letter from a suitor(求婚者) to his love, and their wedding never happened?"

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "pranking" in Paragraph I mean?
      A . Brightening B . Embarrassing C . Tricking D . Pleasing
    2. (2) What happened to the letters in Paragraph 2?
      A . They were accidentally found. B . They remained well-preserved. C . They were delivered by the former post office. D . They were hidden by the owner of the building.
    3. (3) Which of the following best describes the present post office in Vilnius?
      A . Generous B . Dutiful C . Honest D . Cautious
    4. (4) What can we learn from what Klonovska said?
      A . Klonovska refused a suitor.      B . Klonovska stopped the wedding. C . The undelivered letter ruined the relationship. D . The undelivered letter made little difference to her.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Uggs(雪地靴) are certainly ugly, or at least inelegant. The shapeless boots, pulled on in a hurry, can make anyone look like a slob(懒惰又邋遢的人), which has made them the target of disrespect. It hasn't been hard to find someone strongly condemning them. "Ugg boots are not sexy, " The Independent declared in 2003, "unless you're Mrs. Bigfoot on alone mission across Antarctica to find Mr. Bigfoot." When wearing the boots, a writer of The Gloss complained, "There's nothing to indicate that you don't have square, horrible shoeboxes in place of human feet." In 2015, one coffee shop on Brick Lane in east London even banned ugg­wearers.

    And yet, over the years, plenty of strange and unattractive shoes have met with the approval of the fashion establishment. The problem with uggs wasn't that they were ugly; it's that they were common.

    But a funny thing happened on the way to fashion's tomb: the universal ugg has not gone anywhere. Uggs have quietly stayed here since their best time. Once you start paying attention, you'll be shocked to discover how many people are still wearing them. They are worn by mothers in town and in the country, by teenagers on Saturday shopping trips and by people in fashion.

    Perhaps the secret of uggs' unstoppable success is that, if there is a dividing line between public appeal and private style, it might be a pair of cosy boots. They are certainly comfortable, soft and warm, as if your feet were in the hugging of someone who really loves you. At $150 a pair, they are neither cheap nor entirely out of range. They are casual and indulgent(纵容的).

    Somehow uggs, the boots that so many people hate, have managed to challenge the cruel logic of the fashion cycle and carry on whether you approve of them or not.

    1. (1) What is the best title of the passage?
      A . Uggs Refuse to Die B . Uggs Have Existed So Long C . Uggs Enter the Fashion Circle D . Uggs Have Gone Somewhere
    2. (2) Why does the author quote many media's words in the first paragraph?
      A . To prove uggs' toughness. B . To prove uggs' popularity. C . To prove people's approval. D . To prove people's condemning.
    3. (3) What does the author think very strange?
      A . Uggs are very common. B . Uggs stay there regardless. C . Uggs are worn by teenagers. D . Uggs are inelegant and ugly.
    4. (4) What is the secret to the success of uggs according to the passage?
      A . They are very cheap. B . They own private style. C . They have public appeal. D . They are very comfortable.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    "Two centuries ago, Lewis and Clark left St. Louis to explore the new lands acquired in the Louisiana Purchase," George W. Bush said, announcing his desire for a program to send men and women to Mars. They made that journey in the spirit of discovery. America has ventured forth into space for the same reasons.

    Yet there are vital differences between Lewis and Clark's expedition and a Mars mission. First, they were headed to a place where hundreds of thousands of people were already living. Second, they were certain to discover places and things of immediate value to the new nation. Third, their venture cost next to nothing by today's standards. A Mars mission may be the single most expensive non-wartime undertaking in U. S. history.

    Appealing as the thought of travel to Mars is, it does not mean the journey makes sense, even considering the human calling to explore. And Mars as a destination for people makes absolutely no sense with current technology.

    Present systems for getting from Earth's surface to low-Earth orbit are so fantastically expensive that merely launching the 1,000 tons or so of spacecraft and equipment a Mars mission would require could be accomplished only by cutting health-care benefits, education spending, or other important programs — or by raising taxes. Absent (缺乏) some remarkable discovery, astronauts, geologists, and biologists once on Mars could do little more than analyze rocks and feel awestruck(敬畏的) staring into the sky of another world. Yet rocks can be analyzed by automated probes without risk to human life, and at a tiny portion of the cost of sending people.

    It is interesting to note that when President Bush unveiled (公开) his proposal, he listed these recent major achievements of space exploration: pictures of evidence of water on Mars, discovery of more than 100 planets outside our solar system, and study of the soil of Mars. All these accomplishments came from automated probes or automated space telescopes. Bush's proposal, which calls for reprogramming some of NASA's present budget into the Mars effort, might actually lead to a reduction in such unmanned science — the one aspect of space exploration that's working really well.

    Rather than spend hundreds of billions of dollars to hurl(投) tons toward Mars using current technology, why not take a decade or two or however much time is required researching new launch systems and advanced propulsion(推进力)? If new launch systems could put weight into orbit affordably, and advanced propulsion could speed up that long, slow transit (运输) to Mars, the dream of stepping onto the red planet might become reality. Mars will still be there when the technology is ready.

    1. (1) What do Lewis and Clark's expedition and a Mars mission have in common?
      A . Instant value. B . Human inhabitance. C . Venture cost. D . Exploring spirit.
    2. (2) Bush's proposal is challenged for the following reasons EXCEPT that ______.
      A . great achievements have already been made in Mars exploration in America. B . American people's well-being will suffer a lot if it is carried out. C . its expense is too huge for the government to afford. D . unmanned Mars exploration sounds more practical and economical for the moment.
    3. (3) Which of the following can be concluded from the passage?
      A . Going to Mars using current technology is quite sensible. B . A Mars mission will in turn promote the development of unmanned program. C . Bush's proposal is based on three recent great achievements of space exploration. D . The achievements in space exploration show how well manned science has developed.
    4. (4) What is the main idea of the passage?
      A . Risky as it is, a Mars mission helps maintain America's position as a technological leader. B . A Mars mission is so costly that it may lead to an economic disaster in America. C . Someday people may go to Mars but not until it makes technological sense. D . A Mars mission is unnecessary since the scientists once there won't make great discoveries.
四、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5 分)
  • 15. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Public Speaking

    Public speaking can be defined as the act of making a speech in front of a group of listeners.

    The types of public speaking are deliberately structured with three general purposes: to inform, to persuade and to entertain. An informative speech has a purpose to inform, or give knowledge to its audience.  For persuasive speech, the speaker would try to change the mindset, perception, or behavior of the audience for their own good. Thus, the speaker needs to look for common ground with the audience and try to relate to what they might agree on. The last type is a ceremonial speech. It tends to be less formal and more personal than the other types of speeches. No matter how well you know the person you are giving speech about, try not to say bad things about them, even if it is meant to be a joke.

     Sparing some time to practice will help build confidence and help determine how long the presentation will last. Aside from it, knowing who the audience will be is quite necessary. Try to get as much information as possible regarding this particular area related to the audience. Knowing the "battlefield" in advance will give the speakers a huge advantage.

    Language is the main aspect a speaker needs to pay attention to while giving a speech. A speaker needs to choose their words carefully and make it clear to the audience what they mean. Often, when given a speech, the audience look up to the speaker to give them something new and useful.  Language and delivery alone will not be sufficient if the speaker does not have the body language. The movement and gesture of a speaker also affect the audience. While closing the speech or presentation, speakers can restate their main points, just to remind the audience of the important things that have been said.

    A. It needs to be used clearly.

    B. These speeches mark special occasions.

    C. The important thing to watch about is not to put in too much information.

    D. The key of perfecting anything is through practice, including public speaking.

    E. They can also end it with a special message and encourage the audience to ask questions.

    F. Knowing how public speaking is done is a key part in understanding the importance of it.

    G. Thus, the speaker needs to know how to deliver their speech to fulfill the audience's expectation.

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    There once was an ordinary street in the suburbs where no one cared much for the gardens. The lawns were overgrown, the weeds were 1 and the hedges(树篱) desperately needed to be cut back. It looked very 2. But When the neighbors saw their 3, they just looked at each other and laughed.

    It seemed too hard to 4 all the gardens and no one could be bothered to make them better because everyone's garden was 5 terrible. No one felt it was urgent to      6 anything. Then a gardener named Bill moved in. Bill was a 7, hard­working and patient man who started working in the garden as soon as he8in the street. He took his lawn mower(割草机) out to cut back the grass and pulled out all of the weeds. Finally, he took up his gardening and started 9 his hedges, making them look like flowers, plants, stones, balls, etc.

    Attracted by the10, the neighbors walked by and admired the newly manicured(修剪整齐的) garden. Over some time, something interesting happened. One by one, the neighbors started to put in more 11 in their own gardens and the sounds of lawn mowers could be heard again. After a few months, the street was 12 from a dirty, unappealing collection of houses into a beautiful avenue that wouldn't be out of place in a stylish magazine.

    One person's action showed everyone what could be achieved with a little 13work. It's easy for us to 14the environment around us because no one else cares about it. Remember what you positively do not only 15 yourself, but also results in a change to the whole world.

    A . taking over B . dying out C . giving in D . falling off
    A . tidy B . delicate C . familiar D . awful
    A . gardens B . doors C . roofs D . farms
    A . purchase B . guard C . clear D . build
    A . scarcely B . invisibly C . slightly D . equally
    A . keep B . change C . reach D . defeat
    A . proud B . casual C . neat D . selfless
    A . settled B . stepped C . performed D . stood
    A . planting B . picking C . watering D . shaping
    A . office clerk B . fashion designer C . landscape gardener D . street cleaner
    A . furniture B . staff C . effort D . heat
    A . transformed B . moved C . enlarged D . passed
    A . mental B . hard C . corporate D . optional
    A . observe B . mind C . overlook D . pollute
    A . traps B . benefits C . defends D . admires
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    In the past eight years, China has achieved its goal of poverty reduction    planned and nearly 100 million people  (lift) out of poverty, according to Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee.

    Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the Party has taken lots of innovative and creative measures to reduce poverty and has launched a war  poverty of the largest ever scale in the history of mankind. So far, China has adjusted the standard for absolute poverty several times to keep  in line with the country's social and  (economy) development.

    The CPC has put the people first and made efforts to help those  are in poverty-stricken area lead  happy life. With eight years of continuous efforts, all rural people, based on these current  (criterion) in China, have been lifted out of poverty. All  (remain) counties have been removed from the country's poverty list, and absolute poverty and overall regional poverty have been eliminated, Xi said, adding that this is a remarkable victory that has  (huge) impressed the world. The great victory has boosted the people's feeling of gain, happiness and safety.

  • 18. 假定你是李华,你校英语社团公众号计划为高三生活拍摄英文纪录片,现招募英文


    内容包括:1)提出申请;  2)你的优势;  3)期待加入。




    参考词汇:英文字幕English subtitles  纪录片documentary

    Dear Sir or Madam,



    Li hua

  • 19. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

    I am a proud mother of three children, my last little one being delivered in the middle of this pandemic. She was born in August and her name is Aida.

    Shortly after having Aida, my mother-in-law Ann showed me something she learned from her friend's mother in an art class she attended weekly. She had showed me how to knit a scarf. She showed me stitches (针) and gave me her half done project.

    I spent a lot of time breastfeeding my sweet little girl, so I had some extra time to do something with my hands throughout the day. I enjoyed making the scarf so I purchased tons of yarn (线) since it was winter. I wanted to make scarves for my three children as Christmas gifts.

    There was a new family that moved in down the street. The only daughter of the family was Jane, a shy girl, aged 14, the same age of my oldest son David. It seemed that she came from a financially disadvantaged family, for she always wore old clothes. Worse still, in such cold days, she had no more clothes to wear and trembled with cold.

    Due to the pandemic, society was thrown into crisis mode. Schools were closed, food supplies and deliveries were suspended and children were stuck at home. In such discouraging times, however, they became good companions, talking and playing at home or around the houses.

    It was dreadfully cold this winter. Every time David came back from outside, with red face, he always cried, "Mum, it is freezing outside!" Then, he came over to see whether I finished the scarf. I could tell how impatient he was to wear my scarf sooner! I had to speed the project to satisfy his expectation. But David comforted me saying he could wait a few days. What a kind and considerate boy he was! Then my great art project finally was accomplished on the morning ahead of Christmas.




    Paragraph 1:

    I wrapped the scarf around David's neck.

    Paragraph 2:

    Later that day David came back saying Jane also deserved a scarf.

