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更新时间:2022-11-27 浏览次数:244 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Friends are very important to us. Sometimes we just want to develop some new friendships. Here are some of the best apps for you to make new friends.


    Research shows that exercising with a friend promotes more motivation and healthier lifestyle habits. Atleto is an app that builds on this "exercise contagion (传染)" phenomenon by bringing together athletic people to take exercise and organize group activities. You can choose from over 40 sports and find your community of people who like to be in a sweat.


    Studies show that we're eager to find people similar to us. Suppose you're sick of boring surface-level conversations. Then, Friender solves that problem quickly with an algorithm (算法) that only matches you based on your favorite activities and interests. This friend-finding app makes it easy to get into conversations that you care about. If you don't have many hobbies to type into an app, one of the easiest ways to start is to try out new hobbies.


    Dogs are great companions, but sometimes it's nice to talk to humans, too. This app connects pet owners to meet up at dog parks or walk with their pups. You get to set up doggie play dates and find new friends at the same time! It's a win-win.

    Skout started back in 2007 to help people make new friends. The rematches are based on directly by checking into a location and seeing who else on the app is there.

    1. (1) Who is Atleto intended for?
      A . Those who like to walk their dogs. B . Those who want to play sports together. C . Those who want to develop new hobbies. D . Those who like to do community service.
    2. (2) What can people do by using Friender?
      A . Solve conversation problems. B . Share their favorite activities. C . MMake new friends while traveling. D . Have conversations with like-minded people.
    3. (3) Which app can help the user find new friends quickly at a new place?
      A . Atleto. B . Friender. C . PawDate. D . Skout.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Unhappily married for many years, Peter waited until his children were grown up before he divorced (离婚) their mother. He hoped this would make the experience less unhappy for them. Yet in the six years since, he has not seen either of his two sons. "For me it has been completely destructive, " he says. "I get teary when I think about them. "

    Though people tend not to talk about it much, family estrangement (失和) seems to be widespread in America. The relationship most commonly cut off is that between parent and adult child, and in most cases it is the child who holds the knife.

    Because family estrangement has been a subject of research only for the past decade, there are no data to show whether it is becoming more common. But many sociologists and psychologists (心理学家) think it is. In one way this seems surprising. Divorce increases the risk of family divisions. Yet in recent years,America's divorce rate has fallen. So Dr. Coleman thinks other factors (因素) are making parent-child estrangements likelier than ever.

    A rise in individualism that emphasizes personal happiness is the biggest factor. Realization of personal value has increasingly come to take the place of filial duty (孝顺), says Dr. Coleman. In some ways it is a positive development: people find it easier to separate from parents who have been pushy. But it can also carry heavy costs.

    Another factor is that those who decide to break off contact with their parents find support online. Posts on internet forums for people who Want to break ties with their parents show strangers advising an immediate break in contact. This may make it easier to put aside their feelings of guilt.

    Raising awareness about the issue in this Way is likely to be important not only because some broken relationships may be fixable. Parent-child estrangement has negative effects beyond the heartbreak it causes. Research suggests that the habit of cutting off relatives is likely to spread in families. But most immediately, it is likely to increase loneliness in old age.

    1. (1) What is the function of the first paragraph?
      A . To explain a reason. B . To introduce the topic. C . To make a suggestion. D . To give an example.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "it" in the third paragraph refer to?
      A . The research data    B . The risk of divisions C . Family estrangement. D . Parent-child relationship.
    3. (3) How do adult children separate from their parents without feeling guilty?
      A . By finding support online. B . By seeking personal happiness. C . By performing filial duty. D . By posting on Internet forums.
    4. (4) What is the direct negative effect of parent-child estrangement?
      A . Causing heartbreak. B . Breaking parent-child relationships. C . Leading to awful loneliness in old age. D . Spreading the habit of cutting off relatives.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Ocean warming is speeding up and sea levels are rising more quickly, warns a new report by the U. N. Intergovernmental Panel. The report also discusses a relatively new phenomenon in the oceans: marine (海洋的) heatwaves. "Before 2012 or 2013, nobody had thought about heat waves in the ocean, " says Andrew Pershing, chief scientist at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute in Portland. "Then in 2012 we had a huge event here. It was a real surprise." The abnormally hot water influenced animals that live off the coast of Maine and are important to the local fishing economy.

    What's more, it quickly became clear that the state wasn't alone. "This kind of heat wave events has sprung up all over the ocean, " Pershing says. "We've actually had three major heat waves here - 2012, 2016 and 2018 and now we're looking at repeat heat waves in the northern Pacific; Australia has also had some repeat heat waves. So it's really becoming a part of the conversation in oceanography. "

    That's a big deal for coastal communities whose economies depend on fish and other seafood. Heat waves drove a lot of changes in life off the coast of the Pacific Northwest, which in tum led to disastrous seasons for fishermen. Abnormally hot water supported rapid increase of algae (藻类) that polluted the Dungeness crab fishery on the West Coast, shutting it down for months. Meanwhile, the so-called hot water off the coast has been connected with drought (干旱) on land, which has led to a large number of fish runs, raised the risk of wildfires and resulted in water stress inland.

    The report suggests some actions local, state and national leaders can take to slow ocean warming and rising, and to adapt (适应) to its influences. First,greenhouse gas emissions (排放) from burning fossil fuels are the main drive of these changes, and the global economy must go through a dramatic change to reduce these emissions.

    "Even if we cut carbon emissions right now, we are still looking at 20 to 30 years of change, " Pershing explains." That means, whatever we do, we have to figure out how we are going to adapt to these changes. "

    Some marine influences of climate change will unfold in the coming years no matter what. Speeding up sea level rise, for example, will threaten billions of people and present an existential threat to millions who live in coastal communities and count on fishing.

    1. (1) What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
      A . The results of global climate change. B . The cause of heat waves in the ocean. C . The problem ocean animals are facing. D . The increasing frequency of heat waves.
    2. (2) How does the author explain the disaster led by heat waves to fishermen?
      A . By providing examples. B . By studying and reasoning. C . By carrying out researches. D . By interviewing local people.
    3. (3) What can we learn from Pershing's words?
      A . The influences of climate change are unavoidable. B . We should try to reduce carbon emissions greatly. C . The fight against climate change is already working. D . We have a promising future of the world environment.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "unfold" mean in the last paragraph?
      A . let go B . weaken C . show up D . strengthen
  • 4. 阅读理解

    School field trips have been part of the educational experience for children across the US for decades. While many schools believe there's value in letting students develop socially with out-of-classroom experiences, measuring the influence and the value of field trips is difficult. And showing the value of out-of- class time can be challenging for teachers tasked with providing a good education.

    As such, many art venues, science museums and zoos have reported drops in field trip attendance. Teachers and students have also reported falling numbers of school supported trips. particularly for minority students in academically low-performing schools.

    But thanks to new research from Brigham Young University and the Heritage Foundation, the value of field trips is finally being understood. The study used an experimental design and randomly assigned fourth-and fifth-grade students from fifteen elementary schools in Atlanta to join in three field trips during a school year. The field trips included a trip to a gallery, a live theater performance and a symphony concert.

    Students who attended three different field trips in the fourth or fifth grade scored higher on end-of-grade exams, received higher course grades, were absent less often and had fewer behavioral problems. Besides academic (学业的) improvements, students who took part in field trips were more likely to express a desire to have careerism related fields in the future. In parents' opinion, they are very interested in the academic quality of their children's schools, but they're also interested in the social skills and social engagement habits they develop. Field trips are easy ways to help facilitate both.

    "We expected that field trips wouldn't harm test scores. However, we never predicted the all-around improvements for students who joined in these field trips, " said Eriekson, a researcher in the study. "One potential reason for this is that field trips widen students' world concepts and introduce them to new ideas. Similarly, students might be more engaged in school thanks to field trips.  Students find school more exciting and want to try harder in class. "

    1. (1) Why do the number of school field trips drop?
      A . Teachers give students too many tasks. B . Schools have great problems with money. C . The value of field trips is hard to be measured. D . Students have difficulty in academic learning.
    2. (2) What is the theme of the field trips in the study?
      A . Art. B . Nature. C . Sports. D . Technology.
    3. (3) What can we infer about students who joined in the study?
      A . They have more interests. B . They have more self-control. C . They become more creative. D . They become more expressive.
    4. (4) What is Erickson's attitude towards the result of the study?
      A . Doubtful. B . Surprised. C . Disappointed. D . Negative.
  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    The student syndrome (综合症) is a phenomenon where a large number of students put off doing things until right before the deadline (最后期限).    Since it involves unnecessary delay, it usually leads to negative results for those who display it. They will feel stressed and overwhelmed, and the task seems to be never finished.

    To avoid the student syndrome, you should figure out what's causing you to delay in the first place, and then use some techniques.

    Break your tasks into small and manageable steps. For example, if you need to write an article, you can start with small steps, such as figuring out the title, creating a rough description, and finding five appropriate academic sources. Keep it in mind that if the project in question is large, then you generally shouldn't worry about figuring out all the steps to it from the very beginning.  Then find new steps as you make progress along the way. This helps you avoid feeling upset and getting stuck.

    For example, if you have a single deadline for completing a large research paper, set additional deadlines along the way for completing specific parts of it. These additional deadlines to be met will make the very large research paper more manageable and less frightening.

    Find your productivity cycles. People's ability to complete certain tasks is different based on a great many factors such as the time of day. For example, it may be the case that you're best able to concentrate on difficult tasks early in the morning, before you've started dealing with emails or minor administrative aspects of your job.

    Follow these techniques and you are unlikely to wait until the last minute.

    A. Establish specific goals for yourself.

    B. Set intermediate (中间的) deadlines for yourself.

    C. They can help you take action in a timely manner.

    D. This phenomenon can be considered to be a form of delay.

    E. You should take this into account when scheduling your work.

    F. Instead, start by finding the first few steps that you need to take.

    G. You should change your environment to make it easier for yourself to get started.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I always described myself as a perfectionist. To me, it meant that I had high1cared about everything I did and I always did my best.

    2, then I started to notice that I was a quitter, not a trier. I3anything I wasn't immediately good at. Each time I made a4, no matter how small, I dropped that task or interest. I was so afraid of5; I wasn't even trying anymore.

    Actually there was so much I6to try, but I never had a go at them. What if I failed? The idea was so7that it was easier to leave it as an unknown.

    Then one day I spotted an art supply store when I went outside a shopping center. Before I could8myself, I bought a tiny set of paints, some paper and brushes.

    I headed home full of9, opened them up, and started painting. And the results were really bad.10I pushed everything into a drawer (抽屉) and decided to forget the idea.But later I got the paints back and started again. I was still poor at painting, but my11this time wasn't reduced. I decided to share my progress on social media!

    Now, three years later, I paint almost every day and have12my own art business. I regularly fail and make a mess, but I13give up. Even better, I'm constantly trying new subjects. I've had experiences that a few years ago I couldn't have14. I just keep going. Now I'm no longer15perfection; I'm simply enjoying the process.

    A . rates B . qualities C . standards D . degrees
    A . Therefore B . However C . Moreover D . Otherwise
    A . brought out B . ended up C . got over D . gave up
    A . difference B . comment C . mistake D . decision
    A . failure B . danger C . harm D . shame
    A . pressed B . struggled C . managed D . desired
    A . unaffordable B . unbearable C . unbelievable D . unsuitable
    A . trick B . target C . prevent D . question
    A . expectations B . achievements C . beliefs D . memories
    A . Frightened B . Stressed C . Concerned D . Low-spirited
    A . reflection B . motivation C . responsibility D . ability
    A . brought up B . signed up C . built up D . picked up
    A . never B . also C . even D . ever
    A . ignored B . prepared C . considered D . imagined
    A . acquiring B . seeking C . concentrating D . completing
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    How to Deal With Frenemies(亦敌亦友)

    Have you ever had a friend who plans to hang out but cancels when a   (good) offer comes along? Or a buddy who drops everything to lend you a hand but later talks about you behind your back? These problematic friends(know) as "frenemies."

    The term can be used to describe those relationshipscan raise you up in one case, but pull you crashing down in another. In these troublesome relationships、encouragement and(warm) go hand in hand with criticism (批评), envy and rejection. It's a friend who drives you crazy. You don't want to lose them, they are really a pain.

    Researchers have found that such ties can have a negative effectthe mental and physical well-being of a person, the results of which can lead to high blood pressure、an increased risk for depression (抑郁) and a lowered ability   (fight)stress. However. If you want to keep your frenemies-and most people do-there are things you can do to reduce these(harm) effects.

    No friendship is perfect. Whether your friend is worth it(depend) on what he or she means to you. But either way, you can work on keeping up your end of the friendship. Start with(control) your own behavior and being the kind of friend, you'd want others to be for you.

  • 23. 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Jack来信向你求助,说进入高中后因为考试压力大,晚上常常难以入眠或半夜易醒,睡眠问题对健康和学习产生了不良影响。请你用英请给他回一封信,主要内容包括:







    Dear Jack,


    Yours sincerely,

    Li Hua

