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更新时间:2022-11-23 浏览次数:159 类型:期中考试
一、听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)。
二、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)。
  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the man think of the program?
      A . It isn't worth watching. B . It isn't that bad. C . It is fantastic.
    2. (2) What will the man do tomorrow?
      A . Go on a business trip. B . Attend a meeting. C . Stay at home.
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What are the speakers mainly talking about?
      A . Their majors. B . After-class activities. C . Plans after graduation.
    2. (2) What does the man invite the woman to do?
      A . Join a club. B . Do some sports. C . Watch a play.
  • 8. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why does the woman talk to the man?
      A . To borrow a disk. B . To open up a program. C . To get some help.
    2. (2) What is wrong with the woman's computer?
      A . It keeps shutting down. B . It has a strange sound. C . It can't be connected to the Internet.
    3. (3) Where will the speakers meet?
      A . At the man's home. B . At the woman's home. C . At the repair store.
  • 9. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What are the speakers doing?
      A . Attending a meeting. B . Enjoying a concert. C . Queuing up for tickets.
    2. (2) What do we know about the man?
      A . He is very clever. B . He is a professor. C . He is active in sports.
    3. (3) Where does the woman work now?
      A . In Chicago. B . In Seattle. C . In Los Angeles.
    4. (4) Who is Susan?
      A . The man's wife. B . The man's colleague. C . The man's doctor.
  • 10. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) When will the swim classes begin?
      A . On May 1st. B . On April 30th. C . On April 29th.
    2. (2) How many swim classes are being offered?
      A . 10. B . 15. C . 20.
    3. (3) Who must come to the swim skill show?
      A . Those who have no Level 3 certificate. B . Those who want to pass the skill level test quickly. C . Those who have never attended Community Pool classes.
    4. (4) Who will rate the students' skill levels?
      A . The speaker. B . The instructors. C . The local community.
  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Non-native animals are doing great damage to local economies and ecosystems. Governments try to use all kinds of ways to keep these animals from going into their places. Some local governments try to make removing invasive(侵入的) species fun by holding contests with prizes for whoever can catch the most of these animals. In 2022, for example, one fishing contest will be open to the public.

    City Fishing Tournament(锦标赛)


    218 West First Street, Bath, Illinois

    Have fun while trying to rid the

    Illinois River of Asian carp(鲤鱼)!

    Date & Contest Times:

    ●Friday, Nov. 4: Noon-2 p.m. and 3-5p. m.

    ●Saturday, Nov. 5: 11 a.m.-1p.m. and 5-7 p.m.


    ●Participants-$50 per boat, per contest

    ●Spectators-$5 per day or $8 for a weekend pass

    Instructions & Rules:

    ●Catch as many Asian carp as you can with one-handed nets, your hands (careful!), baseball bats or simply by having them jump into your boat!

    ●Hockey helmets and other protective gear are strongly recommended. Boat motor noise makes these fish jump high into the air-they average 20kg each and can cause injuries!

    ●Bring large trash bags to transfer your fish from your boat to the counting area.

    ●Participants using nets must have a valid Illinois fishing license.

    Awards are given for:

    ●Most Asian carp caught during each two-hour contest and in total

    ●Best costumes: Friday is "Camouflage Day" and Saturday is "Superhero Day"

    Everybody, be quick to join us!

    TEL: 87387745

    1. (1) What is the main purpose of the City Fishing Tournament?
      A . To have fun on the Illinois River. B . To study the fishes in the Illinois River. C . To get rid of the carp in the Illinois River. D . To remove the pollution along the Illinois River.
    2. (2) What is a must in the contest?
      A . A boat. B . A net. C . A helmet. D . A license.
    3. (3) Where is the text probably from?
      A . A guidebook. B . A news report. C . A travel leaflet. D . An advertisement.3
  • 12. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Former truck driver Chen Xianjun played a final chord(和弦) on the guitar as he and his four band-mates—a salesperson, a farmer and two doctors—enjoyed the sunshine of early winter by West Lake in Zhejiang Province.

    "Cherish your life," Chen sang his song's last line. Behind him was the photo of a foreigner wearing a warm smile and hugging his guitar. It was the 27-year-old man, Philip Hancock, an Australian teaching English in Chongqing, who made the warm scene come true.

    Hancock died in May 2018 in Chongqing. His parents obeyed Hancock's wish to donate his organs after death. Hancock's liver and kidneys saved the lives of three people in the band and his corneas(角膜) made the other two regain the eyesight, including Chen.

    "Last year, Red Cross officials advised that the five of us form a band in memory of Hancock. They told me that Hancock dreamed of having his own band one day," Chen said. He accepted the advice instantly, and so did the other recipients of Hancock's organs. "I'm more than lucky to be able to show respect for the man who gave me a second chance at a full life," he said.

    In the past year, the five "musicians" have learned various instruments. They traveled from different parts of Chongqing and Sichuan Province to meet in a studio for lessons. The Band for One, a fitting name for the group, finally gathered by the lakeside in Hangzhou on November 7 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the implementation(实施) of voluntary organ donations in China.

    "I was nervous before stepping on the stage, but I think we all played our parts to the best after so many months of preparation and tension," Chen Xianjun said. "All the recipients now have the ability to carry on with their lives, and I believe that's exactly what Hancock wanted for us."

    1. (1) What can we learn from the second and third paragraphs?
      A . Hancock saved the lives of three people in the band before he died. B . The lives of the people in the band have changed thanks to Hancock. C . Chen Xianjun would have died if Hancock had not donated his organs. D . Hancock helped Chen Xianjun form a band while teaching in Chongqing.
    2. (2) Which can replace the underlined word "recipients" in Paragraph 4?
      A . Receivers. B . Givers. C . Helpers. D . Supporters.
    3. (3) What can we learn from the passage?
      A . Hancock had formed a popular band before he passed away. B . The band went to play in Hangzhou in memory of Hancock. C . The five people formed the band on Chen Xianjun's advice. D . The five people in the band tried to learn various instruments.
    4. (4) Which word best describes the five people's attitude to Hancock?
      A . Objective. B . Pleased. C . Thankful. D . Doubtful.
  • 13. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    The global sea level has risen by eight to nine inches since 1880. Rising sea levels cause an existential threat for some small islands and some low-lying coasts. In a response to this threat, the Busan Metropolitan City of the Republic of Korea, and the company OCEANIX revealed the world's first model floating city, OCEANIX Busan.

    OCEANIX Busan has six integrated systems focusing on energy, food, water, waste, mobility and coastal habitat regeneration to ensure the floating city reuses and wastes as little as possible. The floating city has no roadways to support walking, biking, and autonomous electric vehicles, so it won't produce any vehicle emissions. Floating and rooftop photovoltaic panels(光伏板) will generate(产生) 100% of the operational energy needed for the city.

    OCEANIX Busan will consist of three floating neighborhoods totaling 15.5 acres. That's about as much surface as a dozen football fields, and according to the developers, it has enough room to house 12,000 people. The neighborhoods will connect to one another and the mainland via bridges, and each will serve a specific purpose. The living neighborhood will have residential buildings, shops and food sellers, and a "community backyard" where residents can gather at its center. The lodging neighborhood will be built to support visitors- it'll have many shopping and dining options, as well as guest rooms designed to maximize ocean views. The third neighborhood will be a co-working and research center, with a temperature-controlled space at its center for hydroponic agriculture.

    "Today is an important milestone for all coastal cities and island nations on the frontlines of climate change. We are on track to delivering OCEANIX Busan and proving that floating infrastructure(基础设施) can create new land for coastal cities looking for sustainable(可持续的) ways to expand onto the ocean, while adapting to sea-level rise," said Philipp Hofnann, CEO of OCEANIX.

    1. (1) What is the purpose of designing OCEANIX Busan?
      A . To promote the development of tourism. B . To deal with the threat from rising sea levels. C . To allow people to enjoy the pleasant coastal climate. D . To monitor the effect of climate change on small islands.
    2. (2) Which word best describes OCEANIX Busan's mode of operation?
      A . Digital. B . Flexible. C . Sustainable. D . Individual.
    3. (3) What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?
      A . The features of the residential buildings. B . The structure of the floating neighborhoods. C . The difficulties of building OCEANIX Busan. D . The measures to attract visitors to OCEANIX Busan.
    4. (4) What is the best title of the passage?
      A . The World's First Model Floating City B . The Sea's Electricity Production Project C . The City's Modern Infrastructure System D . The Company's Response to Global Warming
  • 14. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    The art you choose to display in your home tells a story. It represents who you are and what you care about most. "After all, if there's any place in this world that you can be the main characters of your story, it is at home," says independent author Kimberly Drew.

    When talking about how to find and choose an artwork for the home, Drew isn't so interested in what makes up "art". Instead, he thinks the important question is: "What kind of stories do you want to tell for yourself in your home space?"

    Art is all around us in the everyday objects we keep. If they mean something to you, they can be art. Then think about how you might display them.

    Next, let the art speak to you and your space. Social media, magazines, and television shows have endless advice on how to get a perfect home. While they're good for inspiration, there can also be a downside: They can push us to create the "ideal" home for external approval. Remember that art in your home is about and for you. You deserve all the beauty and joy it brings.

    Buying art can sound confusing, but it's like buying anything else. Think about your budget and who you want to support. See if there are auctions that are attached to social issues you care about, or the artists whose work is benefiting an organization you support. You can also ask the artists directly, find out where they are showing next, email them or follow them and interact respectfully on social media.

    Where you put the artwork in the home depends on you! But you can do something to keep the artwork safe. Try not to hang anything where the humidity(湿气) levels are high. If you're hanging a piece of art in a sunny room, make sure you'll protect the piece from direct light. And make sure the hanging device you use can support the weight of the piece.

    1. (1) What is the art you choose for your home based on by Drew?
      A . Whether its artist is well known. B . Whether its style matches your home. C . Whether it is related to a good memory. D . Whether it shows what you want to express.
    2. (2) What can we learn from paragraph 4?
      A . It is quite difficult to understand one's unique art taste. B . It's better to ask professionals to choose artworks for us. C . We don't need to create an ideal home to gain others' approval. D . The ideas from social media and television shows are confusing.
    3. (3) According to paragraph 5, what should you consider when purchasing an artwork?
      A . The size and the price. B . The price and the artist. C . The style of the auction. D . The space of your home.
    4. (4) What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
      A . The suggestions on enjoying the artwork to the full. B . The suggestions on making full use of your home space. C . The suggestions on matching your home with the artwork. D . The suggestions on taking care of the artwork in your home.
  • 15. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Ask most people which day of the week they fear the most and the answer is likely to be Monday. The first day of the working week can make us depressed.

    The most depressing day of the year is the third Monday in January, when it's cold and dark outside. This day was named "Blue Monday" by psychologist Cliff Arnall. Even if there was little science behind Blue Monday, it's probably true that the sound of our alarm clock on any Monday morning means the coming of a new working week and possibly the end of our weekend of fun. It's what psychologists call an emotional shift, and no other part of the week has a transition (过渡) like it.

    Apparently, Monday means the end of weekend lie-ins. According to a website, "If you can't stand your job, then the Monday blues can be very real." And it can be especially difficult to start another seemingly endless workweek. Your case of the Mondays can have a negative impact on your performance, productivity and the people around you.

    Feeling a bit low shouldn't be confused with more serious depression, caused by other factors. Claudia Hammond, an author and presenter, argues that this low feeling might be untrue. She mentions an Australian study of how people reflected on their mood and found the day that scored the lowest was in fact Wednesdays. So, when Monday comes, maybe we should give it a second chance!

    A. But is Monday as bad as we like to think it is?

    B. What exactly makes us feel down remains unknown.

    C. Weekends are definitely happy days in all countries.

    D. That's why the feeling is described as the Monday blues.

    E. There is a strong cultural idea that we don't like Mondays.

    F. Our Monday mood can be based on a direct comparison to the day before.

    G. It's back to the routine and the realization that there are five days of working ahead.

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    My Ph. D. adviser called me into his office saying," You are fired from the lab."

    I had moved to Israel to study for a Ph. D. At first, things went well in my new lab. Then I1some problems. I made a few mistakes in the lab that slowed my2, but he never spoke to me about any concerns. I'm still not3why he fired me, but I guess it was because of those mistakes. He wasn't confident that I could4my research in time as we'd planned.

    The first few days after I was fired were especially5. I spent hours staring at my computer screen, unable to get anything done. I tried to6his mind with promising results, but he7to his decision. I could not tell the news to my family in India, as the fear of8them overwhelmed(压垮) me. I soon got into a9of sadness and anxiety.

    Around that time, I watched a movie-Dasvidaniya. One line from the movie stuck out to me, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". What kind of lemonade could I make out of my present10? My desire to complete a Ph. D. was never in doubt. After much11, I told myself that one12attempt was not the end of the world, and that I needed to give it another13. With renewed14, I emailed expected advisers and applied to other programs. Within 2 months, I15an offer from a Ph. D. program in Italy.

    A . ran into B . came into C . stepped into D . looked into
    A . plan B . research C . graduation D . report
    A . satisfied B . doubtful C . shocked D . certain
    A . improve B . smooth C . complete D . solve
    A . difficult B . special C . flexible D . unique
    A . keep B . read C . change D . clear
    A . stuck B . turned C . devoted D . took
    A . frightening B . disappointing C . challenging D . tricking
    A . habit B . trouble C . state D . pressure
    A . moment B . control C . level D . situation
    A . reflection B . judgement C . treatment D . discussion
    A . gained B . failed C . rated D . gathered
    A . chance B . hope C . aim D . try
    A . energy B . balance C . interest D . confidence
    A . produced B . landed C . operated D . responded
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    A primary school in rural China with more than 1,000 teachers and students has achieved food self-sufficiency by offering farming for students.

    (equip) with farmland where students can participate in manual labor, Jingwai Mingde Primary School in Xuanwei, Yunnan province, (feed) itself for 15 years.

    Each class is allocated a piece of land to plant seasonal vegetables or raise livestock, will become ingredients for their (day) meals. Students do farm chores twice week under the guidance of the teachers.

    There is also a zoo in the school keeping sika deer, ostriches and other animals (help) students expand their horizons get along with animals.

    The school set up a greenhouse fruit trees and medicinal herbs for students to learn about botanical knowledge in nature (happy), instead of listening to teachers in the classroom.

    "Children who have not kissed the land will not have a complete childhood," said school principal Lei Yingfei." The farm labor will build excellent (character) that last a lifetime."

  • 18. 假定你是李华,你的英国网友 Andrew 来信向你咨询"好朋友的标准是什么",请你给他写一封回信.





    Dear Andrew,


    Li Hua

  • 19. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Charlie was a little boy of ten. He was such a good boy that everyone loved him a lot. Due to his father's job, his family shifted to a new city, where he was admitted into a new school. As Charlie was a good boy, most of his new classmates became his good friends soon. The teachers also praised Charlie for his intelligence and good behavior.

    But there was one boy in the class who did not like Charlie at all! His name was Bill and he was a very naughty boy, so no one liked him at all. He found that Charlie was a quiet boy, so he started making trouble for his new classmate. But Charlie still kept quiet and did not complain to the class teacher. When Charlie's parents learned about Bill, they wanted to go to school and complain about this naughty boy's behavior. But Charlie stopped them and said, "Mom, Dad, please do not worry. Everything will be all right."

    Days went by and the time came for the annual sports meeting at the school. Charlie was also good at sports and he was participating in a number of events. Bill was participating in the sack race(套袋跑), though he could not run very fast due to his fat body. When Bill saw that Charlie won first prize in the 100-meter race, he felt very jealous(妒忌的)and decided that he would not let it happen in the sack race.

    As planned, Bill tried to push Charlie while jumping on the track during the sack race. But he lost his balance and fell down! His leg was badly injured and he could not even stand up by himself. But as he was unpopular among his friends, no one turned up to help him!


    1)续写词数应为 150 左右;


    Charlie noticed what had happened.

    Charlie took Bill to the school doctor.

