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更新时间:2022-11-15 浏览次数:37 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 根据中文提示,写出相应的字母。
    1. (1) ms m 博物馆
    2. (2) dct nry词典
    3. (3) hsptl医院
    4. (4) sbwy地铁
    5. (5) vst拜访
    6. (6) rly 早到的
    7. (7) rsturnt餐馆
    8. (8) cr sing十字路口 
  • 2. 短语翻译

    ⑴in front of                 A. 一起

    ⑵slow down                    B. 在……前面

    ⑶see a film                   C. 走路

    ⑷get together                 D. 慢下来

    ⑸have a good time             E. 去旅行

    ⑹on foot                       F. 到达

    ⑺take a trip                    G 看电影

    ⑻get to                       H. 玩得愉快

五、连词成句:请将句子正确抄写。 (每小题2分,共8分)
六、情景交际: 请将选项的序号填在横线上。(每小题2分,共10分)
  • 22. 情景交际

    Oliver: Excuse me!

    Man: You can go there by bus or on foot.


    Man: It's easy. Then go straight. The part is near a tall office building.

    John: Thank you very much! Hurry up Oliver!

    Oliver: No!

    John: You're right.

    Oliver: Now it's green. Let's go!

    A. The light is red. Stop!

    B. We have to wait.

    C. How can we get to the Beihai Park?

    D. How can we get there on foot?

    E. Turn left at the traffic lights.

七、阅读理解: (共11分)
  • 23. 根据表格信息,选择正确的选项完成填空,将序号填在横线上。(共6分)

    Today is Saturday. I go to the zoo to see animals. The zoo isn't very far from my home. So I go there by bike. But I am lost in the street. The policeman helps me. I go straight down the street. Then I turn right at the traffic lights. The zoo is there. It is on the left of the street. It is just near the Yanshan Cinema.

    1. (1) I go to the zoo           .
      A . by bus B . by bike C . on foot
    2. (2) The zoo is __________ the street.
      A . on the left of B . on the right of C . near
    3. (3) My home ___ very far from the zoo.
      A . is B . dose C . isn't
  • 24. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误。(每小题1分,共4分)

    An old tiger lived in the forest(森林). He didn't look for food himself(他自己). One day, He was very hungry(饥饿). He said to the monkey, "Go and look for food for me!" "Sorry, I can't. There is a tiger over there too. I'm afraid of him! " "What? " the old tiger was angry. "Show me that tiger!" "Come with me, please. " said the monkey. They came to the river. "Look, he's in the river! He says he's the king(国王) in the forest!" The tiger was very angry, "I'll eat him up!" With these words, the tiger jumped into the river.

    1. (1) The old tiger looked for food himself.
    2. (2) The monkey looked for food for the tiger.
    3. (3) There was only one tiger in this story.
    4. (4) The old tiger jumped into the river.
    5. (5) 将画线句子翻译成中文:
  • 25. 下面是Peter和他家人的周末计划,来帮他们描述一下吧!

    1)时态正确,语句通顺      2)不低于40词, 书写规范。





    do homework

    Play football

    Peter's father

    clean room

    See a film

    Peter's mother

    Wash clothes

    Cook Chinese food

