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更新时间:2022-10-30 浏览次数:28 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。

    To ensure an excellent experience during your tour of the Mark Twain House, here are some guidelines and general information:

    The House is Shown Only by Guided Tour.

    To ensure an optimum (最佳) experience, house tours are limited to 14 people, first-come, first-served. If your group has more than 10 people, call (860) 280-3130 to reserve a discounted group tour in advance of your visit. If you have a party of fewer than 10 people feel free to purchase tickets online: We will hold them at Will Call. The tour schedule is usually online about a month in advance.

    Our site is made up of three buildings

    The Webster Bank Museum Center at the Mark Twain House & Museum is always your first and last stop as it houses our ticket counter, museum store, film, exhibits and cafe. All tours gather in the museum center before heading over to Mark Twain's historic 1874 home. Mark Twain's historic carriage house is the third building on our property, but is generally not open to the public. The hayloft (干草棚) has been repurposed into offices and the main floor of the barn is a space available for rent for parties and meetings.

    Coupons & Discounts

    The Mark Twain House offers only a few coupons and discounts. The price you pay for admission helps us maintain the beauty of this icon of American architecture. If you are lucky enough to find one of those special offers online or at your local library, keep in mind they are good only for the general Mark Twain House Tours. No passes or discounts may be applied to our specialty tours.

    1. (1) What kind of tour booked beforehand enjoys a discount?
      A . Specialty tour. B . Guided tour C . Group tour with 9 people. D . Group tour with 13 people.
    2. (2) Which place is not available to tourists?
      A . The Webster Bank Museum Center. B . Mark Twain's historic carriage house. C . The hayloft. D . Mark Twain's historic 1874 home.
    3. (3) What is the purpose of charging admission fees?
      A . To earn more money. B . To well preserve the house. C . To support Mark Twain's family. D . To offer parties and meetings.
  • 2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。

    To bring the Olympic spirit to developing nations in the late 1990s, the Olympic Committee allowed a small number of "wild card" athletes to join the Games. But because they didn't have to go through any qualifying rounds to compete, when they arrived, not all of the competitors were prepared. One such athlete was a swimmer from Equatorial Guinea named Eric Moussambani. When Moussambani arrived at the 2000 Sydney Games, he'd only been training for the 100-meter freestyle for about eight months. He'd also never been in an Olympic-size pool and had never raced more than 50 meters. Regardless, he was determined to represent his country.

    The three wild-card athletes were given their own race, and Moussambani was next to the other two swimmers from Niger and Tajikistan. When the official called the swimmers to begin the game, both of Moussambani's competitors were disqualified for false starts. Left to swim by himself, Moussambani dove in and dog paddled, breathing for air and moving his arms and legs. Halfway through the race, the situation looked so serious that the audience seriously worried he was drowning.

    When Moussambani finally passed the finish line and pulled himself from the water, the applause thundered. His final time was 1:52.72 - more than twice that of swimmers in the previous race. But Moussambani couldn't have been happier. He told reporters, "I' m going to jump and dance all night long in celebration of my personal success."

    Moussambani's courage and determination made him an Olympic celebrity (名人). He kept training for the 2004 Games and even got his time down to a respectable 57 seconds.

    1. (1) What can we infer about "wild card" athletes?
      A . They arrive late. B . They are well-prepared. C . They are the best athletes. D . They are from developing countries.
    2. (2) How did Moussambani do in the race?
      A . He lost in the race. B . He swam unskillfully. C . He failed at the beginning. D . He disappointed everyone.
    3. (3) How did Moussambani feel after finishing the race?
      A . Extremely excited. B . Quite ashamed. C . Very disappointed. D . Pretty calm.
    4. (4) Which words can best describe Moussambani?
      A . Smart and flexible. B . Patient and careful. C . Brave and determined. D . Optimistic and modest.
  • 3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。

    Essentially, everyone has two ages: a chronological(按时间计算的)age, how old the calendar says you are, and a biological age, basically the age at which your body functions as it compares to average fitness or health levels.

    "Chronological age isn't how old we really are. It's merely a number," said Professor David Sinclair at Harvard University. "It is biological age that determines our health and ultimately our lifespan. We all age biologically at different rates according to our genes, what we eat, how much we exercise, and what environment we live in. Biological age is the number of candles we really should be blowing out. In the future, with advances in our ability to control biological age, we may have even fewer candles on our birthday cake than the previous one."

    To calculate biological age, Professor Levine at Yale University identified nine biomarker(生物标志) that seemed to be the most influential on lifespan by a simple blood test. The numbers of those markers, such as blood sugar and immune(免疫的) measures, can be put into the computer, and the algorithm(算式;算法)does the rest.

    Perhaps what's most important here is that these measures can be changed. Doctors can take this information and help patients make changes to lifestyle, and hopefully take steps to improve their biological conditions. "I think the most exciting thing about this research is that these things aren't set in stone," Levine said. "People can be given the information earlier and take steps to improve their health before it's too late."

    Levine even entered her own numbers into the algorithm. She was surprised by the results. "I always considered myself a very healthy person. I'm physically active; I eat what I consider a fairly healthy diet. But I did not find my results to be as good as I had hoped they would be. It was a wake-up call," she said.

    Levine is working with a group to provide access to the algorithm online so that anyone can calculate their biological age, identify potential risks and take steps to improve their own health in the long run. "No one wants to live an extremely long life with a lot of chronic(慢性的)diseases," Levine said. "By delaying the development of mental and physical functioning problems, people can still be engaged in society in their senior years. That is the ideal we should be pursuing."

    1. (1) Biological age depends on ________.
      A . whether we can adapt ourselves to the environment B . how well our body works compared with our peers' C . when we start to take outdoor exercise D . what the calendar says about our age
    2. (2) By saying "we may have even fewer candles on our birthday cake than the previous one" in Para. 2, the author means ________.
      A . we don't have to celebrate our birthday every year B . we are chronologically older than last year C . we might be less happy than the previous year D . we may be biologically younger than the year before
    3. (3) What does the author want to tell us by Levine's example in Para. 5?
      A . It is necessary to change our diet regularly. B . The test results may give us wrong information. C . Waking up early in the morning is good for our fitness. D . The algorithm can reveal our potential health problems.
    4. (4) The eventual goal of Levine's research is to ________.
      A . free people from chronic diseases B . work out a solution to genetic problems C . keep people socially active even in old age D . provide people with access to scientific theory
  • 4. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。

    Scientists have used a smartphone to control the activity of the living cells inside an animal.

    The combination of biology and technology was used to control blood sugar levels in mice with diabetes (糖尿病). The idea could be applied to a wide range of diseases and drug treatments. The first step was to turn normal cells into living factories. They were genetically engineered to manufacture drugs that control blood sugar levels such as insulin (胰岛素) - but only in response to light. The technology is called optogenetics (光遗传学) and these cells would start to work when exposed to specific wavelengths of red light.

    Then comes the tech—a set of wirelessly powered LEDs and a smartphone app to control them. Scientists implanted the system into mice and were able to control diabetes with the tap of a touchscreen. They said the findings could pave the way for a new era of personalised, digitalised and globalised precision medicine.

    The scientists needed to take tiny drops of blood to know how high the blood sugar levels were, so they could calculate how much drug to release inside the animal. Their goal is a fully automated system that both detects sugar levels and then releases the right amount of chemicals for treatment.

    This idea is clear at an early stage, but it is not limited to diabetes. Cells could be engineered to manufacture a wide range of drugs. Prof Mark Gomelsky said the study was an "exciting accomplishment". He added: "How soon should we expect to see people on the street wearing fashionable LED wristbands that shiny implanted cells engineered to produce genetically drugs under the control of a smartphone?" "Not just yet, but the work provides us with an exciting glimpse into the future of smart cell-based therapy."

    1. (1) According to the passage, we know ________.
      A . the light is a must of the work of cells B . all cells can be genetically produce drugs C . blood sugar levels depends on wavelengths D . a smartphone has successfully controlled diabetes
    2. (2) What did scientists discover from their studies?
      A . Personalized and digitalized medicine is popular. B . Engineered cells only have an impact on diabetes. C . Patients can test the blood sugar levels by themselves. D . The amount of released chemicals is related to sugar levels.
    3. (3) What can be concluded, according to Prof Mark Gomelsky?
      A . Shiny implanted cells treat diseases well. B . Smart cell-based therapy has a bright future. C . People expect to wear fashionable wristbands. D . The study benefits persons with all diseases.
    4. (4) Which is the best title of the passage?
      A . Scientists predict the development of diabetes. B . A smartphone orders body to treat diabetes. C . Biology will be combined with technology. D . Researchers recommend diabetes drugs.
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。

    Some students prefer to learn by themselves. They think they can learn better in this way because they have more freedom, pressure and independence. There is some truth in their way.

    It is better to have a teacher, especially when they learn something more difficult.

    First, a teacher can act as a guide to lead you to success. When you learn, you need help and advice. A teacher will give you a hand when you face difficulties.

    What is more, a teacher puts real pressure on you.  If you study by yourself, you must be strong-minded enough to keep on. But under the guidance of a teacher, you will feel there is always someone to watch you. The teacher may give you homework to do. You must complete the homework, or you will not pass the course.

    Last but not least, studying with a teacher will help you receive the benefit of the teacher's knowledge .They teach students how to learn and how to obtain information. They guide all of you in class to discuss the material and provide extra material to broaden the scope of the topic.

    I choose to learn in a big family—my school. Without a teacher, I would feel there would be no fun and no pressure. I could not learn well in such dull and depressing circumstances.

    A. Besides, teachers are connected with our life.

    B. Teachers can help you solve all of your problems.

    C. In short, I prefer to go to class studying with a teacher.

    D. Without a guide, you would be searching in darkness.

    E. And you may become inactive for lack of a strong will.

    F. But they fail to see the advantages of learning with a teacher.

    G. In class, teachers do more than just going over the material in the text.

三、语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
  • 6. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Holi is the festival of colors. It is (usual) celebrated during February or March. The festival is observed a full moon day. It celebrates the victory of good over evil, (mark) the beginning of the spring season.

    Holi is a social (celebrate). The entire community comes together to celebrate the festival of colors. In the evening, Holika is burnt. A great pile of wood, (branch) and dried grass is made to represent Holika, which is set on fire afterwards.

    On the day of Holi, people splash (泼) each other with a colored powder (粉末) (call) "gulal". Then all dance excitedly. A common sight on the festival day is people through the streets and roads are carrying a pot with colored water. It is time for revelry (狂欢). Though in the past only (nature) colors made from flowers and products were used, case is different today. Now, man-made colors are used. Balloons filled with colored water (throw) at anybody. No one questions this act as it is a part and parcel of the festivity.

  • 7. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从51─70各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。

    Once upon a time, there were two men staying in the same hospital room, both seriously ill. One man was allowed to1in his bed for an hour each afternoon. His bed was2the room's only window. The other man had to 3all his time flat on his back. Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by4to his roommate all the things he could see outside the5.

    According to his words, the window6a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water. Young lovers walked arm7arm among flowers. Old trees made the scenery very beautiful, and a fine8of the city could be seen clearly. As the man by the window described all this, the man on the other side of the room9close his eyes and10the nice pictures.

    Days and weeks11. One morning, the nurse arrived and found the man by the window had died12in his sleep. As soon as the room seemed tidy again, the other man asked if he could13next to the window. The nurse agreed. Slowly, he14himself up to take his first look at the world outside. To his15, he could see nothing but a blank wall. Later the nurse told him that his roommate was16and could not even see the wall.

    There is great17in making others happy. Shared pain is half the pain, but happiness, when shared, is18. If you want to feel rich, just19all of the things you have." Today is a gift. That's20it is called the present."

    A . sit up B . sleep down C . stand up D . sit down
    A . behind B . under C . next to D . in front of
    A . kill B . spend C . take D . cost
    A . speaking B . talking C . describing D . saying
    A . room B . hospital C . window D . park
    A . appeared B . overlooked C . viewed D . headed
    A . by B . in C . to D . with
    A . scenery B . sight C . state D . view
    A . should B . could C . would D . might
    A . think B . recall C . imagine D . remind
    A . went up B . went on C . went by D . went away
    A . suddenly B . peacefully C . quietly D . silently
    A . remain B . start C . move D . continue
    A . rose B . held C . set D . put
    A . disappointment B . surprise C . embarrassment D . excitement
    A . deaf B . blind C . poor D . rich
    A . point B . happiness C . influence D . importance
    A . developed B . improved C . doubled D . increased
    A . remember B . insist C . value D . concern
    A . because B . why C . what D . how
  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。作文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加 删除或修改。





    My grandparents live in the countryside. They keep a dog calling Jack. One day my grandparents went to work in the fields, took along my little brother and Jack. My brother and Jack came to a river nearby and enjoyed themselves. My brother was trying to catch a butterfly while he fell into a river. Jack barked and immediate jumped into the water. Hearing about him barking, my grandparents hurry there and saw Jack swimming towards the bank carrying my brother. Jack did all he could save my little brother, that moved all the people present. Everyone praised Jack for his brave and kindness.

  • 9. 假定你是李华,是一名高二学生。最近,你校广播站面向全体学生招募两名英语广播员。你很想尝试一下,请根据下面的要点写一封自荐信。






    Dear Sir/ Madam,


    Li Hua

