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更新时间:2022-10-10 浏览次数:51 类型:开学考试
一、阅读 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    What if I were to tell you that there is a magical place where you can get paid to play and channel your inner child? This is an opportunity to break free from the world of boring day jobs. Trust me, the grass is greener on the other side and I'm handing you an open invitation to come see for yourself! Join us, as a summer camp counselor(辅导员)!


    Typically, your campers' ages will range between 7 and 17 years old. Your role would be to lead and supervise children in both recreational and educational activities within a residential area. Your duties include providing children with emotional support in things like newly introduced skill sets, conflicts with other campers, and potential separation anxiety from home. Your main objective would be to guarantee that every participant is safe.


    A summer camp counselor's hourly pay is on average around $10. The weekly average pay is $417. Starting level pay is about $336 a week. Senior level pay is roughly $567 a week.

    If you have no related experience then you will start as an assistant for at least 4 weeks and get a quarter of the starting salary.


    You have to be 18 or older and have graduated from high school. It is encouraged but not required to have certifications in lifeguarding. Training in first aid is ideal. It is also preferred that you have had exposure to some sort of childcare in the past.

    Your days as a camp counselor will be very rewarding!

    1. (1) What is a counselor's main duty?
      A . Easing anxiety. B . Ensuring safety. C . Solving conflicts. D . Introducing skills.
    2. (2) How much can an assistant earn in the first 4 weeks?
      A . $336. B . $417. C . $567. D . $1,344.
    3. (3) Which is a must for an applicant?
      A . First aid training. B . Experience in childcare. C . A high school certificate. D . A qualification in lifeguarding
  • 2. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Three years into my postdoctoral (博士后) position, I decided I needed a new career plan. After applying for more than two dozen teaching jobs, I hadn't landed a single interview. I was disappointed but not surprised. I was applying in the middle of the 2008 financial crisis, when many universities carried out hiring freezes, and my publication record didn't stand out.

    One day after my failed job search, my office mate was amazed by what a journal's scientific illustrator had done to the sketches (草图) in her review article with artistic techniques. I thought to myself, "That would be such a fun job." A long dormant (蛰伏的) dream of becoming an artist began to stir.

    My family was bursting with mathematicians and engineers who pursued music and literature in their spare time, so it felt natural to have my daily life revolve around science, with art as my dreamy lunar companion. I had once considered going to art school but had put that idea aside when I decided to pursue chemistry as an undergraduate. In the years that followed, I kept up my interest in art by taking drawing and painting classes at night.

    I decided to test out a new career direction by creating similar illustrations for my institute's newsletters. I spent nights and weekends reading scientific papers and thinking about how to illustrate the results. It was a fun task-something that engaged my artistic, creative side and made use of my scientific training. I felt I was on the right path.

    It was exciting to find a career that drew on my diverse skill set. I did feel a sense of loss for not becoming an academic educator, and I worried I'd be letting down the people and institutions who'd invested time and resources in me. But it helped to remind me that my new career path wasn't removed from science. I now work as a visual designer at a biomedical research institute, not far from my husband's company, and my business is flying.

    1. (1) Why did the author fail to land a job at first?
      A . She lacked interview skills. B . It was a very difficult period. C . Her publications were of little value. D . Universities adopted rigid hiring requirements.
    2. (2) What mainly influenced the author's choice of science?
      A . Her family culture. B . Her childhood dream. C . Her talent for science. D . Her colleague's encouragement.
    3. (3) Which of the following best describes the author?
      A . Romantic and curious. B . Creative and generous. C . Humorous and hard-working. D . Science-pursuing and considerate.
    4. (4) What can be the best title of the passage?
      A . Power from Science B . Challenge of Job Hunting C . Shift from Traditional Belief D . Take-off with Artistic Wings
  • 3. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Adults are often unwilling to ask for aid. The moment you ask for directions, after all, you reveal that you are lost. Seeking assistance can feel like you are broadcasting your incompetence.

    New research suggests young children don't seek help in school for the same reason. They hate hearing irresponsible comments. Psychologists assumed that children did not start to care about their reputation until around age nine. This research has revealed that youngsters as young as age five start to care about the way others think about them. It also suggests that as early as age seven, children begin to connect asking for help with looking incompetent in front of others.

    Our researchers crafted simple stories and then asked children questions to allow them to show their thinking. In one study, they asked 576 children aged four to nine to predict the behavior of two kids in a story. One of the kids genuinely wanted to be smart, and the other merely wanted to seem smart to others. Both kids did poorly on a test. Children were asked which of these kids would be more likely to ask the teacher for help in front of their class.

    The four-year-olds were equally likely to choose either of the two kids as the one who would seek help. But by age seven or eight, children thought that the kid who wanted to seem smart would be less likely to ask for assistance. When assistance could be sought privately, they thought both characters were equally likely to ask for it.

    If children are afraid to ask for help because their classmates are watching, learning will suffer. Teachers could make themselves available to students for one-on-one conversations while their classmates tackle group work. They should also help students perceive it as positive behavior.

    Seeking help could even be framed as socially desirable. Parents could point out how a child's question kicked off a valuable conversation in which the entire family got to talk and learn together. Such response sends a strong signal that other people value a willingness to ask for aid.

    1. (1) Why do children resist asking for help in school?
      A . To avoid judgement. B . To be independent. C . To hide competence. D . To live in their own world.
    2. (2) What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
      A . Why the study was designed. B . How the study was carried out. C . Who were involved in the study. D . What the study told us about kids.
    3. (3) What is suggested for teachers as a possible solution?
      A . Paying attention to group work. B . Building a class of positive behavior. C . Having personal interaction with students. D . Warning students against learning difficulties.
    4. (4) What should parents do to help children seek aid?
      A . Lower the social risks. B . Talk to them regularly. C . Learn together with them. D . Show the value of their questions.
  • 4. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Companies like Google, Apple and Intel offer some of California's most cutting-edge-and highest-paying-jobs. Last year, those three companies alone brought in more than 10,000 people from other countries to take those jobs.

    Surely it'd be simpler for them to hire closer to home. Among the key reasons they don't is that too few Californians have the skills-in particular, the deep understanding of mathematics to qualify. It's something the state's new proposed math framework seeks to change.

    The current system of mathematics teaching in the U. S. invites few students into the richness of thought and of learning. We blunt our children's possibilities nearly from the start, telling far too many of them at a very early age that math isn't for them. Sometimes those communications are clear and direct; they're planted in decisions, by schools or districts, to put students on different tracks as early as third or fourth grade and teach them that math often limits how far they can go.

    My first assignment as a mathematics teacher was to teach 13-year-olds who had been assigned to the lower-level tracks. One girl understood the message of that ability grouping all too well. She caught me up short with the question, "Why should I bother?"

    The question became our shared challenge. I gave her more difficult work so she could do well on the national mathematics exam. She passed that exam, which allowed her to train to become a sound engineer.

    She had been told she was not good enough for mathematics-and it was not true. Too many students in California are given the same message-and it is one of the reasons the U. S. has relatively few students who are proficient in math. That's why California's new mathematics framework has been introduced.

    1. (1) What does the author intend to show by mentioning some companies?
      A . Their competing advantage. B . Their hire in foreign countries. C . Their benefits from high tech. D . Their demand for staff qualification.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "blunt" mean in Paragraph 3?
      A . Reduce. B . Explore. C . Test. D . Accept.
    3. (3) How did the girl feel about the ability grouping?
      A . Amused. B . Anxious. C . Helpless. D . Puzzled.
    4. (4) What will be talked about next?
      A . Need for framework change. B . Contents of the new framework. C . Comments on the existing framework. D . Challenges from the framework making
  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How often do you hear yourself saying things like "It's not my fault. I had no control over this."? Can you accept that too often you seem to be blaming people or circumstances for things that happen to you?

    In this way you can put all the faults and the problems on others. That's nice and convenient. Actually, it's just an attempt to refuse to take responsibility for your own faults, doing absolutely nothing about it.

    There really is no benefit in blaming people or circumstances. By ignoring your own contribution to the situation or insisting that others are to blame, you are refusing to take control of your life.

    So it's better to try to control your reactions rather than blame others. Essentially, you must stop letting other people's actions affect you. Think about your own response and take charge. Respond by taking action to address what can be addressed.

    Never again allow yourself to say "I can't help it. It wasn't my fault." George Bernard Shaw said, "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I admire people who look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them."

    A. They will blame you, too.

    B. I have never been blamed.

    C. I don't believe in circumstances.

    D. It's very easy to point the finger.

    E. You should respond in the right way.

    F. Once you do this, you will never waste time blaming.

    G. You, therefore, will feel helpless about your situation.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I wrapped my hands around my coffee cup and sank into my sofa, trying to forget all about my troubles.1, my eyes landed on my nails. They were ugly and worn-out like my spirits. My disease had left me dependent on painkillers. I eventually conquered the2, but remained buried in debt and shame. I'd never felt so3.

    Maybe another manicure (指甲护理) would give me a little4. I went into a salon. Annie, the owner, chose a bottle of red polish, without asking me, "This is for you! Lucky Red!" She's5my color for me? But maybe I could use some good luck for a(n)6.

    While Annie was7her supplies, I found myself studying the saying on the wall Don't look back. You're not going that way. How I wanted to escape the prison of my8! "But it's hard not to look back", I said. Annie nodded,9me to continue. Keeping my voice10, I told her all my troubles.11lowering my fingers into the polish remover, she said, "Some things we are not meant to12" I watched as the flecks (微粒) of the old polish floated away, imagining they were my13.

    An hour later, I14my fingers and found my nails shone. Exactly how I wanted to feel! You might owe it to Lucky Red. But I know it was Annie who15the way to my best life ever!

    A . Instead B . Indeed C . Therefore D . Besides
    A . fear B . shyness C . tension D . addiction
    A . calm B . hopeless C . abandoned D . curious
    A . honor B . shock C . lift D . reminder
    A . picking B . describing C . analyzing D . advertising
    A . excuse B . agreement C . change D . challenge
    A . taking B . preparing C . delivering D . maintaining
    A . love B . trouble C . pride D . desire
    A . requiring B . tricking C . forcing D . encouraging
    A . low B . urgent C . firm D . cold
    A . Softly B . Casually C . Hurriedly D . Heavily
    A . admire B . remember C . ignore D . assess
    A . pills B . faults C . yesterdays D . spirits
    A . fanned out B . attended to C . warmed up D . played with
    A . followed B . walked C . pointed D . discussed
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Since 1990, Artist Tian Kun has been preserving the art of kangweihua, unique style of painting from her hometown in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

    Kangweihua (literal)means "paintings around bed". It's a kind of folk art that was very popular during the 1960s and 1970s. The colorful, vivid paintings reflected the daily lives of the local people and (consider)a typical home decoration at the time.

    As a little girl, Tian loved watching her mother painting on the (wall)around their bed. From animals and flowers to scenes of people (work)on the farm, the paintings mirrored the unique charm and beauty of the lifestyle in the villages.

    Tian's (observe)of her mother painting has developed into her own passion for the art. Now people can have access her paintings exhibited at the local cultural center. , it is not enough for her because she hopes to display the folk art to a (wide)audience. To promote the old folk art further, she is trying to combine it with contemporary craft, such as creating phone cases and mouse pads, may be more appealing to new and younger generations.

  • 8. 你校英文报"Student Life" 专栏就"周末志愿者活动"向全体同学征集建议,请你投稿,内容包括:





  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Now that Emily was 12, she could walk to school without her parents. And even better, she could go with her best friend, Heidi, who lived on the same street as her.

    The only problem was that Emily had to walk the long way round, which took them a good 15 minutes longer. She just could not take the shortcut through the park.

    But Heidi never complained. They had been hanging out at each other's houses for as long as they could remember. The best times were when they had sleepovers and could sit up late talking about anything and everything and everyone.

    So if anyone understood why Emily could not walk through the park, it was Heidi.

    Emily was a sweet girl except that she was frightened at dogs! So she had to avoid certain places where they might be. She was always conscious of where she went and got quite good at finding ways to avoid encountering any of them. She planned ahead good and proper before she headed outdoors or to a friend's home. She could even spot one a mile away!

    But the strange thing was, she didn't dislike dogs. In fact she was quite fond of the idea of them. She was feeling that her fear was preventing her from living life to the full. She was starting to become tired of constantly avoiding her big fear. She wanted so badly to be able to pet a dog like "normal" people did. She tried to overcome her fear, but it usually ended in tears and a feeling of disappointment.

    As her best friend, Heidi couldn't stand by. She believed that power of friendship could help Emily overcome the fear.



    One day Heidi got a dog.

    After several restless nights, Emily went to Heidi's house and rang the bell.

