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牛津上海(试用本)五年级上学期Module1 Unit1同步...

更新时间:2022-09-30 浏览次数:34 类型:同步测试
  • 8. 读一读,将相应的内容配对成句

    ⑴Susan's birthday is on●                         ● A. the birthday cake.

    ⑵The cake is for●                            ● B. the 7th of December.

    ⑶Dad likes●                                      ● C. the 30th of March.

    ⑷Dad's birthday is on●                            ● D. a new computer.

    ⑸Dad wants●                                  ● E. the 20th of January.

    ⑹Mum's birthday is on●                            ● F. Susan's birthday.

  • 9. 读一读,选择正确的句子填空完成对话

    A. Would you like to come to my birthday party, Tony?

    B. Is your birthday on Sunday?

    C. How about a butterfly kite?

    D. What would you like for your birthday, Monica?

    E. What time does the party begin?

    Tony: Hi, Monica.

    Monica: No. My birthday's next Monday, the 30th of September. But my birthday party is on Sunday.

    Tony: I see.


    Tony: Sure. I'd love to.

    Monica: At 3:30 in the afternoon.

    Tony: OK.

    Monica: I'd like a kite. I like flying kites.


    Monica: Great! I love butterfly kites.

    Tony: See you on Sunday.

    Monica: See you.

  • 10. 阅读短文,判断正误

        John and Jack are going to the park. John has got a small bag. He has three packets of noodles, a cake and an apple. Jack has got a big bag. He's got two large bottles of water, three oranges, four bananas, two hamburgers and a packet of crisps. Suddenly(突然) they see a spaceship in the sky. It is small and round. It is falling. A big red man comes out. The boys are afraid. The red man smiles(微笑)at them. He needs some water for his spaceship. The spaceship cannot fly without(没有)water. Jack gives a large bottle of water to him. He puts it in the spaceship. The spaceship flies away.

    1. (1) John and Jack are going to the zoo.
    2. (2) John's bag is small.
    3. (3) John and Jack can see a spaceship in the sky.
    4. (4) The red man needs a bottle of juice.
    5. (5) The spaceship is big and round.
    6. (6) John gives a large bottle of water to the red man.

