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更新时间:2023-03-09 浏览次数:44 类型:期末考试
一、Reading and writing读写部分
  • 1. 阅读理解
    1. (1) 阅读理解

      Dear Mike,

      How are you? I write to show you my small garden. I plant son vegetables there. They're tomatoes and green beans. They look good. I also feed some hens and ducks. They're cute. What about your small farm? Write back to tell me soon.

      Hope to hear from you!




      Glad to hear from you. I plant some more vegetables on my farm. . Because I feed some more animals. They're goats and sheep . My horses and cows are big and strong now.



      A. They're potatoes and carrots.

      B. Your garden is so nice.

      C. Hope to see you soon.

      D. They love to eat carrots.

    2. (2) Tom has a small garden.
    3. (3) Mike's farm is very big.
    4. (4) The tomatoes and the green beans look good.
    5. (5) The goats and sheep love to eat tomatoes.
    6. (6) There are some horses, cows, goats and sheep on Mike's farm.
    7. (7) 结合短文和图片完成对话,将字母序号填进相应的横线上

      A. Are they cows?

      B. What are those?

      C. No, they aren't.

      D. They're potatoes and carrots.

      E. How many horses do you see?

      A: Look at the picture. This is Mike's farm.

      B: What are these?


      B: Are these sheep?

      A: They're goats.


      A: They're horses.


      A: I see two.

      B: Look there!

      A: Yes, they are. They're black and white.

  • 2. 阅读理解

    Halloween(万圣节) is coming. Tom. wants to dress up as(装扮成) a knight(骑士)。He's talking with the keeper (管理员) in the school costume room(服装间):
           Tom: Good morning. Miss White. I'd like to choose some clothes for the coming

    Halloween, Can I have a look at these clothes?

    Keeper: Of course, Tom. This way, please.

    Tom: The hat and the coat look cool. Can I take them?

    Keeper: I'm afraid not. The hat and shirt are Mike's. He will dress up as a pirate.

    The coat and pants are Andy's. He will dress up as a King.

    Tom: What a pity! The socks look colorful, can I have them?

    Keeper: Sorry. The socks and shorts are John's. He will dress up as a clown.

    Tom: The beautiful dress and shoes must be Lily's. I see her name on it.

    Keeper: You're right. She'll dress up as "Snow White".

    Tom: Is the skirt Mary's? She said she would wear a beautiful skirt.

    Keeper: No, it's not hers. It's Lucy's. She will dress up as a witch.

    Tom: I'll dress up as a knight. I will go to the clothes shop. Thank you, Miss White.

    Keeper: You're welcome.

    1. (1) 根据对话内容,将角色与人名和服装匹配。

      Roles:  Snow      White     King     pirate     witch     clown


      Owners: Lily's     (填所有格)

      Clothes:         (填字母序号)

      A.   B.   C.   D.   E.

    2. (2) 补全对话,将合适的单词或句子规范地写在四线三格内。

      Can l try them on?

      I'll take them.

      Can I help you?

      How much are they?

      The shorts are so cheap.


      Tom: Yes. The jacket and shorts look nice.

      Assistant: Of course. Here you are.


      Assistant: The jacket is $ 95, but the shorts are on sale, only $ 15.

      Tom:  but the jacket is too expensive.

      Assistant: They're just right for you. You look like a cool knight.

      Tom: OK!

