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更新时间:2022-07-30 浏览次数:114 类型:期末考试
  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where does the conversation probably take place?
      A . In the street. B . In an office. C . In a classroom.
    2. (2) What are the speakers doing?
      A . Counting numbers. B . Practicing dancing. C . Discussing a lesson.
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the woman ask the man to do?
      A . Go to the gym. B . Look after a kid. C . Have his hair cut.
    2. (2) What might be in the woman's schedule?
      A . Going shopping. B . Visiting a friend. C . Attending a get-together.
    3. (3) What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
      A . Mother and son. B . Husband and wife. C . Assistant and customer.
  • 8. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) How will the man deal with the photos?
      A . Have them published. B . Give them to his friend. C . Ask the woman to keep them.
    2. (2) What will the man probably do tomorrow?
      A . Make a call. B . Have a rest. C . Collect photos.
    3. (3) When does the conversation take place?
      A . At noon. B . At night. C . In the morning.
  • 9. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where is the man from?
      A . The USA. B . Canada. C . Britain.
    2. (2) How many trips do Canadians make to the USA each year?
      A . About 4,000,000. B . Fewer than 40,000,000. C . Over 40,000,000.
    3. (3) How does the woman travel most to the USA?
      A . By air. B . By sea. C . By land.
    4. (4) What is the conversation mainly about?
      A . Working overseas. B . International tourism. C . Holidays around the world.
  • 10. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the woman's son probably doing now?
      A . Staying at court. B . Sleeping at home. C . Travelling abroad.
    2. (2) What makes the boy different from others?
      A . His living habit. B . His poor health. C . His single mother.
    3. (3) What does the judge ask the woman to do?
      A . Get her son back to school. B . Hand in more money. C . Make her son leave forever.
  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Best Summer Camps in New York State

    Camp Eagle Hill

    In 1963, sixty campers enjoyed Camp Eagle Hill for the first lime. Since then, campers have found it a top place to spend their summer vacation in New York while building successful relationships with new friends. Despite the age of your kids, they can find an activity that suits them. There are now two teachers for every seven kids to assure (保证) that your kids receive the careful attention.

    Iroquois Springs

    Founded in 1931, this overnight camp, located in Rock Hill, New York, is where your kids can find peace and independence. Iroquois Springs hosts 500 children or so between the ages of 7 and 16 over the summer. With an excellent location surrounded by the beauty of nature, you can rest assured your children will enjoy their summer discovering and participating in new things.

    Camp Ma-He-Tu

    Camp Ma-He-Tu is an affordable sleep-away camp for girls ages 7 to 15 and was founded over 80 years ago in 1937! The young women there enjoy an exciting mix of traditional camp activities focusing on individual growth, and teamwork! Ma-He-Tu is a small camp—only 110 campers during each session (期)—that provides a personal camping experience for every girl and enables campers to learn new skills and make life-long friends in a supportive and friendly environment.

    Camp Lakota

    Founded in 1924, Camp Lakota is close to Masten Lake providing a fun environment for activities. It creates a safe environment where your kids can make friends, have fun, and find new interests. They can try zip-lining, gymnastics, arts, dance, horseback riding, and theater.

    1. (1) Which is the oldest camp according to the passage?
      A . Camp Eagle Hill. B . Iroquois Springs. C . Camp Ma-He-Tu. D . Camp Lakota.
    2. (2) How does Camp Ma-He-Tu differ from the other camps?
      A . It is for kids ages 7 to 16. B . It is designed for girls 7 to 15 years old. C . It only offers all kinds of water activities. D . It can hold more children than any other camp.
    3. (3) Who is the passage specially intended for?
      A . Teachers providing camps for free. B . Students looking forward to summer vacations. C . Campers interested in indoor camping. D . Parents willing to send their kids to camp.
  • 12. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    One day, Vinod Menon, head of the physics department at City College of New York, was going through his office mails. He opened a box, only to find $180,000 with a nameless letter and a return address. Having never seen so much money, he was too shocked to know what to do with it.

    City College of New York is one of the most-productive public university systems in the United States, and the physics department has played a key role. Three Nobel Prize winners in physics received their education there, and in 1921 Albert Einstein gave one of his first lectures at the Harlem campus.

    "Supposing that you are a bit curious as to why I am doing this, the reason is simple," the letter read. It continued to explain that many years before, its generous writer had taken advantage of the excellent educational opportunity, available (可得到的) at City College to study physics, ear a master's degree, and do a long. productive, well-rewarding scientific job. The sender wished to offer the money to poor students learning physics and other sciences.

    The return address was to a house in Pensacola, Florida whose owners had no idea of the money. The money was first put aside, but after the two-month-long research which had found nothing that could link it to activities which are not lawful, the leaders of the college decided to keep and make good use of the money.

    Dr. Menon, who grew up in India, noted that the gift would provide for two fully-funded scholarships (全额奖学金) every year for ten years, and that he would try to see it go into the hands of the students who had the fewest means-such as immigrants (移民) like him.

    1. (1) How did Vinod Menon feel at the first sight of so much money?
      A . Overjoyed. B . Surprised. C . Anxious. D . Calm.
    2. (2) Why does the author mention Albert Einstein in paragraph 2?
      A . To show Einstein was an excellent student. B . To introduce Albert Einstein to readers. C . To explain the money was from Einstein. D . To prove the college is famous.
    3. (3) What can be inferred about the sender from the letter?
      A . The sender is successful in some way. B . The sender lives in Florida at present. C . The sender owns a house in Pensacola. D . The sender used to do something against the law.
    4. (4) What will the college do with the money?
      A . Return it to its owner. B . Set up scholarships with it. C . Give it away to immigrants. D . Put it all into the bank.
  • 13. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    A lot of people don't know the fact that crows (乌鸦) are actually very intelligent birds. They have a long list of skills, and now, they're helping humans eliminate our littering problems. The birds are being trained as part of a project in Södertälje, Sweden that will have them pick up cigarette (香烟) ends.

    The crows will then place the thrown- away cigarette ends as well as other small bits of litter into a machine built by Corvid Cleaning, a Swedish startup. Then the birds will receive a treat for their efforts.

    Christian Günther-Hanssen, founder of the company, said, "They're wild birds taking part on a voluntary basis."

    The birds are not only receiving a delicious treat while cleaning the city, they're also saving that city a lot of money. The company has guessed that the project will be able to reduce the cost of cigarette end collection by about 75%.

    The cost of picking up cigarette ends today is around $0.09 or more per cigarette end, while some say $.22. If the crows pick up cigarette ends, it would be $0.022 per cigarette end.

    About 1 billion cigarette ends litter on the streets of Sweden every year, making up 62% of the total litter. $2.1 million is spent in Södertälie in order to clean the streets.

    This is where the crows come into the picture. The highly intelligent birds were chosen for the task. "They are easier to teach and there is also a higher chance for them to learn from each other. At the same time, there's a lower risk of them mistakenly eating any rubbish due to the delicious treats for them."

    Crows are known for their abilities to build and use tools. If this project proves to be successful, then the idea could spread to other places and perhaps be a huge help in other cities and even countries as well.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "eliminate" in paragraph 1 probably mean?
      A . Observe. B . Remove. C . Discover. D . Understand.
    2. (2) What is the greatest advantage of using the birds?
      A . It saves much money. B . It helps build a peaceful society. C . It prevents people from smoking. D . It is environment-friendly.
    3. (3) What does the project bring to the birds?
      A . Chances to live with humans. B . Completely safe environment. C . Great respect from people. D . Enough healthy food.
    4. (4) What is the author's attitude towards this bird project?
      A . Worried. B . Doubtful. C . Supportive. D . Uncaring.
  • 14. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    The longleaf pine (长叶松) tree has deep connections with the history and life of the eastern part of America. Forests of these trees once covered two-thirds of the southeastern United States. About 95 percent of those forests were lost in the past 100 years. Many of the forests were cut for their wood, but now they are returning, with the help of government programs that build ties with private landowners.

    The wood of the tree is very strong. Most buildings built in the southern U.S. from the 1800s contained longleaf pine wood. Today, although buildings made with longleaf pine are no longer wanted, yet people are reusing the wood because it is still good and resists (抵抗) water and insect damage.

    The longleaf pine also takes in CO2 in the air. It stores the material in its wood. So, the tree is valuable to the environment as a way to store carbon.

    At the same time, the pine forests are places for animals to live. The U.S. government has several programs to protect and increase longleaf pine forests. One is the Safe Harbor Program. It uses voluntary agreements with private landowners to help animals at risk. One such agreement protects the red-cockaded woodpecker and also lets landowners use their land, as long as the birds and other connected animals can safely live on it.

    Now, farmers and landowners in the southeastern U.S. are growing new longleaf pine trees. Instead of cutting the trees to use as building materials, they are finding ways to make money from the forest of living trees. One way to get money is by selling the leaves of the trees as a ground cover. Farmers can gather the pine leaves by hand or with the help of a machine. Pine leaves can be used instead of wood pieces or skins as a ground cover. It lasts a long time, is light in weight and stays in place because the needles (针) connect to each other.

    1. (1) Which of the following has helped bring back the longleaf pine trees?
      A . The government's efforts. B . The much money it brings. C . People's wish to return to the old lifestyle. D . The great need for their wood.
    2. (2) What do we know about houses built of longleaf pine wood today?
      A . Welcome. B . Cheap. C . Unpopular. D . Unclean.
    3. (3) What is one responsibility of landowners to use their land?
      A . Providing longleaf pine wood. B . Protecting animals in danger. C . Enlarging the wood's market. D . Collecting longleaf pine needles.
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the text?
      A . The Return of Longleaf Pines Gives Home to Animals B . Farmers Benefit from Living longleaf Pine Trees C . New Uses of Longleaf Pine Trees Create Forests D . Longleaf Pine Trees Give More than Just Wood
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to Make a Window Box Garden

    For may people, warm weather means growing things in the ground. Gardening is a popular activity all around the word. But what about people who do not have the space to garden? Don't worry! Today, we will give you information about growing beautiful window boxes.

    Place and safety

     They can also sit on other surfaces such as walls, or front steps. Make sure your window boxes are safe so they will not come down in a storm. Because of these possible dangers, window boxes are sometimes not allowed by house owners. If that is the case where you live or if you feel your window box could be unsafe, you can have an indoor window box.

    Light and water

    Before choosing plants, check your window box place for light and rain.  So, they need more water. And if a window box is close to a wall or other buildings, it may not get enough rainwater. Even if all your windows get little sun, do not give up. Browne, a famous gardener, says one of her greatest successes is a beautiful window box in a full-shade area.

    Try to be different

    So, what makes some window boxes different while others are just so-so? Create a topic!  For example, you may have a window box that is filled with all cactuses (仙人掌) or all plants fit for eating. Or you could have a color-topic window box with only purple flowers and plants.  People who have really nice window boxes cut off anything dead. They also water their window boxes often and change things a lot.

    A. This is a main idea for the plants.

    B. Besides having a topic, caring is important.

    C. Window boxes dry out faster than in-ground plants.

    D. You should not let quick-growing plants get out of control.

    E. She suggests knowing which plants look best during each season.

    F. Window boxes are not just for the outside edge (边缘) of the window.

    G. She gets a great look by using plants and flowers that don't need much sun.

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Reilly, my daughter's dog, enjoys running about in the huge backyard all day. Despite his1lifestyle, Reilly is a bit overweight. That's because Reilly is always hungry and he always2watches us eat anything.

    Sometimes, he will hold his bowl in his mouth,3that someone will put dog treats in it. Then he will drop the bowl on the floor so that the treats jump out, and he goes at them fast like lightning. He loves this4! If we're preparing dinner and ignoring him, he carries his bowl to the5and drops it with a loud noise. He hopes to draw our attention and reminds us Reilly's 6.

    One day, Reilly7, and my daughter Erin didn't know where he went. He isn't8to leave our home alone, and usually he doesn't. Erin was9and walked to neighbors' homes to10him. No Reilly.

    Some time later, the big dog was back and not11. In his huge mouth was a piece of delicious cooked beef, still12. Whose dinner was this and where did he get it?13seemed to know a thing about it. Only one big yellow dog knew, but he wasn't14. To this day, not a single neighbor has reported the theft. It's still a15.

    A . peaceful B . active C . simple D . boring
    A . thankfully B . amazedly C . fixedly D . nervously
    A . proving B . hoping C . promising D . admitting
    A . work B . rule C . choice D . game
    A . kitchen B . yard C . street D . park
    A . hungry B . angry C . lonely D . thirsty
    A . hid B . disappeared C . suffered D . changed
    A . required B . guided C . allowed D . inspired
    A . curious B . awkward C . careless D . worried
    A . respond to B . care for C . turn to D . look for
    A . kind-hearted B . simple-minded C . cold-blooded D . empty-handed
    A . dirty B . smelly C . warm D . expensive
    A . Anybody B . Everybody C . Nobody D . Somebody
    A . talking B . singing C . shouting D . arguing
    A . deal B . mystery C . danger D . reminder
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡上。

    This morning, I breathed a little  (fast) than normal while walking. I stared at my surroundings. A beautiful sight caught my eye. A little bird was being fed by her mother, a sparrow (麻雀). I was shocked  the sparrow's effort. She flew to a place on the ground, picked up something that must have been food  (drop) by someone with her little tiny mouth, then came back to her child again, and put the food in her baby's mouth.

    She repeated this action again and again. In between the food, she was collecting small  (branch) too. After that, she cleaned the food from her baby's mouth. At  same time, a crow saw the sparrow's activity and  (immediate) flew to the ground.

    Perhaps the little sparrow  (scare). She knew that she couldn't win over the crow if there would be a fight. So she just flew back to her baby and beat her wings  (protect) her!

    The sight was so  (wonder), and I was touched! Tiny bird as she was, she showed how much she cared for her baby! And a few minutes later, a street dog ran lo the place  the crow was picking up food. As the dog approached, the crow flew away. I just smiled al the sight and continued with my way.

  • 18. 你校英语角将举办英语习语演讲比赛。请你以"My favorite English idiom"为题写一篇发言稿参赛,内容包括:





    My favorite English idiom

  • 19. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    I'd just returned from a beautiful fall early-morning walk with my dog. At the front door, I dug around in my pockets for the keys. When I discovered I didn't have them, I decided to return to the paths we'd taken. I would surely spot them in plain sight. My little dog ran in circles of excitement that we would do a repeat of our just-finished outing. I spent an hour looking, brushing aside tall grasses, but the keys remained lost. I was beginning to get upset as I thought of the results of losing them, so I continued to look for them but failed.

    Back home again, I pulled the backup key from its hiding place, let myself in the house, and fell on the chair in tiredness. The house key wasn't that important as I had an extra. The mail key was a big deal because getting a new one takes a lot of time. I had a spare car key, but there was often something wrong with it, and the key would be expensive to replace. But the iron heart made by my grandson was precious beyond measure. For some reason, thinking of it being gone forever made tears come to my eyes.

    That night, it turned colder and we had a snow. I enjoyed a comfort-food dinner, played soft music, and settled into a peaceful evening until I heard the noise of my car alarm from the garage (车库). I rushed to the car, put the extra key into the door and finally opened it, and then I hurriedly tried my best to stop the alarm. I felt red-faced as I imagined my next-door neighbors being disturbed and annoyed.

    I went back in the house but the alarm started again. I turned it off, went back inside, and the alarm sounded again. I repeated the process. Back in the house, I waited, but the next sound was the front doorbell. Thinking it was a neighbor ready to shout at me, I opened the door slowly and turned on the light with apologies ready.



    In the light snow stood three neighbors from several streets away.

    What a clever idea with which the neighbors found my home!

