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更新时间:2023-02-28 浏览次数:29 类型:期末考试
一、Read and circle. 读一读,在句中圈出与划线部分发音相同的单词。(共7分)
二、Look, read and judge. 下图展示的是李忠同学一家五口上周日上午的家庭生活。看图读句,判断正误。(共10分)
  • 8. 看图读句,判断正误。

    1. (1) Mum washed the dishes in the kitchen.
    2. (2) Li Zhong did his homework in the bedroom.
    3. (3) Li Zhong's grandma read newspaper in the study.
    4. (4) Li Zhong's father watched TV with his grandfather.
    5. (5) There is a fridge in the kitchen.
三、Read and choose. 读一读,选择最佳一项完成句子。(共10分)
四、Read and choose. 根据上下文,选择恰当的句子完成会话(有一多余选项)。(共10分)
  • 14. 根据上下文,选择恰当的句子完成会话(有一多余选项)。

    A. When will you go there?

    B. What does he do?

    C. How will he come back?

    D. What did you do there?

    E. Did you go to the Singapore before?

    F. When did you go there?

    Peter is Jane's pen pal. Now they are making a video call on WeChat (微信).

    Peter: Hi, Jane! You look so happy today. 

    Jane: Yes, my uncle will be back from Singapore.

    Peter: Really?  

    Jane: By plane.


    Jane: He's a pilot.

    Peter: A pilot? Cool!  

    Jane: Yes, I did. It's a beautiful country but the weather is a little hot.


    Jane: Last summer holiday.


    Jane: I took many pictures.

    Peter: I hope I can go there one day.

五、Read and write. 阅读理解,根据提示填空,完成笔记。(共10分)
  • 15. 根据提示填空,完成笔记。

    It was sunny last Saturday. Dad, Tim and I went to visit Grandma by car. We bought some gifts for Grandma.

    Suddenly our car broken down beside the forest park. We asked someone to fix it. Then we walked into the park. We saw some white swans (天鹅). I ate some fruit at noon and had a stomachache (胃痛). I had a rest and felt better. In the afternoon, it was very hot. We went swimming in a swimming pool! How cool! 

    Finally, our car could work again. We got to Grandma's house at 4 p.m. Grandma was very happy to see us. It was a bad day but also a good day.

    My notes

    Who: Dad, Tim and I     When:

    What:    weather:

    Bad things

    ·the car broken down

    ·felt very hot

    Good things

    ·walked into the park

    ·saw some white swans

六、Read and fill in the blanks. 根据实际情况填空,每空一词。(共5分)
  • 16. 根据实际情况填空,每空一词。

    Hi, my name is .

    My favourite fruits are  and .

    My favourite animal is .

    My favourite vegetables are  and .

    I'd like  and  for lunch. They're yummy.

    I like to wear my  and  in summer.

七、Composition. 小朋友们在公园自由活动,根据图片写一写。(共5分)
  • 17. 小朋友们在公园自由活动,根据图片写一写。





    4)提示词:play football; fly a kite; draw a picture; ride a bike; read a book; listen to music; eat ice cream

    In the park

    We are in the park now. Look!  ▲▲▲▲

