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更新时间:2022-07-18 浏览次数:201 类型:期末考试
  • 9. 读一读。找出不同类的单词。
    1. (1)
      A . farm B . writer C . craftsman D . teacher
    2. (2)
      A . cinema B . museum C . park D . bell
    3. (3)
      A . carry B . drive C . win D . space
    4. (4)
      A . tape B . unhappy C . powerful D . poor
    5. (5)
      A . them B . myself C . itself D . yourself
    6. (6)
      A . smoking B . swimming C . making D . exciting
    7. (7)
      A . easily B . carefully C . slowly D . family
    8. (8)
      A . tired B . played C . looked D . did
  • 18. 选择正确的单词。

    A. throw B. middle C. run D. house E. white F. of

    1. (1) We long races and short races in our PE lessons.
    2. (2) You can see the word "UNDERGROUND" in the of the sign.
    3. (3) Write your wishes down on a piece paper.
    4. (4) Mum, can l away these bottles and cans?
    5. (5) The Chinese ink painting is usually in black and.
    6. (6) We're making a model for Kitty.
  • 39. 选择正确答语。

    ⑴What changes would you like to see in our school? A. I like the one on the right.

    ⑵Which paining do you like?                                       B. They usually eat chocolate eggs.

    ⑶What are you making?                                              C. Andersen

    ⑷What do children usually do at Easter?                    D. I'm making a crown.

    ⑸Who wrote the story "The ugly ducking?                 E. Students will study online.

  • 40. 根据课文内容填空。

    I'm a plastic. A week ago, I was fullwater. Then a woman bought me at the supermarket and me home. The next morning, the woman drank the and threw me into a rubbish. A streetfound me. Ho put me into a , There a lot of other bottles in the truck. The truck look us to a factory. Some people cleaned us and put us into a big machine. We became small piece. Finally, they made us into a  of cloth. Look at your T-shirt. Does it look a plastic bottle?

  • 41. 阅读短文。判断正误。

    Hello, my name's Tom. In the future, I won't live on the Earth. I will live on the moon. My home will be under the ground. It'll be cool and quiet. There will be many rooms in my house. There will be a bathroom, a bedroom, a TV room and a library. We won't need a kitchen. Robots will help us find and cook food. We won't need to go to school. We'll study online through computers at home. There will be no cars or buses. We'll just put on a pair of wings(翅膀) and fly fast.

    1. (1) Tom will live on the Earth in the future.
    2. (2) Tom's home will be under the ground in the future.
    3. (3) Tom will go to school every day.
    4. (4) There will be a bathroom, a TV room and a kitchen in Tom's house.
    5. (5) Tom will go out with a pair of wings.
  • 42. 要求:假设你的狗丢失了。需要写一份寻狗启示,要求不少于六句话4词,可自己拓


    提示词:find my dog, name, small and white, a pink ball near the gate, my phone number

    Lost dog

