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更新时间:2022-07-20 浏览次数:56 类型:期末考试
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What should the woman do to remove the pain in her hand?
      A . Quit her job. B . Take some medicine. C . Stop typing for a period of time.
    2. (2) What is the woman's problem?
      A . She won't be cured. B . She doesn't trust the doctor. C . She can't balance work and health.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What do we know about the woman?
      A . Her article got published. B . She was asked to write an article. C . She wanted to buy a science magazine.
    2. (2) What method would help the man learn better?
      A . Using pictures. B . Reading the information aloud. C . Listening to others 'explanation.
    3. (3) What are the speakers mainly talking about?
      A . A science course. B . A published article. C . A new technology.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why does Michael feel sorry?
      A . He is having a lot of problems. B . He forgot his grandmother's birthday. C . He hasn't called his grandmother for a long time.
    2. (2) What sport may Michael be good at?
      A . Football. B . Tennis. C . Basketball.
    3. (3) How does Michael probably feel when applying to the college?
      A . Confident. B . Worried. C . Disappointed.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What makes the man feel worried?
      A . Lack of money. B . Lack of life skills. C . Lack of experience.
    2. (2) What does the man think of the education in his country?
      A . It's unfair. B . It's perfect. C . It needs improvement.
    3. (3) What does the man consider first when choosing a school?
      A . The fees. B . The courses. C . The teachers.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who organizes the Winter Festival?
      A . The government. B . Some volunteers. C . Several businessmen.
    2. (2) What is special about the art exhibition?
      A . It will be held in a school. B . There are three opening nights. C . The paintings are created by students.
    3. (3) What will take place in the Main Exhibition Hall?
      A . A music show. B . A dance competition. C . A fancy dress party.
    4. (4) What is the purpose of the talk?
      A . To raise money for a festival. B . To inform people of a festival. C . To attract volunteers to a festival.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    Exhibitions for You!


    A photo exhibition at the Cultural Palace of Nationalities in Beijing shows a beautiful view of the natural wonders in Zhangye, Gansu Province. The exhibition

    Will celebrate Zhangye's past and its today as an example to preserve rich ethnic traditions and protect the environment.

    Date: 9 am -4:30 pm, daily. July 1 -31, 2022

    Add: 49 Fuxingmen Nei Dajie, Xicheng

    district, Bejing.

    Tel: 010 - 8319 - 5250.


    Olympic Fine Arts exhibition will bring together some 800 artworks, including posters, paintings, photos and sculptures in celebration of the spirit of the Olympic Games. The exhibition will show artworks from across the world.

    Date: August 1 -15, 2022

    Add: ME Center, 27 Xi Dawanglu Road,Chaoyang district, Beijing.

    Tel: 010 - 6400 - 6677.


    New Youth, an experimental art exhibition to be held in Jingdezhen, will show the development of experimental art education in colleges and universities. Works on show are from artists who majored in experimental art while in college, examining the evolution in their creation and career development.

    Date: July 1 -20, 2022

    Add: Ceramic Art Avenue, 720 Xinchang Xi Lu, Zhushan district, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province.

    Tel: 400 -915 - 1221.


    A new exhibition on the rich ecosystem of the Yangtze River will open in Shanghai. Aimed at raising awareness of environmental protection of the country's longest river, the exhibition will show the different aspects of the river and its interaction with people who live along it.

    Date: 9:00 am-5:00 pm, Tuesday to Sunday, Closed on Mondays. August 1 -31, 2022. .

    Add: Shanghai Science and Technology Museum

    Tel: 021 - 6862 - 2000.

    1. (1) What do the first and last exhibitions have in common?
      A . They will have the same theme. B . They will exhibit the same photos. C . They will be held at the same time. D . They will be held in the same place.
    2. (2) What's the purpose of the second exhibition?
      A . To spread the Olympic spirit. B . To introduce experimental art. C . To raise people's awareness of environmental protection. D . To encourage people to take part in the Olympic Games.
    3. (3) Which number should you call if you want to learn more about experimental art?
      A . 010- 8319 - 5250. B . 010 - 6400 - 6677. C . 400-915- 1221. D . 021 - 6862 - 2000.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    In June 2019, Steve Wilson was going on a bike ride. Like many of us often do, he checked his phone beforehand, and saw a moving post about his friend's daughter Linda." She was a junior in high school at the time; she just received a life-saving kidney(肾) from a woman in town," Wilson told CBS News." And they didn't even know this woman till they made the request for their daughter."

    "So, I became emotional. I just thought that is the coolest thing," said Wilson, who lives in Westchester, N.Y." I took a long bike ride and I kept thinking, 'I would love to do something like that one day."

    After seeing the post, Wilson selflessly decided to become a living donor himself, donating a kidney, while he was alive, to someone he didn't know.

    "I knew it would go to someone. It eventually went to someone across the country," Wilson said." They took my kidney to the airport and flew it out to the W est Coast." He said he sill doesn't know the person who received his kidney and he probably never will, which he's fine with. He just wanted it to change somebody, s life, he said.

    Going through an operation may seem frightening, but Wilson says all it takes is two weeks of one's life for recovery. And to prove that it isn't burdensome,Wilson and his fellow living donors finished an even harder mission: Conquering(征服) Mount Kilimanjaro.

    "I do think that having that purpose made it a little bit easier. But there were some people一and I was one of them- who really ploughed hard to get through. And the purpose behind it was the reason why you just kept going," Wilson said.

    The team reached the summit on March 10一symbolically, World Kidney Day. As for whether the climb to encourage living donations was worth it, Wilson said he inspired at least his friends to consider becoming living donors, but he thinks the Kilimanjaro summit could have inspired countless others.

    1. (1) What made Steve Wilson decide to donate his kidney?
      A . His past life experience. B . His friend's suggestions. C . A woman's selfless behavior. D . The request from Linda's parents.
    2. (2) Why did Steve Wilson choose to climb Mount Kilimanjaro?
      A . To break a record. B . To realize his dream. C . To inspire people to be living donors. D . To encourage people to try new things.
    3. (3) Which of the following can best describe Steve Wilson?
      A . Generous and caring. B . Smart and hardworking. C . Outgoing and humorous. D . Ambitious and adventurous.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . A Sick Girl and a Warm-hearted Woman B . A Kidney Donor and an Unknown Receiver C . Donating a Kidney After Climbing a Mountain D . Conquering a Mountain After Donating a Kidney
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Bad news for people who frequently use the emoji(表情符号): It is no longer cool.

    In recent weeks, two generations have been debating in videos and comments on Tik Tok over the symbols of millennial(千禧一代) culture that are now considered uncool by Generation z(born after 1996). The symbols include the popular laughing crying emoji that some millennials(born in the 1980s), including me, use hundreds of times a day, or more.

    "Face with Tears of Joy", the official name for the laughing crying emoji, is currently the most used emoji on Emojitracker, a website that shows real-time emoji use on Twitter.

    "What's wrong with the laughing crying emoji?" one user asked in a Tik Tok comment. Another responded," It's so off." In a different video, a woman says she's cut back on using it after learning kids don't.

    "I use everything but the laughing crying emoji," 21-year-old Walid Mohammed told CNN Business." I stopped using it recently because I saw older people using it, like my mom, my older sisters and just older people in general."

    For many Generation Zers, the emoji has become a popular replacement for conveying laughter. It's the visual version of the slang phrase I'm dead "or" I'm dying", which means something is very funny. Other acceptable choices一the emoji officially called" Loudly Crying Face", or just writing "lol" (laughing out loud) or "lmao".

    "Tears of Joy was a victim of its own success," said Gretchen McCulloch, the author of" Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language". "If you express digital laughter for years and years in the same way,it starts to feel insincere. It gets worn out through continued use," she said. That's why Generation Zers may be looking to fresh and novel ways to signal they're laughing in different ways.

    "Older generations tend to use emojis literally while younger people get more creative," said Jeremy Burge, the chief emoji officer of Emojipedia, an emoji dictionary website. Generation Zers told CNV Business they like to assign their own meanings to emoji, which then spreads to others, often through social media.

    1. (1) What is the author's attitude to the use of the laughing crying emoji?
      A . Curious. B . Favourable. C . Uncaring. D . Impatient.
    2. (2) What message does the author try to deliver by giving some examples of Generation Zers?
      A . They are fond of using emojis. B . They use emojis very scientifically. C . The Loudly Crying Face emoji is very popular. D . The laughing crying emoji is losing its charm.
    3. (3) What can we infer about 21-year old Walid Mohammed?
      A . He wants to set himself apart from older people. B . He is seeking to be perfect. C . He is unwilling to accept something new. D . He sticks to his own idea.
    4. (4) What's the problem with "Tears of Joy" according to Gretchen McCulloch?
      A . It isn't funny enough. B . It isn't creative enough. C . It has been used too much. D . It hasn't received much attention.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Human beings are extremely adaptable creatures, and able to find something good in almost everything. A recent study asked the American population to find out what they consider to be the positive aspect(方面) of COVID-19.

    A team from Harvard and Stanford conducted interviews of 3,113 participants over the seven-month period from March to September 2020.

    The scientists found many things in the responses. Using statistical analysis, the researchers grouped words themes together to find the most common silver linings in the storm of COVID-19 waves.

    Number one, reported by 46% of participants, was quality time with loved ones,including " The kids are helping around the house more", "I'm in touch with my family who live far away "and" My husband and I take more walks, resulting in more time together.

    The second most-recognized silver lining was" life slowed down, and I could do things calmly without FOMO (fear of missing out). "They also noted that because life was slower, they could pursue low-cost hobbies merely for fun, and find time for thinking.

    Number three was community coming together, not just in terms of the local community in which the participant was a member, but seeing communities come together all over the world.

    The other six themes reported by between 8% - 12% of participants, included the benefits of having a more flexible working schedule, or completely working from home, getting more health knowledge, and feelings of gratitude.

    "Reflecting on benefits may help people better recognize the outside protective factors in their lives一such as having strong relationships with family or friends一or their own inside protective factors一such as being grateful," the researchers note.

    "The process of identifying benefits may help people notice the protective factors in their lives, which are 'skill, strengths, or resources that can help them deal more effectively with stressful events'. It serves as psychological buffers(缓冲区) that protect individuals from the potential harms of tough situations."

    1. (1) What does the underlined phrase "silver linings" in paragraph 3 probably mean?
      A . Something good. B . Something strange. C . Something popular. D . Something interesting.
    2. (2) What did most participants value the most during the pandemic?
      A . Working from home. B . Living in a community. C . Having a flexible working schedule. D . Being together with family members.
    3. (3) What may help reduce people's FOMO according to the text?
      A . The slow pace of life. B . More quality time. C . Having feelings of gratitude. D . Getting more health knowledge.
    4. (4) What do the researchers think of identifying benefits?
      A . It's difficult. B . It's unnecessary. C . It's helpful. D . It's popular.
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Listening is one of the four primary forms of communication, along with reading, writing, and speaking.There's a higher form of listening, fortunately, which leads to real communication. We call it" genuine listening". And it's the kind of practice we want to put to use. But to do genuine listening, you need to do three things differently.

    It is reported that only 7 percent of communication is contained in the words we use. The rest comes from body language (53 percent) and how we say words, or the tone and feeling reflected in our voice (40percent). To hear what other people are really saying, you also need to listen to what they're not saying., most everyone is tender inside and has a strong need to be understood.

    Stand in another man's shoes. To become a genuine listener, you need to take off your shoes and stand in another man's. In the words of Robert Byrne," Until you walk a mile in another man's shoes you can't imagine the smell.

    Practice mirroring. Think like a mirror. What does a mirror do? It doesn't judge. It doesn't give advice. It reflects. Mirroring is simply this: Repeat back in your own words what the other person is saying and feeling. Mirroring isn't mimicking(模仿). Mimicking is when you repeat exactly what the other person says, like a parrot. If you practice mirroring but don't really desire to understand others, they will see through it. If your attitude is right but you don't have the skill, you'll be okay..If you have both the attitude and the skill, you''ll become a powerful communicator!

    A. Listen with your eyes, heart, and ears

    B. But it doesn't work the other way around

    C. Although you can choose an interesting topic

    D. However, many people don't know how to listen

    E. No matter how hard people may appear on the surface

    F. Communicate with others as often as possible

    G. You must try to see the world as they see it and feel as they feel

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    High school senior Jonathan Walker is unquestionably celebrating an amazing milestone in his life. The Florida teen has been1into 27 universities and received up to $4 million in scholarships.

    "It was just a surprise to see that they wanted me to2their institution, and that they were offering me3... it was just a ton of excitement," Walker said during an interview with ABC News' Linsey Davis.

    Colleges and universities that included Harvard, Stanford, Yale, and MIT all4to enroll (登记) the 18-year- old Florida student.

    5, the teen was very surprised when he was admitted to all of the universities. He told CBS Miami in an interview," That's such a6thing to occur, but it did happen.

    However,7he has been accepted to all of his choices, the teen is working on8the list down." I'll be able to make a pretty confident9"

    Actually, Walker is also active in the science club, the international Baccalaureate program, and the school football team. The amazingly1018-year-old has also been working with a partner on a wrist device that11 people who are blind and deaf to communicate better with people.

    "My parents12me a chemistry set(化学用具) a couple of years ago...And then from there I really13that I could use engineering to help people. And so I just became super interested in14devices that could help disadvantaged communities and people15a challenging period," Walker said.

    A . accepted B . included C . adopted D . introduced
    A . visit B . appreciate C . confirm D . attend
    A . admission B . honour C . souvenirs D . challenges
    A . managed B . expected C . refused D . hesitated
    A . Hopefully B . Fortunately C . Undoubtedly D . Unusually
    A . natural B . rare C . precious D . casual
    A . as if B . now that C . even though D . in case
    A . turning B . writing C . narrowing D . breaking
    A . decision B . mind C . approach D . plan
    A . careful B . determined C . brilliant D . generous
    A . advises B . reminds C . encourages D . allows
    A . lent B . promised C . bought D . taught
    A . realized B . agreed C . pretended D . reflected
    A . receiving B . creating C . admiring D . recording
    A . taking over B . putting off C . making out D . going through
六、语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) .
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    World leaders at the 5th meeting of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) agreed that by 2024,they would create and sign a new treaty(协定) on plastics. The new treaty would create international lawscould help bring plastic waste under control.

    Because plastic is useful for so many purposes, it has become a part of nearly all areas of our lives. It's hard to look anywhere without finding dozens of (object) made of plastic.

    The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) reports that(current) 400 million tons of plastic is produced every year. By 2040, that number is predicted to double. And even though there's a lot of talk about recycling, only 9% of all the plastic ever(produce) has been recycled.

    Plastic gives off dangerous gases when it's made and also when it's burned or buried in the ground. Scientists say plastics are responsible4.5% of the world's greenhouse gases一the gases that are driving the climate crisis.

    Plastic doesn't" decompose(腐烂)"like natural materials. Instead, it just breaks into smaller and smaller pieces. And as the plastics(fill) our world break down, they createnew problem一microplastics.

    Microplastics are so tiny that(they) existence is usually ignored. In the past few years, microplastics(find) almost everywhere, from the North pole to Antarctica, from the top of the Earth's(high) mountain to the deepest point in the sea. They've even appeared in the bodies of animals including humans.

  • 18. 假定你是李华,某英文报正在举办关于"健康生活方式"的征文活动。请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:





  • 19. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    "Owwww!" Robert yelled,backing away from me." That hurt!"

    "What do you mean? I just hit you with my jacket!" I said, laughing.

    Robert was the smartest boy in my class, and I didn't mean to hurt him. Besides, it was just a lightweight jacket.

    The next thing I knew, Robert was heading to the nurse's office. And I was being sent to the principal's office.

    What would my parents say? How could a stupid jacket hurt anybody? Then it suddenly occurred to me that my brand-new yo-yo(悠悠球) was in my pocket. So I had hurt Robert not with my jacket, but with my yo-yo. As I crossed the courtyard to the principal's office, I prayed," Please don't let Robert be hurt too badly. And please don't let Mr. Sinclair call my mom." Then I reached the principal's office.

    "What happened, Julie?" Mr. Sinclair asked.

    "We were playing outside... and... I hit Robert on the shoulder with my jacket. I... um... I guess I had this in my pocket. "I opened my palm to show him the shiny red yo-yo I'd bought with my pocket money. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt him."

    "I know you well enough to believe you. But Robert has a knot on his shoulder that's about the size of your yo-yo. His mother is very upset. She's taken him to the doctor.

    My head hung so low. It nearly touched my knees. More than anything, I wanted to melt into a puddle and trickle away under the door.

    "I'm sure you didn't mean to hurt anyone," Mr. Sinclair went on." But because Robert was injured, I have to send you home for the rest of the day. Please wait in the outer office until your mother comes to pick you up.

    My eyes widened." Now I'm going to get it!" I thought. I had plenty of time to think while I waited for my mother. I was always trying to be the" perfect student". "What will happen now?" I wondered. I had never been in trouble at school before.



    Ten hopelessly long minutes later, my mother opened the door to the office.


    The next day, Robert came back to school as usual.

