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更新时间:2022-07-30 浏览次数:150 类型:高考模拟
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Whitewater rafting (漂流) is an exciting sport and, despite how it looks, you don't need to be incredibly brave or technically skilled to enjoy it. Here's everything you need to know about whitewater rafting.

    River Grading System

    The first thing you need to know is about the grading system. In general, beginners and older children will be safest and most comfortable on Grade II and III rapids. Those with more experience or advanced river skills can cope with Grade IV and V rapids.

    Key Terms to Know

    Your whitewater rafting guide will brief you before you hit the river and will run through the key terms and instructions they'll likely use. Here are some of the most important that you will hear:

    Put in: The starting point of a rafting trip.

    Take out: The ending point of a rafting trip.

    Swimmer: Anyone who falls out of the raft is called a swimmer. Your guide might shout "swimmer!" to get that person's attention when attempting a rescue, as they're unlikely to know every passenger's name.

    Safety Tips

    The most important safety tip is always to follow your guide's instructions. They are trained to keep you safe during what can be quite a risky activity to the untrained. Avoid taking valuables on a rafting trip, including cameras, unless you have a dry bag.

    What to Wear

    Tour companies will provide you with the essential equipment, including paddles, life jackets, and helmets. Your clothing is up to you, but you'll be expected to wear suitable shoes. Cotton clothing isn't a great idea because it is cold when wet.

    1. (1) Which of the following is unnecessary for you to know when rafting?
      A . Safety rules. B . Rafting levels. C . Hours of service. D . Carry-on items.
    2. (2) Which is the fact about whitewater rafting?
      A . Older children can be upgraded to Grade V. B . You need to know some key terms while rafting. C . It needs some special skills but not demanding. D . An experienced raft man can be graded into Grade III.
    3. (3) What are you required to wear on a rafting trip?
      A . A hat. B . A life jacket. C . A cotton T-shirt. D . A pair of slippers.
  • 2. 阅读理解

     "It's never too late to start something new". Having had a long career in health care and academic achievement, Magi Sque found this advice totally inspiring as this is exactly what Magi Rose is all about!

    When she was 17, Magi Sque — who then went by the name of Rosie — had the beginnings of a dream. On Saturdays she worked in the Calypso clothing factory in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, and after each shift she handed her £ 5 wage to her mother. She was saving for her passage to England, where she hoped to become a nurse.

    After eight years, Sque moved to Canada with her young daughter. There Sque completed a degree in nursing at Surrey University. She earned the master's certificate, too. At a talk on organ donation, she knew organ donors can save the lives of up to eight people. She became an expert, developing a theory of "dissonant loss" — the need for donor families to solve the imbalance between a loved one being clinically (临床上) brain dead and looking normal before they can agree to donation.

    For five decades Sque practised, studied and taught nursing, eventually becoming a professor at Wolver-hampton University, all the while nudging her dreams of being a fashion designer further into the future.

    As she came to her 70th birthday, she began to think: "Oh no, not another paper to read, not another article to correct." And then she heard herself say: "It's time to move on."

    She tried out for a weekend course for startups and, in 2019, days before she turned 72, Sque set up Magi Rose — "special, fun to wear, for downtime and holidays".

    1. (1) How did Magi Sque get the money to realize her dream?
      A . Working part time on her own. B . Being supported by her family. C . Going to Toronto to earn money. D . Working on organ donation.
    2. (2) Which of the following can best describe Magi's achievement in organ donation?
      A . Ordinary. B . Classical. C . Striking. D . Plain.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "nudging" mean in Paragraph 4?
      A . Pushing. B . Forcing. C . Dividing. D . Changing.
    4. (4) What can we learn from Magi Sque's story?
      A . Love breaks down barriers. B . Education is the key to success. C . One should follow suit to succeed. D . There's no end to pursuing one's dream.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Scientists in Israel have taught goldfish an unusual way to reach a target — by driving a small robotic car on dry land.

    Six goldfish, regardless of their weight and size, took part in the experiment and were taught to drive in 30-minute sessions, conducted three times a week, every two days. The experiment was led by researchers at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. They wanted to see if goldfish's ability to navigate (导航) depends on their natural environment, or if they could navigate even under very unusual conditions.

    To test the goldfish, the researchers created a special robotic car that could drive forward, backward, and from side to side. The scientists called the car a Fish Operated Vehicle (FOV).

    Goldfish was placed inside a water tank on the FOV. Using a special system, the car tracked where the goldfish was and what direction it was swimming in. The FOV would then automatically move in the same direction. To prevent the goldfish from getting stuck in barriers such as walls, researchers equipped the car with lidar (激光雷达). The researchers tested them by placing the car in a small room with a pink target on one side — that was where the fish were supposed to arrive. The fish were rewarded with food when achieving the task.

    The fish did indeed learn to drive the FOV, becoming more skillful in its operation over time both in terms of achieving tasks and in the time taken to complete that task. The researchers wanted to check that the fish weren't just memorizing a set of movements to earn a reward, so they repeated some tests with a new starting position or added other targets that were a different color. They found the goldfish were able to deal with those changes.

    Though the experiment showed that the fish were able to navigate to a target, it's not likely that the fish knew they were controlling a car. The researchers say that in the future it may be possible to change the FOV to test these ideas.

    1. (1) What did the researchers do before testing the goldfish?
      A . They fed them. B . They numbered them.  C . They trained them. D . They weighed them.
    2. (2) How did the goldfish get their reward in the experiment?
      A . By making the FOV move forward. B . By avoiding the car being stuck. C . By mixing the target's colors. D . By having the car reach the target.
    3. (3) What did the researchers discover about the goldfish?
      A . They were born with the ability to remember. B . They could recognize the color's changes. C . They were curious about new environments. D . They could understand simple words.
    4. (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
      A . Goldfish Know How to control the FOV B . Scientists Teach Fish Navigation Skills C . Goldfish Learn to Drive on Land D . Scientists Help Goldfish Find Destinations
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Do you want to level up your mask-wearing while also looking like you're about to battle with Batman? This is life-wearing Razer Zephyr, a wearable air purifier. A version of Razer's latest appliance made waves in January during the Consumer Electronics Show.

    It's no surprise that tech companies are considering a leap beyond the cloth and surgical masks that have come to define the COVID-19 pandemic. It has a hard shell with two belts to fit onto your head. There are two air exchange chambers (腔) on the front, featuring double circulating fans to help circulate cool air. The chambers feature N95 filters providing two-way protection for yourself and those around you. It's also transparent with inside lights and an anti-fog coating to help solve one of the key issues with mask-wearing: watching mouths move when you speak.

    Good as the mask appears, will it protect you from COVID-19? According to Razer, the mask is registered with the Food and Drug Administration and lab tested for 99% BFE, or Bacterial Filtraion Efficiency, a measure of how well it filters out bacteria. "It is not tested specifically against the COVID-19 virus, but offers the same functionality and adequate protection due to its 99% BFE rating," Razer's website says.

    There's also the financial cost to consider. The mask itself is $ 99, and Razer sells a pack of 10 sets of N95 filters for $30. By comparison, a quick search for surgical masks on Amazon turned up a box of 50 masks for between $11—$14.

    "I've tried out the $99 Zephyr for roughly a week now. Wearing the Zephyr feels comfortable. The adjustable head straps (带) allow for the ideal fit. Above all, it feels breathable thanks to the air circulating through its fans." one commented on Amazon.

    1. (1) Why is the Zephyr made transparent?
      A . To fix lights inside. B . To circulate cool air. C . To test the anti-fog coating. D . To expose mouth movement.
    2. (2) What can be inferred from the third paragraph about the Zephyr?
      A . It's officially approved. B . It's highly rated by consumers. C . It's specially designed against COVID-19. D . It's adequately protective against all viruses.
    3. (3) What probably appeal(s) to the buyer most according to the comment?
      A . Its adjustable fans. B . Its air circulating system. C . Its comfortable head straps. D . Its high but reasonable price.
    4. (4) What is the main idea of the passage?
      A . An innovative mask makes a hit. B . Surgical masks are being improved. C . Wearable technology changes our life. D . A new treatment for COVID-19 is on the way.
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    24 Solar Terms: 5 things about Major Snow

    Major Snow, the 21st solar term of the year, which falls on Dec 7 this year. During Major Snow, the snow becomes heavy and begins to accumulate on the ground. The temperature drops significantly. Here are 5 things you should know about Major Snow.

    Snowy winter

    The snow in North China may last a whole day, breaking tree branches and blocking the road. In the south, snowflakes fall and the world turns white. A proverb about the snow says, "A timely snow promises a good harvest".

    The red plum blossoms (梅花) in contrast with the white snowy world is a feast for the eyes and have inspired many great poems. The plum blossom, which originated in China, is respected in Chinese culture for its bravery against severe winters.

    Eating lamb

    Lamb is a favorite food for Chinese people during Major Snow.  People in Chongqing like to have potted lamb soup with their families and friends. Nanjing residents like to stew lamb with some plants to make it more nutritious.

    Making sausages

    During Major Snow, people in southern China make sausages, an important part of preparation for the Spring Festival.  The sausage should be dried in the shade, and is edible after a week.

    Preventing respiratory (呼吸道的) illness

    During tins period, Chinese people watch for outbreaks of respiratory illness, which can be prevented by wearing a warm scarf to protect the neck and properly drinking water.  At the same time, don't drink cold water after exercise.

    A. Writing poems about snow

    B. Appreciating plum blossoms

    C. But you should not drink too much water at a time

    D. Drink as much water as you can whenever possible

    E. The best meat for this delicacy comes from the bottom of the pig

    F. As the snow covers the ground, the low winter temperature kills pests

    G. It promotes blood circulation and provides protection against the cold

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    It was the harvest season. The rest of the family was busy in the fields, and it was my responsibility to watch Grandma. Grandma held the 1 that idle (懒惰的) hands are the devil's workshop, and she 2 to make a cake for the family. I anxiously reminded her that she couldn't see, which made her 3, "God gave us five 4 and seeing is just one of them."

    She 5 herself up from the sofa, and I 6 her to where her apron hung on the wall. Following Grandma's 7 I carefully nestled (安置) a cup in her hand, found a big bowl and 8 it in front of her. I was watching the 9 where she blindly but 10 measured two level cups of flour in the big bowl in 11 when she commanded me to find the baking powder.

    I found a can and handed it to her. She licked her finger, dipped it in the powder and 12 it. She declared it was soda and urged me to try it. It tasted bitter and fizzy. The next container I found was not quite so bitter, and Grandmother announced that she was 13 that was baking powder.

    Then she showed me how to crack an egg 14 and let me help beat the cake. By now the kitchen was showing the 15 of our cake-making. Just as I wondered when we should put the cake into the wood stove, Grandma opened the oven door and 16 her hand inside. She announced that the 17 was just right.

    When I proudly carried the cake out of the stove, Grandma eased herself into the rocker and said with a smile, "Someday you will face difficulties. Don't be too 18 to look around and see how you can overcome them. Use the materials and abilities that God gives you. Count what you 19, not what you don't."

    I don't remember how the cake 20, but I have never forgotten the making of it.

    A . custom B . belief C . tradition D . definition
    A . applied B . hesitated C . offered D . promised
    A . laugh B . cry C . deny D . admit
    A . ways B . organs C . chances D . senses
    A . pulled B . gave C . held D . brought
    A . sent B . guided C . drove D . carried
    A . advice B . heart C . direction D . routine
    A . fitted B . distributed C . presented D . placed
    A . view B . surrounding C . sighting D . scene
    A . casually B . skillfully C . cautiously D . sensitively
    A . amazement B . disappointment C . embarrassment D . amusement
    A . swallowed B . smelled C . tasted D . touched
    A . afraid B . aware C . certain D . sceptical
    A . gracefully B . properly C . truly D . faithfully
    A . choices B . discoveries C . functions D . effects
    A . reached B . hung C . hid D . set
    A . temperature B . flavor C . time D . quantity
    A . deaf B . shy C . lazy D . blind
    A . control B . lose C . have D . value
    A . worked out B . turned out C . broke out D . ran out
  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    You might know that the domesticated (驯化的) dogs came from wolves. But you might not know how this process of transformation occurred. Wolves domesticated themselves (actual).

    Surprisingly, wolves were domesticated not by the selection of humans, but by the

    (amaze) adaptation of the wolves themselves to the human settlements that provided them with food. This made advantageous for wild wolves to be friendly to humans, as the friendly wolves got more food and bred more. Eventually, those friendly wolves became what we know  dogs.

    But while they gained safety and food, they lost independence. For example, if a dog  

    (present) with a locked box, it will look for human help, while a wolf will attempt  (open) it. And that's not all that changed about the animal; this process even transformed their appearance.

    Experiments on foxes in Siberia have found a genetic link between  (friendly) and floppy ears and curled tails. The friendly foxes were those most selected by humans, and therefore had more offspring, (make) floppy ears and curly tails more common.

    However, we know about domestication is still quite limited. Just think of how some people assume dogs are stupid because they are loyal even when (abuse). The truth is that the dog simply knows that being loyal to the one that feeds it will help it survive.

  • 8. 假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Yesterday when I was watching TV, my mother came into the room. She asked me to dig some potato in the field with her. Though unwillingly to go, I still said yes to her. However, the program were so interesting that I couldn't tear me away from it. After the while, she couldn't wait any longer and told me turn off the TV. Aware of her anger, so I turned off the TV quickly. Smiled sweetly, I gave her a big hug, saying I would never turn off the TV again. She couldn't help laughing. At that time, I feel the deep love from my mother.

  • 9. 最近你校英文报开设了中学生健康宣传教育专栏。请你结合当前疫情防控常态化的现状,为该栏目写一篇英文稿件,谈一谈在此背景下中学生该如何保持身心健康。



