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上海市 通用2021-2022学年六年级下学期期末英语试题

更新时间:2022-07-29 浏览次数:105 类型:期末考试
  • 1. Write out the words according to the given phonetic symbols (根据音标写单词)
    1. (1) /pə'hæps/
    2. (2) /'kli:nəz/
    3. (3) /sɪŋk/
    4. (4) /'aʊtdɔ:/
    5. (5) /ɪn'sted/
  • 31. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)

    Can animals have their festivals today? Yes, of course. And many countries have their own animal festivals to respect animals.

    On the second Sunday of October, it's Canadian Dog's Day. On that day, all the Canadian dogs can enjoy the day. Canadian people see it as an important day because they think dogs are very kind to them and help them a lot. They can pull a sled (雪橇), carry things and do many other important things.

    In Belgium, the second Sunday of May is Cat's Day. People there play some interesting games to have fun. They hope they will be lucky in the next year.

    In Indonesia, May 7th is Monkey's Day. People give many candies and nuts to monkeys. They also play music for monkeys. All the monkeys will have a good time on that day.

    We live in the same world with animals. So we have to be friendly to them.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word ‘respect' mean in the first paragraph?
      A . 领养 B . 训练 C . 尊重 D . 营救
    2. (2) Canadian people think their Dog's Day is very ________.
      A . important B . boring C . funny D . kind
    3. (3) The underlined word ‘it' refers to ________.
      A . a dog B . Canadian Dog's Day C . Monkey's Day D . a sled
    4. (4) Cat's Day is on ________.
      A . the second Sunday of March B . the second Saturday of May C . the second Sunday of May D . the first Sunday of May
    5. (5) In Belgium, people do ________ to spend their Cat's Day.
      A . terrible games B . something interesting C . different things D . special things
    6. (6) 7th May is ________ in Indonesia.
      A . Dog's Day B . Animal's Day C . Monkey's Day D . Cat's Day
    7. (7) We must be friendly to animals because ________.
      A . they are very friendly to us B . we live together with them C . we are stronger than them D . they are very interesting
  • 32. Choose the right words or expressions to complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或词组完成短文)

    Bob lives in the city centre. One Saturday, Bob decides to take a 1 through the countryside. After 2 hours, he sees a dog walking behind a man on the side 3 the road. As the car comes near them, the dog jumps into the road. Of course, the car hits the poor animal and kills it.

    Bob stops his car and walks up to the man. "I'm very 4," he says. "Is there anything I can do? Will $10 5?"

    "Oh, but ...," says the man.

    "I should tell you ..."

    "Stop! You're right. Maybe $10 isn't enough! That dog was your best friend!"

    Bob then 6 $30 out of his pocket and gives it to the man. Then he thanks the man and drives away.

    After Bob leaves, the man looks down at the dog and says, "I wonder 7 dog that is."

    A . walk B . bus C . drive D . train
    A . a few B . few C . a little D . little
    A . at B . on C . of D . in
    A . happy B . sad C . sorry D . angry
    A . help B . buy C . kill D . enough
    A . carries B . takes C . moves D . brings
    A . what B . whose C . which D . where
  • 33. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

    Helen was walking around the room happily. She was excited about having a new pair of shoes and just couldn't sit q. She w to show them to everyone she knew.

    Her elder sister, Ann, wasn't happy at all. "It's just unfair (不公平)," she thought. "She gets new shoes, but I have to wear my old o. I'm sure Mum and Dad love her m than they love me."

    After seeing Ann sitting in the corner and looking so sad, her mother was sad, too. She said that Helen liked the shoes very much. Ann didn't even realize (意识到) this was the f pair of new shoes Helen wore.

    Her mother said to Ann that she loved her just as much as Helen. However, Ann has grown up. They just showed their love in d ways.

    Wiping (擦干) tears away from her eyes, Ann gave her mother a kiss. W a smile, she held her younger sister's hand. The two sisters began to play happily again.

  • 34. Read the passage and answer the following questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)

    A bear and a monkey were good friends. One day, they took a walk together. The monkey said to the bear, "Look, here are some banana trees on the other side of the river but I can't swim. Would you like to take me there on your back?" "Good, my friend," said the bear.

    Soon they got to the bank. The monkey climbed up a tree and began to eat bananas. He threw the skin (皮) of the bananas to the ground. The bear could not climb up the tree. He walked about and then lay down to sleep. When the monkey found the bear asleep, he shouted, "Stop, stop! Someone is eating bananas!" The owner came and he saw the bear and the skin of the bananas. The bear was beaten (被打) and he felt sad. When the bear took the monkey back, he asked, "Monkey, why did you shout?" The monkey said, "Oh, I have this habit and have to shout." The bear understood and said, "I have a habit, too. I like to dance in the river." With these words, ____________________________________.

    1. (1) How many animals are mentioned (提到) in the passage?
    2. (2) How did the monkey go to the other side of the river?
    3. (3) What did the monkey throw to the ground?
    4. (4) Could the bear climb up the banana tree?
    5. (5) How was the bear when he was beaten by the owner?
    6. (6) Do you think the bear and the monkey were really good friends?
    7. (7) Complete the sentence in the last paragraph.

      With these words, .

  • 35. Write at least 50 words about the topic "Travelling in Shanghai" (根据提示,以"上海的出行"为题,写一篇不少于50字的短文)


    1)How was the travelling in Shanghai in the past?

    2)How is the transportation nowadays?

    3)What will travelling be like in ten years?

    Travelling in Shanghai

