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人教版(PEP) 2021-2022学年小学英语五年级下学期...

更新时间:2022-07-13 浏览次数:105 类型:期末考试
  • 32. 选出不同类的单词。
    1. (1)
      A . Wednesday B . Friday C . English
    2. (2)
      A . Chinese B . maths C . shy
    3. (3)
      A . read B . beside C . in front of
    4. (4)
      A . hot B . sweet C . ice-cream
    5. (5)
      A . forest B . old C . mountain
  • 43. 阅读选择

    Helpful Twins

    Lisa and Lily are twins. They are very helpful. Every weekend, they help their parents do much housework. On Saturday morning, Lisa cooks breakfast for their mom and dad. After breakfast, Lily washes the dishes. In the afternoon, Lily cleans the kitchen. Lisa sweeps and mops the floor. In the evening, they put away all their books. On Sunday, Lisa often washes the clothes and Lily hangs up the clothes. They also take out the trash. Their parents are proud of them.

    1. (1) Lisa and Lily are ________.
      A . unhappy B . unhelpful C . helpful
    2. (2) Lily ________ on Saturday afternoon.
      A . cooks breakfast B . washes the clothes C . cleans the kitchen
    3. (3) Lisa ________ on Saturday afternoon.
      A . sweeps and mops the floor B . cleans the kitchen C . puts away the books
    4. (4) Lily hangs up the clothes on ________.
      A . Sunday B . Saturday C . Friday
    5. (5) The twins' ________ are proud of them.
      A . grandpa and grandma B . brother and sister C . father and mother
    6. (6) Every ________, Lily and Lisa help their parents.
      A . Saturday B . Sunday C . A and B
    7. (7) They always put away their books in the ________.
      A . morning B . afternoon C . evening
    8. (8) Lisa and Lily are ________.
      A . boys B . friends C . twins

