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更新时间:2022-07-19 浏览次数:112 类型:期末考试
一、语音辨析根据发音规则, 选择正确的选项。(5分)
  • 1. 语音辨析根据发音规则, 选择正确的选项

    A. clean    B. third    C. flowers    D. play     E. pig

    1. (1) Six little chicks sit on a .
    2. (2) . The girl in the T-shirt is the .
    3. (3) We always make a on May Day.
    4. (4) Keep the desk , please.
    5. (5) How do you like these brown ?
  • 2. 理解单词意思, 找出与它们同类的单词, 选择正确的选项。

    A. coat    B. heavier    C. took     D. Friday    E. mouse    F. aunt

    1. (1)     tiger     mule
    2. (2)     parent     brother
    3. (3)      did       visited
    4. (4)     skirt     scarf
    5. (5)     stronger   younger
    6. (6)     Thursday   Sunday
三、读句子, 根据图片情境选择正确的选项。(6分)
四、语言知识运用根据语言情境, 选择正确的选项。(8分)
  • 17. 情景交际

    Bob: Good evening, Paul.

    Paul: No. I'm writing an email to my pen pal in America.

    Bob: A pen pal in America?

    Paul: My English teacher gave me his QQ. We talk on QQ every weekend. Sometimes we send emails.

    Bob: Cool!

    Paul: Yes, he does. He is a pupil, too.

    Bob: What are his hobbies?

    Paul: He also likes playing basketball.

    Bob: You like those, too!

    A. How do you know him?

    B. He likes doing word puzzles.

    C. Are you playing computer games?

    D. Amazing!

    E. Does he live in New York?

  • 18. 学校的公告栏发布了最近一周的活动通知, 请帮Mr Jones提取公告栏里的信息, 记录在备忘录中。

    Notice Board

    Great news!We'll have an English drama(戏剧)show for the students in Grade 4.

    Place:In the gym

    Time:7:00 p. m. —8:30 p. m. Wednesday

    You will get a ticket from your teacher. Don't be late.

    No eating or drinking in the gym.

    We are going to take a nucleic acid test(核酸

    检测)for every student this week.

    Place:School playground

    Time: 1:00 p. m.—4:00 p. m. Tuesday

    Please bring the paper of your Wenzhou epidemic code(防疫码). Don't forget to wear a mask(口)and keep one meter away from other students in the queue(队伍).

    Do you like to work in the garden? Do you like farming? Our farming class is coming!Place: School garden

    Time:3:00 p. m. Monday/Friday

    These farming classes are for students in Grade 6. We will go to the garden and plant some vegetables. It's sunny and hot now. Don't forget to take your hat and water bottle.

    We will have a study trip(研学)this weekend.

    Place:Yandang Mountain

    Time:9:00 a. m. Saturday

    We'll visit the tea garden. We'll pick tea leaves and drink some tea there. It will be a nice study trip.

    RSVP:Would you like to come? Please send an email to studytrip@163. com by Friday.

    A. A Farming Class
    B. School playground
    C. visit the tea garden
    D. An English Drama Show
    E. Wednesday
    What? Where? When? What to do? Tips
    In the gym 7:00 p. m. —8:30 p. m.
    watch the show
    A Nucleic Acid Test 1:00 p. m. —4:00 p. m. Tuesday take a nucleic acid test
    School garden 3:00 p. m.
    Monday/ Friday
    plant vegetables
    A Study Trip Yandang Mountain 9:00 a. m.

    pick tea leaves, drink some lea
    studytrip@ 163. com
  • 19. 阅读各地区学生对“双减”政策的看法, 选择正确的选项。

    Hi, everyone!What do you think of“Double Reduction(双减)"? Can you say something about it?

    Wu Chenxi, 12, Hangzhou

    I have got more time to read my favourite books. More and more students like art. I like drawing but I'm not very good at it. So I want to learn it well.

    Zhao Yike, 13, Shanghai

    The "Double Reduction" really helps me. We have less(更少的)homework now. And we can finish it at school. There were more tests before, but now there is one test a term(学期). I'm so happy.

    Li Wei, 13, Beijing

    We have more free time now. And I can do more exercise after school. I often play football with my friends on the weekend. It is really interesting! Sometimes I clean my room at home.

    Lin Hao, 12, Wenzhou

    I like "Double Reduction", because we have more interesting classes now. We can learn a lot of things in“the Second Class"at school. For example, Guzheng, cooking, badminton and so on. I like Coding Class best, I can design(设计)a lot of games with the computer. That's fun. I have more time to do what I really like to do!

    1. (1) —What is Wu Chenxi's hobby?

      —Her hobby is______.

      A . playing sports B . cooking C . drawing
    2. (2) —What happens to Zhao Yike with the“"Double Reduction”?


      A . She has no homework and tests now. B . She has less homework now. C . She finishes homework at home.
    3. (3) —What does Li Wei often do on the weekend?

      —He often ______.

      A . has an English class B . plays football with his friends C . cleans his room
    4. (4) "I like Coding Class best. " Coding Class means ______.
      A . 编程课 B . 乐高课 C . 航模课
    5. (5) —What's this passage(文章)about?

      —It is about ______.

      A . the Second Class B . hobbies      C . changes in students' life after the“Double Reduction”
  • 20. 阅读Willow School校报的“未来科技产品畅想"版面, 选择正确的选项。


    Many kids have fun ideas about our life in the future. Maybe people will make these things one day.

    Let's have a look first, go, go, go!

    This sofa is cool. It can talk to me. It can play music, too. When I feel tired and want to sleep, it will play light music to help me fall asleep quickly. This is the sleeping mode(模式). When I'm reading a book on it, it will get into reading mode.

    These glasses don't look special. They also have two pieces of glasses. But they are different. They're not only short-sighted(近视)glasses but also a camera(相机)and a telescope(望远镜). If I want to see something far away, touch the glass on the right side, it will make the things far away bigger. If I want to take a photo, just touch the glass on the left side and blink(眨)my eyes.

    This is smart(智能的)classroom looks like a spaceship(宇宙飞船). There is no blackboard or teachers in it. But there are some robots. They can answer any questions. With their help, learning is really easy. What's more, every student has a flying chair. When we press a button(按下按钮)on it, we can travel between home and school. My parents don't need to get up early and drive me to school again.

    1. (1) —How does the magic sofa help us fall asleep?

      —It will __________.

      A . talk to us B . get into reading mode C . play light music
    2. (2) —If I want to see something far away with my super glasses. What should I do?


      A . Touch the glass on the right. B . Touch the glass on the left. C . Blink my eyes.
    3. (3) —Which is the right picture of the smart classroom?


      A . B . C .
    4. (4) —How do the students in the smart classroom go home?

      —They go home _________.

      A . by car B . by flying chair C . by spaceship
    5. (5) Choose a best title(标题)for this passage.
      A . Magic sofa B . Fun ideas about our future C . Super glasses
  • 21. 时光飞逝, Wu Binbin记录了成长过程中的各种变化。请根据照片帮他完成成长记录册。并仿照范例, 结合自身实际, 可参考图片信息及词汇, 写一写你的变化.

    How time flies!I changed a lot. I was short before. And I couldn't ride a bike. Now I am taller. I often go cycling on the weekend. Last weekend I with my friend in the park.

    So much fun!

    This is my English teacher. Before she had long hair. But she has now. She is so beautiful. John is my best friend. He is from the USA. He didn't like speaking Chinese before. But now he speaks Chinese well. He likes doing kungfu. He thinks China is amazing!

    Last month, my family moved into a new house. It is bigger than my old house. We have six rooms now.

    There was no study before. But now, we have one. Before there were only two But now there are three. I like my new home.

    How time flies! Before I was . Now I am  .


    Word Bank:

    strong   thin   heavy   glasses   bathroom   bedroom   sing  

    dance   play   badminton   swim   play   the   piano   …

