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更新时间:2022-07-12 浏览次数:61 类型:期中考试
  • 6. 阅读理解

    Last Saturday, a monkey, a tiger and an elephant had a race. The monkey said, "Let's run to that tall tree and see who gets there first." They started to run. It was a long way. At first the tiger ran faster than the elephant and the monkey. The elephant ran as fast as the monkey. But soon the elephant was tired. He asked the monkey to have a rest. The monkey said, "It's not very far. It's about one kilometre away. Come on, please." But suddenly the elephant got a bad cough. The tiger turned back and laughed at him. At last the monkey got first. The tiger could not laugh again.

    1. (1) There are ______ animals in the story.
      A . One B . two C . three
    2. (2) They ______ last Saturday.
      A . have a race B . had a running race C . had a chat
    3. (3) ______ ran faster than the other animals at first.
      A . The monkey B . The tiger C . The elephant
    4. (4) The elephant______.
      A . got a cold B . got a bad cough C . got a fever
    5. (5) ______ got first at last.
      A . The monkey B . The tiger C . The elephant

