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更新时间:2022-07-11 浏览次数:64 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 判断下列划线部分发音相同是否相同。
    1. (1) watch  teacher  kitchen
    2. (2) whose  whwhere
    3. (3) long  song  young
    4. (4) third  birthday  their
    5. (5) play  please  plate
  • 2. 选词/短语填空

    A. Whose       B. When   C. Which   D. at   E. October

    1. (1) China's National Day is in .
    2. (2) — season do you like best?


    3. (3) I often do morning exercises 7:30. a. m.
    4. (4) — dog is it?

      —It's mine.

    5. (5) — is the school trip?

      —It's in May.

  • 3. 选词填空

    A. eating   B. January 1st   C. eleventh   D. on   E. Why

    1. (1) I usually take a dancing class Sundays.
    2. (2) — do you like spring?

      —It's pretty.

    3. (3) The New Year's Day is on .
    4. (4) Look! The gorilla is a banana.
    5. (5) Tomorrow is his birthday.
  • 4. 选内容补全对话/短文

    A. My birthday is in winter.

    B. Which season do you like best?

    C. It is in November.

    D. We can have a birthday party together.

    E. Why do you like summer?


    Sam: I like summer best.


    Sam: Because I can go swimming. How about you?

    Lily: Winter.

    Sam: When is your birthday?


    Sam: My sister s birthday is in November, too.

    Lily: Cool!

  • 5. 阅读判断

    It is the second Sunday of May. It's Mother's Day. On this day, Children often give mum cards and flowers. But we'll do housework for mum today.

    Look! My dad is making a cake in the kitchen. My mum likes cakes very much. My sister Ann is washing clothes. And I am cleaning the room. There are many things on the sofa. Those books are my dad's. He likes reading books. And those sunglasses are mine. They are cool. My little brother is drawing a picture of mum. In the evening, we will have a big dinner together. What a nice day!

    1. (1) Mother's Day is on the second Sunday of May.
    2. (2) Children often give mum some candies.
    3. (3) Those sunglasses are mum's.
    4. (4) Ann is cleaning the room.
    5. (5) The little brother is drawing a picture of mum.

