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更新时间:2022-12-13 浏览次数:56 类型:小升初真题
三、选择正确选项 (10分)
  • 25. 情景匹配

    ⑴Where were you last Sunday?   

    ⑵Must I go to see the doctor?   

    ⑶Are the girls going to have a party?   

    ⑷Would you like some juice?   

    ⑸Where will your sister go for her holiday?   

    A. No, they aren't.

    B. We must find a zebra crossing.

    C. Yes, you must.

    D. She will go to Australia.

    E. I was on a farm.

    F. No, thanks.

  • 26. 看图完成对话

    A: Mum, how can we cross the road ?

    B: We must first look a zebra crossing. Then we can look at the traffic and wait for the man.

    A: But sometimes we can't find a zebra crossing near us.

    B: To keep, we can wait on the pavement and look for cars and bikes. We must first look left, then and then left again. We can also cross the road with others.

    A: I see. We must follow the traffic .

  • 27. 选词填空


    few , flew , little , thirsty, thirty , couldn't, drink , sunny, saw, ago

    Long long , there was a crow. He in the sky for a long time. He was tired and. He wanted to drink some water. But there wasn't a river nearby. He looked around, suddenly he a bottle. There was only a water in the bottle. He put his mouth into the bottle, but he reach the water. He was sad. Soon he had an idea, he threw some stones into the bottle. The water became higher and higher. At last the crow could the water, he was very happy.

  • 28. 选句填空。用方框中的句子补全对话,填序号。有多余选项

    A. Would you like to come with us?

    B. What about you?

    C. What will you eat?

    D. See you then.

    E. How will you go there?

    F. When and where shall we meet?

    A: Good morning, LiuTao.

    B: Good morning, Mike.

    A: Dragon Boat Festival is coming. What will you do for the holiday?

    B: I have no idea.

    A: I'll watch a dragon boat race with my Dad in Yishan Park.

    B: Sounds great.

    A: By car.

    B: Yes, I'd love to.

    A: At six o'clock in front of the school gate.


    A: See you.

  • 29. 判断下列句子与原文意思是否相符

    My name is Tom. I have a brother. His name is Jim. I usually get up at half past six, then I brush my teeth and wash my face. I usually read English for twenty minutes every morning. My home is near the school. At five to eight, I get to school on foot. Jim can't get up early and he often goes to school late. I usually eat rice, fruit, meat and fish for lunch at school. I get home at about 5pm. I like playing football after school. Jim doesn't like it. He likes playing chess. I usually finish my homework before bedtime, but Jim usually watches TV first and then does his homework. So he usually goes to bed late and feels sleepy in class.

    1. (1) Tom gets to school at 8: 05.
    2. (2) Jim goes to bed early.
    3. (3) For lunch, Tom eats rice, fruit, meat and fish at home.
    4. (4) Tom walks to school.
    5. (5) Jim likes playing football.
  • 30. 阅读短文,选择正确的选项

    The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important Chinese festival. It is on the 15th of August in the lunar calendar(农历). A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the house. On this day, people usually get together with their family and have a nice meal. On the evening, people usually stay in the open air, they eat delicious moon cakes and watch the moon. The moon is always very round and bright on that evening and makes people think of their relatives and friends. Some parents tell the children about the story of Chang-e, the beautiful lady in the moon. It is a day of reunion and happiness.

    1. (1) The Mid-Autumn Festival is _______ in the lunar calendar.
      A . on the 5th of August B . on the 15th of August C . on the 25th of August
    2. (2) We will hang _______ in front of the house.
      A . lantems B . flowers C . moon cakes
    3. (3) People usually _______ at Mid-Autumn Festival.
      A . go out with friends B . go shopping C . get together with their family
    4. (4) What does the moon look like on that day?
      A . Black and round. B . Red and bright. C . Round and bright.
    5. (5) The Mid-Autumn Festival means the following except _______.
      A . happiness B . reunion C . sadness
  • 31. 你心中的好学生是什么样子呢?请根据思维导图结合具体事例,写一写如何才能成为一名好学生?要求观点全面,句式正确,注意大小写与标点,不少于6句。

    Being a good student

    Everyone wants to be a good student, but how to be a good student?

    To be a good student, we should…

