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更新时间:2023-03-30 浏览次数:77 类型:小升初真题
  • 2. 选出划线部分发音不同的选项。
    1. (1)
      A . bag B . late C . have
    2. (2)
      A . laughed B . listened C . played
    3. (3)
      A . sound B . house C . country
    4. (4)
      A . pear B . hear C . near
    5. (5)
      A . for B . sport C . work
  • 13. 从方框中选择合适的词组完成句子,只填序号。

    A. a few eggs

    B. go back to Hong Kong

    C. small and weak

    D. sing a song

    E. put our things in order

    F. a zebra crossing

    1. (1) Look! The cat behind the door is .
    2. (2) We should at home.
    3. (3) There are in the fridge.
    4. (4) Sometimes we can't find on the road.
    5. (5) He didn't at the party last year.
    6. (6) Tom's grandparents will next week.
  • 14. 选择方框中的句子补全对话,只填序号(有一个多余项)

    A. It sounds great!

    B. When will we set off?

    C. Because I like climbing.

    D. At the park gate.

    E. Shall we walk there?

    F. How about you?

    Jim: Good morning, David. What will you do this weekend?

    David: I've no idea yet.

    Jim: I'll go boating with my friends.


    Jim: Do you want to join us?

    David: Yes.

    Jim: We'll set off at 7 o'clock this Sunday.

    David: Where will we meet?



    Jim: OK. See you.

  • 47. 完形填空

    I'm a plastic bottle. A week ago, I was full of juice. A man bought me in the shop and took me1. The next day, the man2the juice and threw me into a rubbish bin. A woman found me. She3me in a truck. There4a lot of other bottles in the truck. The truck took us to a factory. Some people cleaned us and put us into a big machine. We became small pieces. Then they made5into a piece of cloth. Look at your T-shirt. Maybe it was made from us.

    A . home B . to home C . at home
    A . drank B . drink C . drinks
    A . puts B . put C . putting
    A . was B . are C . were
    A . us B . we C . our
  • 48. 阅读下面的邀请函,根据内容判断正误。

    Invitation (邀请函)

    Welcome to my New Year Party

    Date&Time: 3:00-5:00 p. m on 1st January (Saturday)

    Place: Room 401, Building 5, Renmin Road

    Send me an email: Fangfang@ 163. com or call me: 12324 6588

    With some snacks or a gift under $8 come and join us!

    1. (1) The invitation is for a New Year party.
    2. (2) The party will be in the afternoon of Sunday.
    3. (3) The party will last(持续)about 3 hours.
    4. (4) You can send an email to Fangfang@163. com or call: 1234 6588 if you want to the party.
    5. (5) If you go to Fangfhng's party, you can take some snacks or a gift($6).
  • 49. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    One day, Tony's mother goes to the river to do some washing. Before she leaves (出发),she says to him, "Tony, when I am away, stay near the door and watch it all the time! " She says this because she is afraid of the thieves.

    Tony sits down beside the door. After an hour, one of his uncle comes. He asks Tony: "Where is your mother? " "She has gone to the river to do some washing," Tony answers." Well," says his uncle, "Now it is one forty-five. Three hours later we ate going to visit your family. Go and tell her about it, for I'm too busy. I have to hurry…"

    After his uncle is away, Tony begins to think: Mother asks me to watch the door all the time and my uncle tells me to go and tell my mother. What shall I do?" He thinks and thinks. Finally, he pulls down the door, puts it on his back and goes to the river with it.

    1. (1) One day, Tony's mother goes to the river to _____.
      A . have a swim B . do some washing C . catch the fish
    2. (2) The Chinese meaning of 'thieves' is _____.
      A . 邻居 B . 乞丐 C . 小偷
    3. (3) After an hour, Tony's _____ comes.
      A . uncle B . aunt C . brother
    4. (4) They're going to visit Tony's family at _____.
      A . 1:45 B . 4:15 C . 4:45
    5. (5) What do you think of Tony?
      A . He's smart. B . He's careful. C . He's foolish.
  • 50. 暑假就要开始了,Helen正在做暑假计划。请根据提示写一篇小短文。


    Summer holiday plans

    Summer holiday is coming. Helen is going to

    She is going to She

