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更新时间:2022-06-29 浏览次数:55 类型:期末考试
  • 11. 从Ⅱ栏中找出Ⅰ栏每个句子的恰当答语。

    Ⅰ                                                                                                                 Ⅱ
    ⑴Who's going to your school?                             A. She was a dancer.
    ⑵Is he your friend?                                               B. No, he isn't.
    ⑶What did she do 20 years ago?                         C. Yes, I am.
    ⑷Here is a card for you.                                        D. A great writer.
    ⑸Are you ready for this trip?                                E. Thank you.

  • 17. 用所给的句子,补充对话。
    A. Does she feel better now?
    B. What did you buy?
    C. You're welcome.
    D. They are good for our health.
    E. What's the matter with her?
    Sam: Where did you go yesterday, Lingling?
    Linging: I went to the supermarket.
    Lingling: I bought some fruit and vegetables.
    Sam: Oh, good!
    Lingling: Yes! And I will cook for my mother. She is ill.
    Sam: I'm sorry.
    Lingling: She has got a cold.
    Lingling: Yes, she is better. Thank you.
  • 18. 阅读短文,补全句子。

    There are five people in my family. They are my grandpa, grandma, my parents and me. My grandparents don't work now. My grandpa is a kind man. He loves children. He was a doctor before. He worked in a hospital. He often reads books and plays chess(国际象棋) with me. My grandma was a teacher before. She worked in a school. She taught English. My mother works in a school too. My father works in a factory. They go to work by bus. Mother often washes clothes in the evening. Father often plays with me.

    1. (1) His grandpa worked .
    2. (2) His grandma was before.
    3. (3) His father works .
    4. (4) His father and mother go to work.
    5. (5) Father often .

