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更新时间:2022-06-25 浏览次数:87 类型:月考试卷
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What do the speakers intend to do?
      A . Stay late at work. B . Study together. C . Go out for dinner.
    2. (2) Where will the speakers meet?
      A . At the parking lot. B . At the office. C . At the restaurant.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where does the conversation take place?
      A . In a post office. B . In an airplane. C . In a bookstore.
    2. (2) How much will the man pay in total?
      A . $20, B . $25. C . $45.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who cleaned the car at the man's house?
      A . The man himself. B . His sister. C . His father.
    2. (2) What did the man think of his jobs?
      A . Boring. B . Stressful. C . Enjoyable.
    3. (3) What did the woman use to do in her family?
      A . Clean her room. B . Take out the rubbish. C . Do the cooking.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the relationship between the speakers?
      A . Co-workers. B . Family members. C . Teammates.
    2. (2) What does the man usually do on Sundays?
      A . Watch TV. B . Play sports. C . Go t0 bed early,
    3. (3) What day is it today?
      A . Sunday. B . Monday. C . Friday.
    4. (4) Who is the man's favorite athlete in the whole game?
      A . Su Yiming. B . Eileen Gu. C . Xu Mengtao.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the main topic of the talk?
      A . Introducing changes within the school. B . Welcoming new students to school. C . Warning students about new school rules.
    2. (2) What subject does Mr. Walden teach?
      A . Physics. B . Computing. C . P.E
    3. (3) Which facility has been built over the summer?
      A . A new technology center B . A new mathematics building. C . A new school library.
    4. (4) What has happened to the school meeting hall?
      A . It has been made bigger. B . It has been improved. C . It has been moved.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    Free Online Gentle Yoga Class

    About this event

    If you are worn out, stressed out, or just looking forward to relaxing your mind, body, and spirit, please join me for 75 minutes of gentle yoga. My mission is to make yoga accessible to everyone, regardless of race, age, gender, income level, or body size. The primary goal of the class is to help you find a small bit of peace and relaxation during stressful time. No experience necessary.


    All classes are taught via TikTok from Los Angeles, California. You will receive a Tik-Tok link about 30 minutes before class begins. Registration closes one hour before class be-gins. Only the first 500 applicants to join TikTok will be admitted to the class.

    Frequently asked questions:

    What time does the class start?

    I am located in Los Angeles, California. Class is on Saturday at 6 pm. If you are located in a different time zone and are confused or unsure of when that is, here is a link to a world clock that will allow you to type in Los Angeles and your city to figure out when the class will begin: //www. timeanddate. com/worldclock/meeting. html

    What do I need?

    Just a pillow and a blanket or towel. It doesn't matter what kind-whatever you have at home will work just fine.

    What should I wear?

    I recommend wearing whatever makes you feel comfortable like sweatpants or shorts. The main purpose for the class is simply relaxation so we won't be getting sweaty but you'll need to wear something you can move around in a little.

    What if I don't want to be on camera?

    No worries! You are more than welcome to turn your camera off. You will still be able to see and hear me but you won't have to be seen if you prefer not to be.

    1. (1) What is a must to attend the online yoga class?
      A . A slim figure. B . Being under 60 years old. C . Being the first 500 applicants. D . A high salary.
    2. (2) What is the link to a world clock used for in the text?
      A . Signing up for the yoga class. B . Making sure of the time of the class. C . Knowing more about the class. D . Waiting to be admitted to the class.
    3. (3) What can we know about the yoga class?
      A . One can't attend it without a camera. B . A towel is a must to wipe out the sweat. C . It can be attended from Monday to Friday. D . One should wear clothes that suit movements.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Casey and John, a young married couple, were driving from Maryland to North Carolina when their 36-hour nightmare began. They expected the road trip to last five hours, but a massive snowstorm led to ice-related accidents, and the state closed a 50-mile stretch of the highway for safety reasons.

    With traffic stopped and no clear information on when the highway would reopen, some drivers abandoned their vehicles and set out on foot. Others, like Casey and Joe, turned off the engine to save gas and seated themselves in their cars. They tried their best to stay warm.

    By the following day, a cold night in hunger and little sleep left them feeling tired and with little strength or energy. After 21 hours of suffering, Casey noticed a bread delivery truck among the waiting vehicles. On a sudden inspiration, she called Schmidt Baking Company, the owner of the truck. She left a message on the company's customer service line, asking if the truck driver could share the baked goods with troubled drivers. She didn't know if they would take her request seriously, but she wanted to try.

    Her idea worked. Unbelievably, Schmidt CEO Chuck personally returned Casey's call within 20 minutes. He asked her to hand her phone to the company truck driver, Ron, and then directed Ron to hand out the bread to the people on the highway. Chuck said he was proud to offer any help he could.

    Casey, John and Ron were excited to pass out the bread along the icy highway to as many people as possible. Among those to receive the food were elderly passengers and families with children and pets. They all felt extremely thankful for the offering of food and some relief after waiting for hours in the cold.

    1. (1) What happened to Casey ana Jonn?
      A . They were trapped on the highway. B . Their car broke down in the snowstorm. C . They had a car accident on the highway. D . Their marriage was ruined by the snow.
    2. (2) Why did some drivers abandon their vehicles?
      A . Their vehicles ran out of gas. B . Their vehicles were beyond repair. C . They saw no hope of reopening the highway. D . They were forced to leave the highway by the police.
    3. (3) Who had the right to give away the bread on the truck?
      A . Casey and John. B . Schmidt CEO Chuck. C . The truck driver, Ron. D . The customer service department.
    4. (4) Which of following best describes Chuck's personality?
      A . Brave and intelligent. B . Friendly but strict. C . Humorous and creative. D . Generous and warm-hearted.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Have you ever wanted to travel abroad and experience a culture different from your own? You can do that just by partnering with an English language school in China. Come to experience all that China will offer by becoming an English teacher and get paid to take in the culture, the traditional food, and the centuries of history.

    China is making big moves to make a more English-literate society. With China's unbelievable economic growth in the last 30 years, the country has become a worldwide financial center. English is firmly established as the international language of business and trade. And as the Chinese economy grows, the English language market in China is growing fast. In order to remain competitive globally, the Chinese government has chosen to make English instruction a priority in many schools throughout the country.

    China has one of the largest school-aged populations in the world, and there are new teaching opportunities available daily. Teaching in China typically takes place in private language schools, public schools, or private international schools. The English language market in China has never been in more demand. Major cities all across the country are looking for native-born English speakers to instruct their students. Teachers are given the opportunity to earn a generous wage and enjoy many benefits while taking in the rich cultural history that China will offer. China is an extremely vast and fascinating country with plenty to do and see.

    If you are looking for a teaching job in China, your best bet is to go through a teacher placement company. They have close relationships with all of the best schools in China and will work with you to place you in a school that fits your needs and your comfort level.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "English-literate" in paragraph 2 refer to?
      A . English speaking. B . Able to use English. C . English teaching. D . Able to teach English.
    2. (2) What can be inferred from paragraph 3?
      A . China is becoming a well-developed country. B . Every teacher in China can get a good salary. C . China has a large demand for English teachers. D . Private schools are better than public schools in China.
    3. (3) What is the author's advice on getting a teaching job in China?
      A . Establishing a language school. B . Traveling to China and get educated there. C . Getting in touch with a language school. D . Turning to a teacher placement company.
    4. (4) Who is the text written for?
      A . Native English speakers. B . English learners in China. C . English teachers in China. D . Chinese learners abroad.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    If you want to take good care of your eyes and vision, I encourage you to adopt the habit of blinking (眨眼( softly as often as possible. Frequent and gentle blinking is important to maintain healthy eyes and good vision because it helps to keep your eyes coated with three beneficial layers (层) of tears.

    The first layer of tears lies right up against the whites of your eyes, and provides an even coat of protein-rich moisture (水分) for the second layer to stick to. The middle watery layer helps to wash away foreign dust. It also provides your eyes with minerals, a variety of proteins, and moisture. The third outer layer of tears is somewhat oily. It serves to prevent the middle watery layer from drying quickly, and smooths your eyes.

    If your eyes are not regularly coated with the three layers of tears described above, they will be short of moisture and cleaning, and they will be unnecessarily tired.

    One of the reasons why many of us don't blink as often as we should is that we don't see frequent blinking in mainstream media. Actors and news presenters are typically trained to blink as infrequently as possible, so when we take in most forms of media, our minds learn that it isn't normal to blink frequently.

    To fully support your eyes and vision, it's best to blink softly every two to four seconds, which translates to about fifteen to thirty blinks per minute. By making an effort to softly blink at this rate, over time, your body will turn your efforts into a habit. If you're thinking that such frequent blinking will make reading a book or viewing a movie uncomfortable, give it a try and you II see right away that it doesn't t take away from these experiences at all.

    1. (1) What does the author suggest in the text?
      A . Taking good care of our eyes by eye exercises. B . Closing and opening our eyes frequently and gently. C . Maintaining healthy eyes to prevent nearsightedness. D . Crying as often as possible to gain three layers of tears.
    2. (2) What is the second paragraph mainly about?
      A . The classification of tears. B . The causes of three layers of tears. C . The functions of three layers of tears. D . The importance of the first layer of tears.
    3. (3) How does the author think of blinking frequently when reading?
      A . Annoying. B . Disagreeable. C . Stupid. D . Harmless.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . Keep Eyes Coated with as Many Layers of Tears as Possible B . Try Frequent Blinking for Healthier Eyes and Better Vision C . Actors and News Presenters Set Us a Bad Example in Lifestyle D . Blinking Lowers the Experiences When Reading or Seeing a Film
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    The Importance of Getting Kids to Be Active

    Everyone knows that kids should be physically active and need to exercise regularly to be physically fit. , regular physical activity is considered by most experts to be an important part of a healthy lifestyle. However, that doesn't mean every child needs to spend four or five hours a day exercising.

    How Much Exercise Do Kids Need?

    It is recommended that kids should be physically active for at least 60 minutes per day. For example, if your eight-year-old played soccer for 20 minutes during PE at school and then played basketball with his friends for 40 minutes after school, he would meet the recommendation of 60 minutes of physical activity for that day.

    Exercise and Calories

    . It can help them build self-respect, sleep better, have more energy, and reduce depression. And as most people know, along with a healthy diet, regular exercise is the best way to lose weight and prevent childhood obesity (肥胖). Since your child is not likely to get his exercise using exercise equipment, it can be hard to always tell how many calories he is burning while exercising., as long as your child is getting his 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day and maintaining a healthy diet.

    Youth Exercise and Fitness

    Remember that kids, even teens, don't usually stick with exercise programs. . In-stead, kids do better with lifestyle exercise programs, such as active free play and organized team sports.

    A. Fortunately, it doesn't matter

    B. Regular exercise is good for kids

    C. So they will be able to burn even more calories

    D. That's why you don't see many kids in health clubs

    E. Whether they are overweight or at a healthy weight

    F. If your child is very active and is still gaining weight

    G. But that doesn't have to be 60 minutes of continuous activity

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I have a hearing problem, so my friend helped me to check in my luggage at the Dulles International Airport Washington D. C. I have a habit that I will 1 a"Thank-you"card to anyone that helps me, so the check-in clerk was the first one.

    Her face was filled with2, thanking me. It was my first time at the Washington D. C. airport, so my friend3for a special car that could help me find the departure gate (登机口). The check-in clerk came out from behind the4and requested the special car to the lady managing them. I was5and gave a "Thank-you" card to all of them.

    The gate was not an easy 6for me going up and down. My friend made the right 7to have the special car. I greatly8his love and concern for me.

    At the security check, they let me pass with my9on. At the boarding gate, I said I had10problem and asked a staff member to let me know when my11to board arrived. Immediately, she accompanied me to the 12. I was thankful and gave a "Thank-you" card to her.

    On the plane, the middle seat next to me was 13. The lady seated near the 14 was trying to sleep. I15my seat so that she could sleep16. I occupied the seat in the first row of the section where there was enough room and no other passengers17next to me. It seemed that kindness18me back.

    I showed19hearts through giving a "Thank-you" card on my plane journey, which 20me the good result of kindness. I am showing that all the way in my life.

    A . introduce B . give C . make D . lend
    A . smiles B . tears C . hopes D . anxieties
    A . waited B . called C . answered D . asked
    A . castle B . counter C . flat D . path
    A . merciful B . helpful C . powerful D . grateful
    A . find B . design C . discovery D . advance
    A . experience B . message C . chance D . decision
    A . sought B . appreciated C . approved D . adapted
    A . luggage B . watch C . shoes D . clothes
    A . eyesight B . speaking C . hearing D . writing
    A . request B . challenge C . goal D . turn
    A . plane B . car C . coach D . track
    A . formal B . narrow C . empty D . loyal
    A . wing B . window C . tower D . cab
    A . set up B . picked up C . gave up D . took up
    A . flexibly B . horribly C . secretly D . comfortably
    A . walked B . stood C . seated D . jumped
    A . paid B . looked C . threw D . put
    A . quiet B . awkward C . kind D . unique
    A . recommended B . returned C . refreshed D . rescued
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    One of the world's most famous composers is Ludwig van Beethoven.

    Beethoven came from a large family and had a fatherwas interested in music. As a young boy his talent for music(recognize), and it is said that his father was strict with him-sometimes getting him out of bed late at night to practisethe early morning. He gave his first public concert at the age of seven and his first music was published when he was twelve. He became famous for composing classical and romantic music. However, by his mid-twenties he had lost his ability(hear) the high sounds. In time he be-came(complete) deaf but still continued to compose music. Fortunately, Beethoven had such a rich(music) experience that, although he could not hear the(instrument) being played, he could still "hear" the sound they made in his head.

    Scientists who have studied ability of deaf people to be able to play and compose music believe that this "feeling" of the music (give) them a similar experience to other people who can hear the music.

    Although Beethoven died in 1827, the music(compose) by him is still alive today and is enjoyed by many people throughout the world.

  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Last Sunday my younger sister and I went for a picnic, which made deep impression on me. It was sun when we reached our destination-a park that is two miles away from their house. We put the mat on the floor and lay out all the food we had prepared that morning. However, we were about to begin enjoying our food while it started to rain. As there had no shelter around us, so we had to pack up immediately and ride home as fast as we could. What a terribly experience! Next time, I will checked out the weather forecast before carried out an outside activity.

  • 19. 假定你是李华,你的外国朋友Tom作为交换生在你校学习。他想加入学校的俱乐部,但不知道如何选择。请给他写封电子邮件,内容包括:







