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更新时间:2022-06-24 浏览次数:53 类型:期末考试
二、听录音,用 1~5为下列图片排序。
四、火眼金睛。请选出与句中画线部分<u data-font-emphasis='emphasis' class='fmt-emphasis-words'>同类</u>的一项。
  • 22. 选词填空。

    A. on B. took C. and D. our E. hospital

    1. (1) Amy had a cold yesterday, today she's got a headache.
    2. (2) I some pictures and I made a poster.
    3. (3) The children will ride bikes Sunday.
    4. (4) The boy bumped his head, so he went to the .
    5. (5) Miss Wang is English teacher.
  • 23. 补全对话。

    A. Will you go to Beijing next holiday?

    B. No, I wasn't.

    C. Did you go there by train?

    D. I also visited Beihai Park.

    E. It's very big and very beautiful.

    Amy: Were you at home last week?

    Lucy: I was on holiday in Beijing.


    Lucy: No, I went there by plane.

    Amy: Did you visit the Great Wall?

    Lucy: Yes, I did.

    Amy: Tell me about Beihai Park.

    Lucy: OK.


    Lucy: Yes, I will. I love Beijing.

  • 24. 看图片,选句子。

    A. B. C.

    D. E.

    1. (1) It will rain tomorrow.
    2. (2) On Thursday I'll do my homework.
    3. (3) I skipped with my friend.
    4. (4) The West Lake is very beautiful.
    5. (5) They drank some drinks yesterday.
  • 25. 阅读理解。判断正误。

    Peter's dog (彼得的狗)

    Peter has a little dog. Its (它的) name is Bruce. It's black and white. It has big eyes, a long tail (尾巴) and long ears. It has four short legs. It can swim, but Peter can't. Peter likes playing football with Bruce. He walks with his dog every day. They go to the park near their house on Saturdays and Sundays. It's a nice big park. They can jump, run and climb (爬) there. They play happily (高兴地).

    1. (1) Peter's dog is black and white.
    2. (2) Bruce has a short tail.
    3. (3) Peter can swim, but Bruce can't.
    4. (4) Peter likes playing football with Bruce.
    5. (5) They can jump, run and climb in the park.
十、看图片,仿照例子写句子。 <p align=left >例子: <img width=117 height=88 src="file:///D:\导卷工具20211105-1-\Debug\uploadfile\637910722922218870122.png" v:shapes="图片_x0020_11"> (they, play games, yesterday)</p> <p align=left >They played games yesterday. </p>

