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更新时间:2022-06-29 浏览次数:55 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 选出下列每组单词画线部分发音不同的一项。
    1. (1)
      A . bear B . pineapple C . pear
    2. (2)
      A . dog B . ten C . desk
    3. (3)
      A . zipper B . zebra C . seven
    4. (4)
      A . nest B . mother C . many
    5. (5)
      A . rabbit B . read C . hand
  • 2. 选出与其它不同类的单词。
    1. (1)
      A . white B . yellow C . what
    2. (2)
      A . read B . red C . green
    3. (3)
      A . speak B . can C . sing
    4. (4)
      A . three B . these C . those
    5. (5)
      A . crocodile B . draw C . monkey
四、看图, 选择正确的答案。(10分)
五、读一读, 选一选。(10分)
  • 18. 读一读, 选一选。

    A. tomatoes      B. Can      C. How many     D. help      E. Red

    Mom: Children, let's make a salad. We need some onions. , eggs and apples.

    Ken: Mom. Let me you.

    Ann: What color are the apples?


    Ken: eggs do we need(需要)?

    Mom: Five.

    Ann: OK. We go shopping.

    Mom: Yes. Let's go!

六、看一看, 连一连。(10分)
  • 19. 看一看,连一连。

                                      A. He can't climb the tree.
                                                B. She can dance.
                                             C. He can't swim.
                                                  D. I can sing.
                                                 E. I can run.

七、阅读短文, 判断句子对错。(10分)
  • 20. 阅读短文, 判断句子对错。

    Good morning! I'm Jane. I like strawberries. They are very sweet. I like vegetables. They are healthy. I like salad, too. My favorite color is red. I have a red bag. I can draw, but I can't dance. I have a white dog, Mica. He can jump and swim. He likes vegetables, too.

    1. (1) Jane likes strawberries.
    2. (2) Jane likes salad.
    3. (3) Mica can draw and dance.
    4. (4) Jane's favorite color is red.
    5. (5) The color of Mica is black.
九、把下列单词组成完整的句子, 注意标点符号及大、小写。(10分)

