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更新时间:2022-06-29 浏览次数:55 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 根据图片和发音规则,将序号填写在相应的横线上。

    A. thin   B. like   C. read    D. rainbow     E. snowy 

    1. (1) No rain, no.
    2. (2) I riding a nice bike.
    3. (3) A monkey thinks and thinks.
    4. (4) It will be tomorrow.
    5. (5) I like to by the sea.
  • 2. 理解单词意思,选出和它们同类的单词。

    A. scarf      B. polite     C. watch      D. his     E. bigger    F. ear

    1. (1) read       play
    2. (2) helpful    shy
    3. (3) hat        gloves
    4. (4) eye       mouth
    5. (5) mine     hers
    6. (6) longer     smaller
四、语言知识运用 读对话。选择正确的选项。
五、情景交际 阅读对话,将序号填写在横线上。
  • 17. 补全对话

    Nancy: Hi, David. Welcome to my home.

    David: Wow, Is this your family photo?

    Nancy: Yes. This is my mother.

    David: Wow, she looks young.

    Nancy: She is a head teacher.

    David: Is your father a scientist?

    Nancy: He works in the Sports University.

    David: Cool. Does he play sports every day?

    Nancy: Yes, He often joins in the running races.

    David: Great. He has a very healthy life.

    Nancy: Yes, she is. Look, she's drinking milk now.

    David: How cute!

    A. What does she do?

    B. Your home is beautiful.

    C. No, he's a coach.

    D. Is this your sister?

    E. He likes running very much.

  • 18. 请阅读下面的绘本,选择正确的选项。完成下面的reading response阅读反馈单·

    1  It's raining. There was a hole(洞) on Miss Rabbit's roof. She needed her friends' help.

    2  She came to Miss Cat's house. "Can you help me, little cat?" "Sorry, I am eating a fat fish. I am very hungry!" said the cat.

    3  Then she asked for Mr. Dog's help, but he was reading a book. Miss Rabbit was so sad.

    4  Miss Goat saw her. "Can I help you?" she asked. "Sure! Thanks!"

    5  Then they fixed(修理) the roof together, "Wow! The roof is nice again."

    6  "Now let's listen to music and drink some hot tea in the warm house," said Miss Rabbit happily.

    Reading Response

    The title (题目): ①

    Who: rabbit, cat, dog and goat

    What happened:

    ①First, ②

    ②Then, ③

    ③At last, ④                             

    Thinking(思考): ⑤

    A. I love the animals

    B. I like the rabbit

    C. My best friend


    A. Miss rabbit asked for the help

    B. there's a hole on the rabbit's roof.

    C. the roof was fixed.

    A. The cat is a good friend.

    B. The dog is a good friend.

    C. The goat is a good friend.

  • 19. 阅读理解

    The apps (应用程序) on the mobile phone help Sarah have an easy life.

    Alarm Clock

    She often sets(设定) four alarms (闹铃)

    7: 00a. m. & 7:10a.m. : Wake up

    6:30 p.m.: Do homework

    9:30 p.m.: Go to bed

    When the alarm rings, she can always hear her favourite music.

    Moji Weather

    What will the weather be like tomorrow? Moji Weather tells Sarah. It will be windy tomorrow. She will wear warm clothes.


    She often uses Mobike App when she wants to go somewhere nearby in the city. How great it is! She can ride a bike anywhere end put it anywhere. And she only needs to pay 1.5 yuan each half(半) an hour.

    1. (1) Sarah _____ at six thirty in the evening.
      A . wakes up B . does homework C . goes to bed
    2. (2) It will be_____ tomorrow.
      A . windy B . sunny C . cloudy
    3. (3) What does "pay" mean?
      A . 赚取 B . 支付 C . 借到
    4. (4) How much will Sarah pay if she rides for 1 hour?
      A . 1.5 yuan B . 3 yuan C . 5 yuan
    5. (5) Which is NOT right?
      A . Sarah can put the bike anywhere in the city. B . The apps on the phone make our life easy. C . Sarah can listen to her favourite music at 6:30 in the morning.
  • 20. 学校开设了“向英雄人物致敬”的宣传展。请认真阅读展板信息并选择正确的选项。

    There are many great people in our country. They make a great contribution.

    Yuan Longping is China's "father of hybrid rice (杂交水稻之父)". He is a great Chinese agricultural scientist. He works hard on the farm. In 1960, he found a special rice plant. It was a hybrid rice plant. It can grow, in different places and kinds of weather.

    Zhong Nanshan was born in 1936 in Nanjing. In 2020, the virus(病毒)made many people ill, He helped people keep away from the virus from morning till night. He asked people to stay at home, wash the hands often and keep doing exercises every day.

    Lang Ping is a great volleyball coach. She is tall and strong. She is strict. She likes playing volleyball very much. She is very hard-working. She helped the Chinese girls get the world volleyball champion(冠军) again in 2019! She's a super star.

    1. (1) The passage(文章) is about_____.
      A . our scientists B . our coaches C . our great people
    2. (2) Who is good at playing volleyball?
      A . Yuan Longping B . Zhong Nanshan C . Lang Ping
    3. (3) Why is the hybrid rice plant special?
      A . Because it can grow in different places and kinds of weather. B . Because it can help people keep away from virus. C . Because it can make people healthy.
    4. (4) How to keep away from the virus?

      ①stay at home   ②wash the hands often    ③eat more

      ④keep doing exercises every day       ⑤sleep late

      A . ①②③ B . ①②④ C . ①④⑤
    5. (5) From the passage, we know_____.
      A . Yauan Longping, Zhong Nanshan and Lang Ping are all hard-working. B . The Chinese girl didn't get the world volleyball champion before. C . The special rice plant was found in 1936.
八、书面表达。小学的美好时光即将结束,请根据表格内容信息完成毕业微视频“My Best Friend的脚本,并试着写一写自己的好朋友!
  • 21. 书面表达

    best friend




    Zhang Peng

    strong and helpful

    play badminton

    played badminton

    Wu Binbin

    thin and clever

    do well in science

    read books

    Chen Jie

    nice and polite

    play the pipa

    did homework and sang songs

    Zhang Peng is my best friend. He is strong and . He can play badminton very well. Before, we often played badminton together. He is so kind. I like him very much.

    My best friend is Wu Binbin. He is thin and clever. He's good at science. He can do well in science. Before, we usually about science together. He is so friendly to me. I will miss him.

    My best friend is . She is nice and polite. She can very well. Before, We often did homework and sang songs together. I like her so much.

    My best friend is .


  • 22. 你玩过单词迷宫吗? 根据左边的提示,猜测单词,补全单词迷宫。

    ①It is a kind of animals. It says "'quack, quack".

    ② It is a kind of fruit. It's long and yellow. 

    ③It's a kind of vehicles (交通工具). It's big. Many people take it to school or work.

    ④It is the first day of the week.

    ⑤It's the fifth month of a year.

  • 23. 选择正确的选项写在横线上,有些单词要注意变形哦!

    three        doctor       go       yesterday       flower

    Mr. Black worked in a hospital. He was a very busy . So he often forgot many things.

    Last Sunday, he remembered it was his wife's birthday. So he to a flower shop and bought some for his wife. When Mr. Black got home, he gave the flowers to his wife and said: "Happy birthday! I don't forget your birthday. I remember November second is your birthday." "But my birthday was . It is November today. Anyway, thank you for the flowers," said Mrs. Smith.

