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更新时间:2022-06-23 浏览次数:108 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 语音辨析。根据发音规律,将正确的选项序号填在横线上。

    A. shorts   B. clean   C. umbrella   D. three   E. sing

    1. (1) There are thin men.
    2. (2) My brother has a brown.
    3. (3) Please the classroom.
    4. (4) Cocks often songs in the morning.
    5. (5) I wear a T-shirt and in Shanghai.
  • 2. 理解单词的意思,选出与他们同类的单词,将正确选项序号填在横线上。

    A. hers   B. third   C. March   D. eat dinner   E. jumping   F. winter

    1. (1) August      December   
    2. (2) go shopping    play sports   
    3. (3) spring     autumn   
    4. (4) twelfth    second   
    5. (5) theirs   mine   
    6. (6) listening     climbing   
三、读句子, 根据图片情境将正确的选项序号填在横线上。
  • 17. 补全对话

    Sarah: Hi, Jack. What's the weather like in your city?


    Sarah: Oh, it's hot here, too. I don't like summer.

    Jack: Me, neither.

    Sarah: I like autumn best.

    Jack: Me, too. Because we'll have a music show in October.

    Sarah: Really? When is the show?



    Jack: I will play the pipa.

    Sarah: That's nice. Can you play the pipa on my birthday?


    A. It's on October 26th.
    B. What will you do?
    C. Which season do you like best?
    D. Yes, of course.
    E. It's sunny and hot.
  • 18. 任务型阅读

    It's 4:30 now. School is over. The children are having fun on the playground. The boy in a yellow T-shirt is David. He has long arms. His favorite sport is badminton. Look, he is playing badminton near the table now. The boy with a cap is Yongxian. He is good at playing chess. Now he is playing chess with Mike under the tree. Look at the girls over there. What are they doing? Some of them are playing basketball, and some of them are swimming in the swimming pool. Next to the swimming pool, some children are doing kung fu. They are having an excellent time.

    1. (1) 根据文章,请完成以下信息卡
      What: play badminton
      Where: near the table
      Who: Yongxian
      Where: under the tree
      Who: some children
      Where: on the playground
      Who: some children
      What: swim
      A. in the swimming pool
      B. play chess
      C. David
      D. play basketball
    2. (2) 读一读,选择正确的选项

      They are having an excellent time. Here "excellent "means ________.

      A . happy B . OK C . sad
  • 19. 阅读有关太空旅行的短文,完成问题

    Do you like to travel in space(太空旅行)? Blue Origin, a US company, wig take passengers(乘客) to space on July 20th. For this trip, six passengers will go about 100km high in a rocket. Later, the rocket will take the passengers back with the help of a parachute(降落伞). The whole trip will take about 10 minutes. Passengers should know the following rules:

    Rules for passengers

    You must(必须) be eighteen years old or older.

    You must be 1.5m to 1.9m tall and weigh from 49kg to 101 kg.

    Do exercises and keep healthy.

    1. (1) 请将以下标志选入小题合适的位置
      A . B . C .
    2. (2) Passengers will go back with the help of parachute.
    3. (3) Ten passengers will travel in space.
  • 20. 阅读Sarah写的邮件, 完成问题

    Here is an email from Sarah to her grandpa.

    Hi, grandpa!

    Long time no see. How are you in the USA? 2019-nCoV is so terrible. Many people in the USA are infected (感染). Please wear mask outside and keep your hands clean.

    We are fine in China. Now we go to school from Monday to Friday. On the weekend. I have many things to do. On Saturday morning, I usually do morning exercises. Then I cook noodles for lunch. I take a dancing class in the afternoon. On Sunday morning, I often clean my room and wash my clothes. After lunch, I go shopping with mum. And I often play sports in the evening. My weekend is busy but also fun.

    Summer vacation is coming soon. I'll visit the Robot Museum. I'm so excited!

    How about you? What do you do everyday?



    1. (1) This is a (an) _____.
      A . letter B . email C . postcard
    2. (2) Many people are infected in_____.
      A . USA B . China C . UK
    3. (3) When does Sarah play sports?
      A . On Saturday morning. B . On Saturday afternoon. C . On Sunday evening.
    4. (4) What will Sarah do in summer vacation?
      A . Visit the Robot Museum. B . Do morning exercises. C . Cook noodles.
    5. (5) Which sentence is NOT right?
      A . Please wear a mask outside. B . Sarah cooks rice for lunch on Saturday. C . On Sunday, Sarah go shopping with her mum.
  • 21. Amy介绍了他喜欢的节日,请你认真读以下内容,1-4题选择正确的词填


    New Year's Day      nice     eating    have a big dinner 

    I'm Amy. I like best. It's in January.

    It is cold. I will with my family.

    Look! I'm now. How !

    I like Children's Day too. I will .

  • 22. 在博物馆里,我们需要遵守哪些规则呢?阅读并选择。

    A.   B.   C.   D.   E.

    1. (1) Please do not take pictures if you see the sign.
    2. (2) NO smoking.
    3. (3) Please be quiet.
    4. (4) Please keep everything clean.
    5. (5) No pets (dogs, cats…)
  • 23. 阅读下面母子的对话,选择正确的单词完成短文,有些单词要注意变形哦!

    on      They     has     brother's      are

    Mom is washing the clothes. "Mom, what are you doing?" asks Tom. "I am washing your blue pants."" are so dirty" says mom. Tom goes to his bedroom and he finds his blue pants the bed. He feels strange. He only one pair of blue pants. "Mom, mom. They are not my pants. Look, my pants on my bed and they are clean." "Oh, sorry! The pants are your ."


