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更新时间:2022-06-07 浏览次数:109 类型:高考模拟
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Ready for an exciting teen travel experience? We are committed to our mission of inspiring youth and providing transformative travel experiences.

    Canada and California Program

    For middle school students currently looking for an exciting summer adventure, check out this trip of a lifetime combining two of our favorite destinations: Canada and California! Hike through thick forests, enjoy hot springs, explore pollution-free lakes and walk across in the beautiful national parks. Bike down the best trails (路线) in Canadian mountain forests.

    Dates: Jul 20- Aug 10

    Price: $ 7545 + Airfare

    Colorado Rocky Mountain Trip

    Discover Colorado in the best way possible, ' with a mini road trip through the breathtaking landscapes while discovering the National Parks, amazing mountain towns and starry night skies along the way. This is. the perfect trip for travelers looking to explore the great outdoors with a small group of like minded friends.

    Dates: Jun 28—Jul 8

    Price: $ 4045+Airfare

    Hawaii Big Island Older Teen Trip

    We'll dive right into Hawaii's biggest island on an adventure sure to leave you feeling rewarded and refreshed. Team up with a local sea conservation organization to earn 20 hours of community service while becoming representatives for a healthy Hawaiian ecosystem.

    Survey rocks and sand, collect ocean data and become educated about the island ecology.

    Dates: Jul 9—Jul 19

    Price: $ 4345+Airfare

    Barcelona Explorer

    On this program designed especially for culturally curious teens, you'll see the best that the Netherlands, Belgium and France have to offer. Wander along the canals of Amsterdam, tour its well-known districts and visit Anne Frank's house, all while familiarizing yourself with Dutch culture, history and food!

    Dates: Jul 20—Aug 1

    Price: $ 5045 + Airfare

    1. (1) What does Canada and California Program include?
      A . Walking around pollution-free lakes. B . Exploring hot springs on road trips. C . Admiring night skies in national parks. D . Biking down the best mountain routes.
    2. (2) What makes Hawaii Big Island Older Teen Trip unique?
      A . It costs the least. B . It lasts the longest. C . It involves outdoor activities. D . It provides community service.
    3. (3) Which is intended for lovers of culture and history?
      A . Barcelona Explorer. B . Canada and California Program. C . Colorado Rocky Mountain Trip. D . Hawaii Big Island Older Teen Trip.
  • 2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    No pains, no gains. This is especially true for Amanda Gorman. In 2021, she became the youngest poet to write and read her works at a presidential inauguration (就职典礼). The 22-year old impressed the audience with The Hill We Climb, which referred to both painful history and hope for the future.

    You wouldn't know it from her delivery of her poem at the inauguration, but up until a few years ago, she struggled to overcome her speech problem. For much of her life, including when she was still an undergraduate at Harvard, Gorman had trouble pronouncing the letter "R".

    Her situation presented difficulties, but also had benefits. "I think it made me all that much stronger of a writer when you have to teach yourself how to say words from zero. I think of my speech trouble not as a weakness or a disability, but as one of my greatest strengths. "

    To practice saying the letter, she'd listen on repeat to one song packed with "R"s—Aaron Burr, Sir from Lin-Manuel Miranda's historical masterpiece, Hamilton. She would try to keep up with the singer as he was doing the rap (说唱). She believed if she could train herself to do this song, then she could train herself to say the letter "R" correctly. Sure enough, rapping along with Miranda's fast-paced rhymes worked, and: Gorman's performance of her piece, The Hill We Climb, ranked among the highlights of the inauguration.

    Overcoming a speech problem is a milestone for her. Gorman said she owes a lot to the Pulitzer Prize winning musical. That was why she included a few references to Hamilton in her inspiring poem, some of which the author of Hamilton noticed: He praised her performance in a post. "You were perfect. Perfectly written, perfectly delivered. "

    1. (1) What did Gorman do to impress the audience at the inauguration?
      A . Share her painful story. B . Read her poem in public. C . Write a poem in real time. D . Express concern for future.
    2. (2) Which word used to be difficult for Gorman to read properly?
      A . Amanda. B . Mickey. C . Hamilton. D . Miranda.
    3. (3) Why did Gorman learn to sing Aaron Burr, Sir?
      A . To win wide recognition. B . To train her singing skills. C . To improve pronunciation. D . To learn fast-paced styles.
    4. (4) What can we learn from Gorman's story?
      A . Learn to walk before you run. B . Practice breaks down barriers. C . Power of role models is great. D . Poem writing is key to success.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    In the early 1990s, my friend Jay was working for IBM and made a good salary. Later, Jay declined an offer from an interesting but small organization because of the low pay. He has regretted it ever since. That small company was Microsoft.

    Regret is a reaction to a disappointing event in your life, such as a choice you made that can't be changed, or something you said that you can't take back. It's a heavy and negative emotion connected to pity, sorrow and helplessness and can last for minutes, days, years or even a lifetime. Regret can increase your stress and throw off the balance of immune (免疫) systems.

    Fortunately, regret can be overcome through interventions. As a psychologist at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, I conducted a research on stressful emotions. In the research, we found people would experience regret for action or inaction. The action-related regrets, although painful, stimulate people to learn from their mistakes and move on. But the regret related to the inaction is more likely to lead to depression and anxiety. Avoiding or denying regret only can increase negative feelings and extend the time people suffer with them. Rather than stay stuck, people can manage these emotions in four steps: First, accept the fact that you are feeling them; determine why you are feeling them; allow yourself to learn from them; and finally, release them and move forward.

    In Jay's case, at first he pushed away his feelings of regret. He continued to struggle with thoughts of what he missed. He did not change until he approached and explored his feelings of regret. Eventually he accepted the fact and reminded himself of his rationale at the time- he failed to recognize the potential of Microsoft. On making future decisions, Jay recognized the importance of obtaining information about opportunities and challenged himself to learn about the big players in the field. Doing so allowed him to move on and ultimately forgive himself.

    1. (1) What does Paragraph 2 mainly focus on about regret?
      A . Its condition. B . Its definition. C . Its variation. D . Its consequence.
    2. (2) What does the finding of the research indicate?
      A . Regret can disappear itself. B . Intervention increases pains. C . Avoidance may relieve stress. D . Acceptance helps manage regret.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "rationale" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
      A . Reason. B . Puzzle. C . Concern. D . Emotion.
    4. (4) Why is Jay's experience mentioned?
      A . To attract more attention to mental diseases. B . To raise awareness of psychological health. C . To demonstrate negative effects of regret. D . To justify the approach to tackling regret.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    When people think of farming today, they usually picture a tractor(拖拉机) rather than horses in the farmland. That's because tractors that relied on engines revolutionized farming in the late 1800 s. Now a new type of tractor can do the same in the 21st century.

    Agriculture has been changing dramatically in the last few. decades. The push for innovation is fed by the need to produce larger amounts of food for a growing world population. Autonomous tractors may be the key to solving this challenge. They can be used to carry out labor-intensive (劳动密集型) farming while allowing farmers to do other work. A big plus is that it can increase crop output while reducing costs because the autonomous machines can work in all weather conditions without any rest.

    Part of push for automation is a shortage of farm workers due to people's desire to have higher paying jobs with better work conditions. Farm owners are competing against companies like Amazon and restaurants that are raising wages to attract workers. "With labor shortages and the increase in the hourly wages that have to be paid in order to be competitive, all of a sudden automation seems like a more reasonable decision," said David Swartz, a professor at Penn State University.

    Many believe the time is ripe for an autonomous revolution because robotics is already in use in agriculture. One. Company that is working to bring autonomous tractors. Into mainstream farming is Blue and White Robotics, an Israeli agricultural technology company, whose mission is to make a fully autonomous farm. The company released an autonomous tractor kit in February 2021 that can be fixed on any existing tractor. The kit includes camera detection, speed controls, as well as an anti-crash system. Blue and White's kit is being used by West Coast growers in the US. It may soon come to a farm near you.

    1. (1) What contributes to the agricultural revolution according to Paragraph 2?
      A . The urge to feed more people. B . The extreme weather conditions. C . The need to reduce farming cost. D . The desire for automatic farming.
    2. (2) What is Swartz's attitude to automation?
      A . Critical. B . Negative. C . Supportive. D . Tolerant.
    3. (3) What can be inferred about Blue and White's kit?
      A . It has been widely used. B . It can be made in many firms. C . It can improve safety of tractors. D . It will detect the way of farming.
    4. (4) What may be a suitable title for the text?
      A . Automation is transforming agriculture B . Big companies are making a difference C . Driverless tractors are worth investing D . Traditional farming is falling out of date
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    While growing up, your parents probably told you to dress warmly when going outside, or else you'll catch a cold. Now, a cold-water immersion (浸没) movement suggests that exposure to the cold actually does the opposite.

    Led by a man named Wim Hof, known by some as the Ice Man, cold water immersion is gaining popularity. You may recognize his name from the documentary The Superhuman World of Wim Hof: The Iceman. Hof's documentary retells how he found himself tragically alone with four children after his wife died in 1995.  One morning, while overlooking a cold stream in the Netherlands, he had the urge to jump in.

    Feeling the intensity of that cold, Hof grew the strength to push past physical and mental limitations. He continued his practice of cold immersion alongside meditation (冥想) and breathing techniques. It was through this practice that he discovered the physical and mental health benefits of this combination of breathwork, meditation and cold immersion.

    According to a cold-water research in the British Journal of Sports Medicine , cold water can have physiological effects including an. increased heart rate, faster breathing rate and higher blood pressure. And, a study of 3, 108 people, published in the journal PLoS One, found that people who take cold showers are 29 percent less likely to call in sick. The researchers concluded that cold showers could make the illnesses less severe.

    So if you want to obtain the benefits of cold-water immersions, you don't have to start by jumping into an ice bath. Hof's programs often begin with short breathing exercises followed by a 30-second cold shower. And they really could keep the doctor away!

    A. Therefore, he started a soul search.

    B. It helps prevent you from getting sick.

    C. They were sick less than the control group.

    D. Besides, it allowed people to do their regular routines.

    E. Finally, he could remain under the icy water for minutes.

    F. More authorities have confirmed benefits of cold showers.

    G. Taking cold-water showers or baths can help feel stronger.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Alicia never thought her mother, Jiamin, would operate a big business. Jiamin worked her whole life as a housewife and had never. 1a business before, but she wanted to do something2. As the owner of the Oakland Fortune Factory, Jiamin delights in3how much people enjoy the unique flavors and designs of their cookies.

    Jiamin moved with her family from Guangdong, China, to Oakland in 1999. She4Alicia in Chinatown, not far from the bakery, which they did not yet own. When the bakery was on the edge of shutting down in 2016, Jiamin decided to5 it.

    Running the bakery posed a number of6. Much of the equipment had to be7and the facility needed improvement. Besides, Jiamin had no8of operating a business and couldn't speak English9Working by herself, she kept calling her daughter day after day, asking her for help. With their intense efforts, the bakery10. After Alicia graduated from college, she moved back to11her mom.

    Today, the business is boosting and the fortune cookies are becoming culture. carriers. For example,some. cookies feature traditional Chinese culture, 12 how amazing the Chinese nation is. To13the Year of the Tiger—Jiamin's birth-year animal —the bakery is making some of its cookies with the Chinese character for tiger.

    "The tiger represents14 and strength," Alicia explained. "It really reminds me of my mom because she's a15 and fearless woman who is protective of her family."

    A . run B . sponsored C . joined D . won
    A . smart B . magic C . different D . popular
    A . imagining B . seeing C . assessing D . proving
    A . abandoned B . visited C . raised D . trained
    A . buy B . fund C . expand D . leave
    A . puzzles B . conflicts C . challenges D . threats
    A . ordered B . transported C . invented D . repaired
    A . experience B . qualification C . energy D . licence
    A . loudly B . efficiently C . bravely D . fluently
    A . broke up B . faded away C . pulled through D . took over
    A . replace B . comfort C . reward D . help
    A . showing B . witnessing C . predicting D . testing
    A . describe B . admire C . advertise D . honor
    A . justice B . courage C . intelligence D . health
    A . generous B . learned C . determined D . curious
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Hundreds of kids and parents are riding their bikes to school every Friday in Barcelona, Spain. They are part of a unique bike bus—bicibus in Spanish. It all(begin) in the Eixample District of Barcelona when five families were looking for a safe and(environmental) friendly way to get to school. Then it mushroomed.

    The bicibus operates just like a school bus with three(stop) along the way for the riders to join and then it stops at several schools in the district. Every week, the organizers publish the route and postto social media so that the families know where(join) the bus. The route is a very busy road20,000 vehicles usually ride every day, It is a (danger) road for kids to. go along to, school, even(accompany)by their parents.

    While these types of bikeways already exist in other parts of Barcelona, they are absent in this neighborhood. The parents of the community are hoping that the city will create school-friendly bikeways that are separated , the main road.

    "Bicycles are a means of transportation. If the population uses their bikes, there will be a healthier, quieter overall better city to live in, " parent Mireia Boix said.

五、写作(共两节,满分 40分)
  • 8. 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Frank来信询问线上学习期间你的体育锻炼情况,请根据以下要点写一封回信。








    Dear Frank,



    Li Hua

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    My writing career began quite accidentally. It was all because of my friend Henry.

    Born into a poor family, Henry had no chance to attend school. He couldn't read but he liked my reading for him greatly. One day I played a little trick on Henry. I was reading him a story from my textbook. Suddenly I moved away from the story and made up my own, pretending to turn pages regularly. Henry, of course, had no idea at all. Upon finishing the story, Henry began to clap.

    "That was the best story you've read me in a long time," he said, still clapping.

    I laughed. "Really?"

    "It was great. Will you read me more of it tomorrow?"

    "Fascinating, "I thought, feeling like a man who discovered a buried treasure in his own backyard. That same night, I tried writing my first short story. It was a story about a man who found a magic cup. If he cried into the cup,his tears turned into pearls (珍珠), but he was a happy man and rarely cried. So he managed to find ways to make himself sad. The story ended with the man sitting on a mountain of pearls, unable to feel happy any longer.

    The next day, I ran to Henry after school, asking him to hear the story and told him I wrote it last night. Henry was totally absorbed in it, his face shifting as the story developed.

    "Some day, you will be a great writer," Henry said. "And your stories will be read all over the world. But can I ask a question? Why didn't the man just eat some onions to make himself cry to get pearls?" I was shocked because I never expected Henry could be helpful to my writing. I rewrote it and with. Henry s encouragement, I sent it to a magazine. To my surprise, it was published and sold well.




    Whenever I finished a new story, I would turn to Henry.


    I decided to use the money to help Henry.

