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更新时间:2022-05-31 浏览次数:43 类型:复习试卷
  • 1. (2020六下·深圳期末) 完形填空

        Something strange happened 1me yesterday. On my way to school, I2a stranger. He stopped me and said, "You are Betty,3You?" "No." I said. He asked, "You know me, don't you?" "No, I don't." I answered. Then he said 4, "You owe (欠) me $100, don't you?" I 5away. At that moment, I remembered my mother's words, "Never talk to strangers."

    A . to B . with C . in
    A . meet B . meets C . met
    A . don't B . are C . aren't
    A . again B . still C . also
    A . run B . ran C . runs
  • 2. (2020六下·深圳期末) 完形填空,选择最佳答案完成短文。

        It was my 1 last Saturday. My family 2 up very early. All my friends got to my home before ten 3. Everyone gave me a nice present and a big hug. We sang together, danced together and 4 together. 5 had a very good time. We ate the cake and noodles. It was really a nice day!

    A . birthday B . Christmas C . Teacher's Day
    A . get B . got C . getting
    A . o'clock B . hours C . minutes
    A . played B . swam C . cooked
    A . Nobody B . Everybody C . Somebody
  • 3. (2020六下·深圳期末) 完形填空

        Last summer holiday, I1to Hong Kong with my family. After breakfast, my father drove the car to Shenzhen. Then we took the train Hong Kong, Hong Kong is not big 2 beautiful. There were many people there before and there are many people today. 3 the first day, we went 4 and went to Disney Land. The next day, we went to the Ocean Park. There are many animals there. We stayed in Hongkong for three days. "Wow, I 5 Hong Kong very much", said my sister.

    A . go B . goes C . went
    A . but B . and C . so
    A . In B . On C . At
    A . shop B . shopping C . shops
    A . like B . likes C . liked
  • 4. (2020六下·深圳期末) 完形填空

        A dog has a piece of meat in his 1. He's going to eat it at home. As he is walking on a bridge, he looks down and see 2 in the river. That dog looks like him and he has a piece of meat in his mouth, too. The dog thinks it's 3    dog. So he says to himself, "I want to eat 4 meat. Then I can have two pieces." He 5 his mouth to bark. That dog in the water barks at him. Suddenly, his meat goes down into the water. The dog is so 6, he jumps into the water to catch the other dog.

    A . head B . nose C . mouth D . ear
    A . herself B . myself C . dogs D . himself
    A . another B . others C . other D . the other
    A . less B . few C . more D . many
    A . open B . opened C . opening D . opens
    A . happy B . angry C . excited D . tired
  • 5. (2020六下·深圳期末) 完形填空

    Yesterday was Saturday. It was hot. Mr. Kings got up early and1breakfast quickly. Then Mr. King2his family to the people's park3his car. Then after that they4to the beach. It was nine o'clock when they got there. There5many people on the beach. Their children enjoyed themselves. Lily6a sandcastle. Lucy flew a kite7some other children. Mr. King and his wife were tired after five days'8. They sat under a tree and had a rest.

    A . having B . have C . had
    A . told B . took C . called
    A . in B . on C . by
    A . go B . going C . went
    A . are B . were C . was
    A . play B . made C . makes
    A . behind B . after C . with
    A . time B . home C . work

