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更新时间:2022-05-31 浏览次数:57 类型:复习试卷
  • 1. (2020六下·深圳期末) 补全对话

    A. be careful

    B. I must walk slowly.

    C. Where are you going to go tonight?

    D. Have a good evening.

    E. I'm going to go to the cinema.

    Miss Li: Hi, Andy. Hi, Mary.

    Andy: I'm going to go to the swimming pool.

    Miss Li: Oh, . You mustn't walk quickly near the swimming pool.

    Andy: I know.

    Miss Li: Where are you going to go, Mary?


    Miss Li: You mustn't talk loudly there. You should listen carefully.

    Mary: That's right, Miss Li.

    Miss Li: You too.

  • 2. (2020六下·深圳期末) 从下列方框中选出合适的句子完成对话。

    A. First, you should eat when everyone has food in the plate.

    B. No, you shouldn't.

    C. Yes, it is.

    D. You shouldn't talk when food is in my mouth either.

    E. What should I do when I eat in Germany?

    A: I'll go to Germany next holiday.  


    A: Should I put my hands under the table?


    A: Is it good to eat all food in the plate?


    A: Thanks a lot.

  • 3. (2020六下·深圳期末) 选择方框中的句子补全对话。

    A. What are you going to do for your father?

    B. My father likes robots, too

    C. How about you, Alice?

    D. Let's meet at two o'clock at the school gate.

    E.You father will be happy about it.

    Monitor: Children, Father's Day is coming.

    Linda: I am going to cook for my dad.

    Monitor: Sounds good.

    Alice: I am going to fly a kite with him this weekend.

    Tom: Good for you. My father is a businessman. I'm going to buy a tie for him.

    Monitor: That's a good idea.

    Sam: My father likes crafts. I think I can make a robot for him in the Art class.

    Peter: . Can we make robots together?

    Sam: Sure. Why not go and get some wood this afternoon?

    Peter: Ok.

    Sam: Great. See you then.

  • 4. (2020六下·深圳期末) 选出合适的句子完成对话。

    A. Well, I had a fever.

    B. Which one?

    C. I only read a few pages today.

    D. Was it difficult?

    E. Quite busy.

    F. I hope you feel better now.

    Two friends are talking after their holiday.

    Jack: Hi, Pat! How was your holiday?

    Pat: I had a lot to do.

    Jack: Really?

    Pat: Well, I helped my mother at home and read a book.


    Pat: Journey to the West. It was great.


    Pat: A little. My dictionary helped me a lot. How was your holiday?


    Pat: Sorry to hear that.

  • 5. (2020六下·深圳期末) 从所给的句子中选出合适的完成对话。

    A. Where shall we go?

    B. When shall we start out?

    C. May I speak to Sandy, please?

    D. What can we do there?

    E. Would you please bring your sports shoes?

    W: Hello!

    M: Hello! This is Mark.

    W: Yes, this is Sandy. Anything new?

    M: It's weekend tomorrow. Shall we go for a spring outing?

    W: Sounds great!

    M: What about the Yellowstone Park? There are the most beautiful Ones this time of the season.

    W: Good!

    M: Well, we can fish, camp and have a picnic. We'll do a lot of walking, too.

    W: Sure.

    M: I'll pick you up at about 7 tomorrow morning, OK?

    W: OK! See you!

  • 6. (2019六下·龙岗期末) 阅读补全对话

    A. It's time for lunch. I'm a bit hungry.

    B. How beautiful these dresses are!

    C. What is your favourite colour?

    D. I'd like dumplings and some noodles.

    E. How much is it?

    Lisa: Would you like to go to the shop to look at some clothes?

    Candy: Sure!

    Lisa: Look!

    Candy. Yes, and in so many colours! Red, green, yellow, white and orange.


    Candy: Red. Red is my favourite colour.

    Lisa: Which one do you want?

    Candy: The short one, please.

    Lisa: It's 88 yuan.

    Candy: OK, I'll take it.

    Lisa: Thanks.

    Candy: Oh, it's 11 o'clock.

    Lisa: Why don't we have lunch together? What would you like?


    Lisa: OK. Let's go to Mian dianwang.

    Candy: Great! Let's go!

