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更新时间:2022-06-30 浏览次数:71 类型:期末考试
  • 16. 听录音,回答问题
    1. (1) —What day is it today?


      A . Tuesday B . Wednesday C . Thursday
    2. (2) —What's the new science teacher like?

      —He is_____.

      A . funny and strict B . friendly and funny C . friendly and hard-working
  • 17. 听录音,回答问题
    1. (1) —What is Amy going to buy?

      —She's going to buy a new_____.

      A . English magazine B . English dictionary C . postcard
    2. (2) —Where is the bookstore?

      —It's next to the_____.

      A . post office B . hospital C . library
    3. (3) —How can Amy get there?

      —She can take the_____ bus.

      A . No. 4 B . No. 15 C . No. 14
  • 18. 根据发音规则。选择正确的选项

    A. nurse    B. card     C. truck    D. fox     E. horse

    1. (1) Look at the duck. It's in the.
    2. (2) Mort and his get wet in the storm.
    3. (3) A finds a purple purse.
    4. (4) Mart is drawing a car on the.
    5. (5) The and the ox fight for the box.
  • 19. 理解单词意思,找到它们同类的单词,选择正确的序号。

    A. tonight  B. mouse  C. active   D. September   E. fridge   F. bought

    1. (1) fan    light   
    2. (2) yesterday   tomorrow    
    3. (3) saw   slept    
    4. (4) January    August   
    5. (5) polite    quiet    
    6. (6) tiger    sheep   
  • 34. 情景交际。读对话,选择正确的句子

    Sarah: Hello, John. This is Sarah.

    John: It was happy and interesting.

    Sarah: What did you do?

    John: We sang and danced together.

    Sarah: Did you do any housework for your mum?

    John: I cleaned the rooms. What about you?

    Sarah: I cooked yummy food with my mum. But I miss my dad. He works all the time.


    Sarah: He's a policeman. He often helps people in need. I'm proud(骄傲) of him.

    John: Well, what are you going to be?

    Sarah: I'm going to be a police officer, just like my father!

    John: Cool!

    A. We had a birthday party for my mum.  
    B. He's really great.

    C. How was your last weekend?            
    D. Yes. I did.

    E. What does he do?

  • 35. Mike和家人正在计划假期旅行,请阅读下列广告(ads),选择正确的选项完成题目。

    Trip 1. One Week in the Mountains

    Take your strong shoes and warm clothes for this walk in the beautiful Green Mountains. You may go hiking or have a try of rock(岩石) climbing. You can find many kinds of animals there.

    Time: July 1st- July 7th   Tel: 6278 9818

    Adult(成人) : $ 110   Child: $ 55                    _________

    Trip 2. Three Days in the Countryside

    There are many beautiful gardens. You can take the wonderful pictures in Hunter Valley (猎人谷). It is a good place for fishing and horse riding. Bird lovers can also go for a great walk.

    Time: July 20th-July 22nd   Tel: 6495 6123

    Adult: $ 50   Child: $ 25                            _________

    Trip 3. Camping Adventure(探险)

    Put on your warm clothes, bring a tent(帐篷), and come for a three- day walk along tiger Leaping Gorge(虎跳峡). It's a trip full of adventure. But you will see many kinds of the plants. And you can take many nice pictures there.

    Time: August 2nd-August 5th

    Te1: 6797 6691

    Adult: $ 30   Not for children                      _________

    Trip 4. Five Days by the Sea

    Wear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine all the lime from morning to evening. Our hotel is next to the sea. We have many boats, too. You can swim in the sea or in the swimming pool. Every day our heat will take you to swim in different places.

    Time: August 11th-August 16th    Tel: 6375 7239

    Adult: $ 80   Child: $ 40                        _________

    1. (1) 任务一:请你给广告添加图片,将图片序号填入正确的位置。

      A.   B.    C.    D.

    2. (2) If Mike wants to enjoy the sunshine with his faintly by the sea, he can call _____.
      A . 6278-9818 B . 6375-7239 C . 6495-6123
    3. (3) Mike and his parents want to stay in Hunter Valley. How much should Mike pay(付款)?
      A . $75 B . $ 100 C . $ 125
    4. (4) Mike can't take a trip to_____.
      A . Green mountains B . Tiger Leaping Gorge C . Hunter Valley
  • 36. 小记者们正在调查关于学生们对穿校服的不同看法,请阅读下面的采访内容,选择正确的选项完成题目。

    In most schools, all students must wear school uniforms (校服) when they are at school, because of the school rule(规则). But not every student likes the school uniform.

    Lily, a 12-year-old girl from No. 1 Primary School, said, "I don't like my school uniform at all. It is too ugly (丑). I think young girls should wear some colourful clothes. But I have to wear it every day."

    However, Jack, a 11-year-old boy, also a primary school student, has different opinions(意见). He said, "I like my school uniform. I think it is very beautiful. The uniform is a symbol of my school. Everyone will know my school when they see my school uniform. And I love my school very much."

    Mr. Chen, a teacher, told the reporter, "It's good for the students to wear uniforms. My daughter spent much time on her clothes before. But now, she seldom(很少) asks me to buy clothes for her because she has to wear the school uniform."

    Do you like your school uniform? Welcome to write to us.

    1. (1) Most school students must wear the school uniform because____.
      A . it's the school rule B . the uniforms are beautiful C . they don't have money to buy new clothes
    2. (2) What do you know about Lily?
      A . She is a 11-year-old girl. B . She never wears her school uniforms. C . She doesn't like her school uniforms.
    3. (3) What does Jack think of his school uniforms?
      A . He thinks it is ugly. B . He thinks it is beautiful. C . He thinks it is too expensive.
    4. (4) The uniform is a symbol of my school. Symbol means(意思是)____.
      A . 标志 B . 制度 C . 要求
    5. (5) From the interview(采访) ,we know that_____.
      A . all the students like the school uniforms B . different students have different opinions C . Mr.Chen doesn't like the student to wear the school uniforms
  • 37. 新冠疫情期间人们的生活方式发生很大变化,请阅读新闻报道,选择正确的选项完成题目。

    The novel coronavirus pneumonia (新冠肺炎) was first found in Wuhan, Hubei in December, 2019. People should stay at home and change a lot of their lifestyle(生活方式).

    Most of us love delicious food. But now many Chinese are changing their eating habits(习惯). Young people loved takeout food before, but now they cook at home. Some even share food videos(视频) at dinner times. It's a special way to say hello to each other when we can't have face-to-face dinner.

    People can't go outside because of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, but they call use their phones to do it. Many online entertainment resources(在线娱乐资源)can help stay-at-home visitors have much fun. Such as online exhibitions of tile Panoramic Palace Museum(全景故宫).You can see it on its website(网站).By putting on VR glasses, people can take a trip to the 600-year-old museum. They can see its halls, gardens and even Palace Museum in snowy days.

    In late January, China delayed(延迟) starting the new school semester(学期) and students started to study online at home. Most of students love online study, because they can get tip later every morning. Many students learned how to make study calendars and learn by themselves.

    1. (1) When was the novel coronavirus pneumonia (新冠肺炎) first found in Wuhan?
      A . Jan.2019. B . Dec.2019. C . Dec.2020.
    2. (2) What's a special way to say hello to each other whorl people can't have face-to-face dinner?
      A . Studying at home. B . Sharing food videos. C . Eating takeout food.
    3. (3) People can_____ for entertainment resources because of the novel coronavirus pneumonia.
      A . use the phone B . go outside C . take a trip
    4. (4) People can't see the_____ of Palace Museum with VR glasses.
      A . halls B . gardens C . Great Wall
    5. (5) Which of following is Not right(正确)?
      A . The new school semester starts in January, 2020. B . People can see the Panoramic Palace Museum on its website. C . People changed a lot of their lifestyle.
  • 38. 当下,中国的疫情得到了很好的控制,但我们不能忘记战疫的英雄们!请根据思维导图,补全样例并仿写。注意有些单词要变形哦!

    My mother is a teacher. She's .

    She likes doing sports.

    Last winter holiday, she had classes online. And she skipped rope with me. That was so interesting.

    My aunt is a nurse. She works in a .

    She's very beautiful. She likes reading magazines.

    Last winter holiday, she worked a long time a day.

    She helped sick people. That was so .

    My mother is a worker. She works in a factory.

    She's kind. She likes.

    Last winter holiday, she worked hard to make new masks. She for me. That was so wonderful.

    I'm a student. I'm . I like . Last winter holiday,


  • 39. 购物商场正在做促销活动,请阅读下列活动,将5张优惠券与活动配对。

    A. Free Fruit Drink     
    B. Buy one, get one free

    C. Buy one, get one half price   
    D.  Win a wonderful prize

    E.  Ten percent off

    1. (1) Show this at the Book Store on any books you buy, and you can get 10% discount(折扣).
    2. (2) Welcome to MK Music Store! Just any 2 CDs and you'll have chance to get the prize of $ 1000.
    3. (3) Buy one T-shirt or cap at Jasic's Shop. You can get one T-shirt or cap for free.
    4. (4) Buy any full-price film ticket on weekends, and you can buy a second ticket for only hall price.
    5. (5) Buy any meal for at least $ 6 at Jay's Cafe, and you cart get a fruit drink tree.
  • 40. 如今网购越来越普遍,阅读文章Online shopping选择单词填空,有些单词要变形哦!
    like   on     look    thing    low

    Online shopping

    Nowadays more and more people like online shopping for a number ofreasons (原因) :
    Online shopping

    Nowadays more and more people like online shopping for a number ofreasons (原因) :
    1. You can choose any time of the day or night to get  the Internet and go shopping.                                                                                                                                                          
    2. Prices are often than shops.
    3. You can compare(比较) prices from hundreds of different goods( 货物).
    4. You have more choices( 选择).I[ you can't find what you want in one shop online,
    you can move on to another one,
    But some people don't like online shopping , because they think:                 
    1. You can't try on.
    2. You have a question about what you're
    at, you can't talk to someone immediately(立刻地).
    3. Many people worry about their online privacy( 隐私).Do you online.
    shopping or not?

