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更新时间:2022-06-07 浏览次数:93 类型:期中考试
  • 7. 看一看,写一写。
    1. (1) 穿 _________
    2. (2) 凉快的 _________
    3. (3) fly(过去式) _________
    4. (4) read(过去式) ________
    5. (5) in the middle of(写出汉语意思) __________
  • 14. 情景交际


    ⑴Could you pass me my pen?   

    ⑵Where did he go yesterday?   

    ⑶How many tigers were there?   

    ⑷What's the matter?   

    ⑸Did you stay at home?   


    A. There were about six.

    B. Of course. Here you are.

    C. I have a fever.

    D. He went to the zoo.

    E. No, I went to the park.

  • 20. 补全对话

    went    by    on    Who    What    How

    (F=Fang fang, L=Li Ming)

    F: What did you do Sunday?

    L: I to the zoo.

    F:   took you there?

    L: My father.

    F: did you go there?

    L: We went there bus.

  • 22. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    Once there lived a giant(巨人). He had a big garden. There were many beautiful flowers and trees in it. Birds sang in the trees and children liked to play in the garden.

    One day, the giant came back after a long trip. He saw the children playing in his garden. He was very angry. He built a high wall around the garden. But from then on, it was always winter in the garden. The giant was very sad.

    One morning, the giant looked out and found many children playing in the garden. The trees were green and the birds sang again.

    The giant came out and said, "It's your garden now, little children." And then he pulled down the wall.

    1. (1) The giant had a_________.
      A . big house B . big garden C . child
    2. (2) He first saw the children playing in his garden, he was very_________.
      A . sad B . happy C . angry
    3. (3) But from then on, it was always_________ in the garden.
      A . Summer B . spring C . winter
    4. (4) Did the giant build a high wall around the garden after a long trip?
      A . No, he didn't. B . Yes, he did. C . Yes, he didn't.
    5. (5) At last, the giant_________ the will.
      A . pulled down B . cut down C . built

